Han Ruoxing chuckled, That's strange. Who issued the invoice for more than five million yuan to Manager Gou?

Manager Gou was still quibbling to himself, I guess... the new accountant made a mistake. Mr. Han, the top priority now is to find out who stole the company's official seal and pretended to be me to pick up so many goods.

While Manager Gou was talking, the deputy store manager came in to deliver the goods. As soon as Manager Sun saw the deputy store manager, he immediately said, That's him. He came to pick up the goods from me with his official seal! I told him he was from your store!

Manager Gou was startled, and his face instantly turned pale.

He finally understood what was going on. Why was he using his name to get goods? The deputy store manager must have been instructed by Han Ruoxing to use his name to get the goods on credit.

The purpose was to let the raw material supplier come to her door to demand payment, so that she could expose his lies face to face.

After all, if she confronted him face to face, given his relationship with the supplier, the other party would definitely be willing to tell him the truth as long as he said a word.

Han Ruoxing knew this, so he first created a conflict, and then revealed to his face that he secretly changed suppliers to annoy Manager Sun. When Manager Sun learned the truth, he would naturally not help him cover it up, and everything would be revealed.

Han Ruoxing said with a cold face, You changed suppliers without permission, issued false invoices, and defrauded the company's property. Manager Gou, you are so brave!

Manager Gou's legs couldn't help but trembled, but he still said harshly, Han...Mr. Han, I changed suppliers, but I defrauded the company's property. For such a big crime, you can't blame me just based on speculation. Damn, I changed suppliers because their raw materials grew too much, and I also wanted to pay the company the cost of terminating the contract.

Han Ruoxing sneered, You have such a tough mouth.

As he spoke, he threw a document to him, Manager Gou, would you like to explain where the huge income in your bank account in the past few years comes from? How can you, a person with an annual salary of 700,000, afford more than 2,000? Wan’s house?”

Manager Gou looked at the evidence and his face gradually turned gray.

Since Manager Gou doesn't know, let the police come and find out clearly.

As soon as Han Ruoxing finished speaking, Su Wanqin's voice came from the door, What happened to alert the police?

Han Ruoxing paused and looked up.

Su Wanqin slowly pushed the door open with her assistant Cheng Yue. She was smiling and her voice was very soft, I heard your voice as soon as I went upstairs. You are becoming more and more like a big boss.

Han Ruoxing pursed her lips and stood up, Aunt Su, why are you here?

Your dad has had a sore throat these past two days. I went to the doctor to get some medicine. I happened to be passing by, so I thought I would come over and take a look.

After speaking, he paused and said to Manager Gou, Jianxun, make me a cup of tea.

Just as Manager Gou was about to agree, Han Ruoxing said, It's better to ask someone from the company to help you clubbing. He has been fired.

Expelled? Su Wanqin glanced at Manager Gou, What's going on? What mistake did he make? Why was he fired?

Falsely reporting invoices, defrauding the company's property, recycling the company's scraps at low prices, and reselling them at high prices, Han Ruoxing paused, Aunt Su, he has made a lot of money by reselling those scraps over the years. Your money is not Everything went into his pocket, this is his bank account over the years, take a look.

Su Wanqin frowned.

She naturally knew that Manager Gou had some small tricks in private, but she turned a blind eye. Firstly, it was because of her own family, and secondly, it really allowed her to worry less and worry more.

But now that she saw these evidences, she realized how much money this person had blackmailed her.

Su Wanqin asked with a sullen face, threw the papers in Manager Gou's face, and scolded, Unworthy things!

Manager Gou had a pale face and did not dare to speak back.

She had a cold face, calmed down her anger, and then said, This thing did such a thing, and my face is shameful. However, it is not wise for you to shoot him at this time.

Firstly, Jianxun is the oldest employee in the store. Not long after you took over, you hired two old employees in a row. Outsiders knew about it and thought you couldn't control it, so you had to make a big change. Secondly, Qiyuji is currently short of manpower. , now that you have fired him, for such an important position, if no one can help you control it, something will definitely go wrong; thirdly, if you make too much trouble and spread the word about shoddy goods, others will definitely question the quality of the company's products, thus affecting the quality of the company's products. sales volume.

Han Ruoxing sneered in her heart, but she looked very humbly on her face, Then what does Aunt Su think of handling it?

Su Wanqin said, In my opinion, it's better to keep him first and give him a chance to make meritorious service. If he still refuses to change his ways, it won't be too late for you to expel him.

Haha - Han Ruoxing chuckled, If he steals my money, should I open my pockets and continue to steal for him? What's more, defrauding the company's property is a crime. I think it's better to leave this matter to the police. .”

Manager Gou immediately couldn't sit still, Cousin...

Before he could say anything, when he met Su Wanqin's eyes, he suddenly stopped.

Su Wanqin pursed her lips, Ruoxing, Jianxun has been in the company for many years. Although he has made mistakes, he has made countless contributions. After you accepted Qiyuji, he also tried his best to help you. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Some things , can’t be too extreme.”

Seeing that Han Ruoxing was silent, Su Wanqin said again, I know that Qiyuji's business has not been very good recently. You also worked very hard to hold that press conference to attract customers, but the results were very little. So, let me help you stabilize it first. Customer connections, how about you also give Jianxun a chance?

Good guy, really good guy!

The calculation was that it was fake to intercede for Manager Gou, but it was true that he wanted to take the opportunity to take back control.

Qiyuji's revenue has indeed not caught up with before, but it has obviously picked up after the press conference. Su Wanqin is not worried that she will not be able to do it, but that she will start doing it.

Han Ruoxing was thinking about how to retort when there was a knock on the office door. The assistant opened the door and came in, whispering, Mr. Han, please come down and take a look. Miss Yang came to the store with a group of people. It seems like she is going to cause trouble.

Han Ruoxing was startled, Yang Yuwei?

Why did she come here now?

Han Ruoxing couldn't think too much. She couldn't sit still when she heard the word making trouble and hurriedly got up and went over, What's going on?

I don't know yet. More than a dozen people came here in a fierce manner. She looked so fierce, and we didn't dare to ask.

After Han Ruoxing left, Cheng Yue whispered to Su Wanqin, Yang Jinfeng's daughter is very difficult to deal with. I'm afraid the person who comes here is unkind.

Su Wanqin's lips twitched, Go down and have a look.

Downstairs lobby.

Yang Yuwei was sitting on the sofa, looking through the product brochures on the table expressionlessly.

From time to time, he glanced towards the stairs, and when he saw Han Ruoxing appearing, he immediately looked away and sat upright.

Don't you have any good designers? Why don't you show this rubbish to me?

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