Once this identity was exposed, Qiao Siyao was instantly pushed to the forefront.

Whether it was as an adopted orphan before or later as Shi Qi, Qiao Siyao's use of his influence to manipulate public opinion and harvest traffic was extremely disgusting.

What made people even more outraged was that she was also the beneficiary of the kindergarten incident.

She is the person who knows the inside story best, but she still confuses right and wrong on the Internet, shouting Catch the thief!

So after Qiao Xu exposed her, her personal information, such as her ID number, mobile phone number, personal photos and home address, were quickly leaked online.

On the afternoon when Qiao Siyao and Xiao Xu terminated their contract, her phone was bombarded in turn.

Even on the street, people recognized her and insulted her in the street. Overnight, Qiao Siyao became a street rat that everyone yelled at.

She didn't dare to go out, or even order takeout, for fear that the delivery man would recognize her and expose her current address.

When Lin Shu came over to give her a new mobile phone card and food, Qiao Siyao's condition looked worse than the previous two days. She was frightened. He knocked on the door for a few minutes, and after being confirmed by her again and again, he opened the door and let her go. He goes in.

You can use this card to contact me during this period until the limelight subsides.

Qiao Siyao was so hungry that she completely ignored what Lin Shu said. She took away the bag of food, opened a bag of bread and started to eat happily.

Lin Shu looked at her devouring the food and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Qiao Siyao had evil intentions, but her current outcome was indeed a bit cruel to her.

Seeing that her face was red from choking on her food, Lin Shu unscrewed a bottle of water from the bag and handed it to her.

Qiao Siyao grabbed it and drank half the bottle before swallowing the food that was stuck in her esophagus.

Lin Shu then spoke, I have done what I promised you. Now you can tell me who the person who gave you the note is.

Qiao Siyao glanced at him with her disheveled hair, You calm down the current public opinion for me, find a job for me, and I'll tell you.

Lin Shu's face darkened, Miss Qiao, what we said at the beginning was that I would help you terminate the contract with Xiao Xu, and you would tell me who it was. Are you going back on your word now?

Qiao Siyao sneered, You helped me terminate the contract with him, but why don't you clean up your tail? That piece of shit, he exposed my personal information. Now I'm being doxxed and insulted, and I can't even find a job. How do I survive?”

I only promise to help you terminate the contract. As for what Xiao Xu will do, that is a grudge between you. I can't predict it.

Then you help me settle it, or give me five million, and I can tell you, he said with a smile, Five million is just a drop in the bucket to Gu Jingyan, he should be very willing to spend this money.

Lin Shu stared at the woman in front of him with an indescribable gloominess in his eyes. He felt ashamed of his sympathy for her just now. Some people simply refused to repent and could not make trouble. Without the trump card that can be used, the greedy nature is exposed.

Lin Shu's voice became colder, Mr. Gu will not pay for this.

Qiao Siyao opened another box of bread, Then I have no comment.

Lin Shu stared at her for a few seconds, then suddenly grabbed her wrist, jerked her up from the sofa, and pulled her out.

Qiao Siyao was startled and had no time to react. She was dragged along.

Lin Shu always gave the impression of being gentle and gentle to everyone, so she subconsciously thought that this person was easy to manipulate and bully.

However, if Lin Shu could stay by Gu Jingyan's side for so long, how could he be an ordinary person? He just has a habit of being polite first and then fighting.

Qiao Siyao came to her senses and began to struggle desperately, What are you doing? Let me go!

Lin Shu's voice was extremely cold, Miss Qiao seems to have forgotten who provided her residence at the moment. Since I can't hear what I want from you, then I don't need to treat you politely.

Then he opened the door and threw her out.

Qiao Siyao didn't expect Lin Shu to do this, and suddenly panicked, Don't you want to know who handed me the note?

Lin Shu said coldly, I told you before that if you don't have a heart, I can still find it. It just takes some time.

As she spoke, she threw out her ideal.

Qiao Siyao saw that he was serious and said hurriedly, I haven't found that person yet. If you don't even know who he is, where can you find him?

That's my business, Lin Shu glanced at the time, You haven't reached the gate yet, so hurry up or I'll ask the security guard to ask you to leave.

Qiao Siyao's expression changed, and she gritted her teeth and said, One million, as long as one million, I will tell you who it is!

Lin Shu directly dialed the property management number, Hello, a strange woman broke into my house...

Ten minutes later, Qiao Siyao was asked out of the community by security guards while cursing her.

Of course, Lin Shu didn't really give up. He understood the thoughts of people like Qiao Siyao very well. If he wanted to pry open their mouths, he couldn't act too eagerly. Once she knew how important the information she had was, she would keep using it. To gain value for yourself.

Naturally, Lin Shu would not give her this opportunity. She had no money now and was despised by all the people on the Internet. If she could not persist for a few days, she would take the initiative to find him. Then it would be time to actually collect information.

Qiao Siyao had nowhere to go, so she tried to contact Bai Boxian.

When Bai Boxian saw Qiao Siyao's call, he secretly glanced at the sleeping woman next to him, got out of bed lightly, and walked outside before answering.

Uncle, lend me some money.

Qiao Siyao got straight to the point.

Bai Boxian frowned, I didn't give you ten thousand last time, why do you want it again?

Qiao Siyao sobbed hoarsely, That 10,000 yuan has been robbed by debt collectors a long time ago. Uncle, you can't ignore me.

Bai Boxian just felt bored. After Bai Huizhu and Qiao Xusheng were both arrested, Qiao Siyao contacted him every now and then to ask for money. He missed his old relationship and felt guilty for betraying Bai Huizhu, so he gave Qiao Siyao hundreds of thousands.

However, Qiao Siyao was heavily in debt, which was basically a bottomless pit. He was just a toy on Mo Shiyun's pillow. How could he have so much money to fill this hole?

He simply revealed the truth, I am not your uncle, and your mother and I are not related by blood.

Qiao Siyao was stunned, Uncle, what did you say?

Don't you understand yet? Qiao Sirui is my son. What do you think my relationship is with your mother?

Bai Boxian is just a cover to facilitate my affair with her.

Qiao Siyao's mind exploded. She visited Bai Huizhu several times, but Bai Huizhu never mentioned this matter.

No wonder Bai Boxian was anxious to distance himself from the Qiao family after something happened. That's why.

I still have 10,000 yuan here. I'll transfer it to you later. It can be regarded as repaying your mother's sponsorship for me. Live a good life and don't call me again in the future.

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