That slap was so strong that Qiao Siyao's eyes glowed with gold.

Seeing that the man was about to slap her for the second time, Qiao Siyao closed her eyes with despair.

However, the second slap did not fall, and a familiar voice came to my ears, Sir, I have recorded the video of you beating someone. If you do it again, I will submit this to the police. The evidence is conclusive and the case will be closed. How many days you have is not a problem.”

The man gritted his teeth and said, Stop meddling in other people's business! She owes me money!

Lin Shu didn't talk nonsense and was about to call the police. Seeing this, the man shook off his hand and said harshly to Qiao Siyao, Wait for me!

Then he took away the money from the wallet, threw the leather armor on the ground and walked away.

Lin Shu picked up the wallet from the ground, gently brushed off the dust, and handed it to Qiao Siyao.

Ms. Qiao, is it convenient for us to chat?

Qiao Siyao raised the corners of her lips coldly, Why, you were ordered to add insult to injury?

Lin Shu said warmly, I have something to ask Miss Qiao.

Qiao Siyao's face was swollen and she said impatiently, What do you want to ask?

Lin Shu got straight to the point, How did you get into Mr. Gu's room on Mr. Shen's birthday?

Qiao Siyao was startled, looking Lin Shu up and down, and after a long time she said, Why do you ask?

You just have to answer who let you in.

Qiao Siyao chuckled, You want to know? Then help me pay off the debt, and I will tell you.

Lin Shu said nothing.

Qiao Siyao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. In her eyes, Lin Shu was just a broken assistant, no different from the assistants Qiao Xu had promoted, just serving tea and pouring water.

When he didn't say anything, she turned to leave. The debt collectors had already discovered her hiding place. She had to move quickly, but she didn't know if she had enough money left to pay the rent.

Just as she turned around, Lin Shu said, I can help you get rid of Xiao Xu.

Qiao Siyao paused and turned around suddenly, What did you say?

Lin Shu looked calm and said slowly, I said I can help you get rid of Xiao Xu's control. With Miss Qiao's ability, it is not difficult to make money to support herself.

Qiao Siyao's expression changed rapidly.

She hated Han Ruoxing and Gu Jingyan so much, but her survival was now a problem. Even if she was resentful, she didn't have the heart or ability to care about those grudges.

If Lin Shu could help her get rid of Xiao Xu, at least she wouldn't have to live a life of hiding and hiding like she does now.

Can you really help me get rid of Xiao Xu?

Lin Shu went back to the original question, As long as Miss Qiao tells the truth.

Qiao Siyao pondered for a moment and then said, Someone handed me a note that day, telling me which room Gu Jingyan was in, and the room card was also given to me along with the note.

Lin Shu said in a deep voice, Who?

That's it... Qiao Siyao paused and twitched her lips, First rent a house for me, help me leave Xiao Xu, and then I'll tell you the rest.

Lin Shu frowned, The information you provided is too little. How do I know if you are lying or deceiving others?

Qiao Siyao said, What happened that day was too strange, so I took a photo of the note at the time.

As she spoke, she took out the photo from her hand and handed it to Lin Shu.

There was a series of numbers written on it, 0713. Next to the note was a room card. The shooting date was indeed the day of Shen Qingchuan's accident. Qiao Siyao did not lie.

Lin Shu was holding his cell phone and was about to take a photo when Qiao Siyao immediately put away his cell phone and said, If you do what I said, I will send it to you again.

Lin Shu frowned, Aren't you worried about someone harming you, so you just passed by?

Don't try to get anything out of me, Qiao Siyao said coldly, If you want to know who gave it to me, let's see what you do.

Lin Shu glanced at her and said in a deep voice, Okay, I'll help you, but you can't tell anyone about what I'm asking you for today, including the person who handed you the note. If the information is leaked, you will be responsible for the consequences. After he paused for a moment, he added, I can't investigate this matter only through you.

Qiao Siyao's eyes darkened and she nodded, I promise you.

After Lin Shu left the low-rent house, he immediately contacted Gu Jingyan to explain the situation, Mr. Gu, you guessed it right. Someone indeed guided Qiao Siyao there, but she refused to reveal who gave her the room card unless he helped her get rid of Xiao Siyao. I agree to Xu’s control for the time being.”

Gu Jingyan's eyes were deep and he asked softly, Who do you think it could be?

Lin Shu didn't dare to speculate. After all, most of the people who went there that day were acquaintances.

I think the person who handed Qiao Siyao the room card was most likely not a guest at the birthday party that day, but probably a staff member. And after this incident, Qiao Siyao never saw him (her) again, otherwise she would have been in Mrs. She suffered a loss there, and it’s impossible not to hold the person who led her there accountable, otherwise he wouldn’t have kept the note.”

Lin Shu's words coincided with Gu Jingyan's guess. He even had a vague suspicion, but... he couldn't believe it.

Gu Jingyan closed his eyes and spoke for a long time, Qiao Siyao, follow your plan to pry her mouth. On the other hand, check the list of hotel staff who resigned from half a year ago, and who was invited to perform that day. Ask the teams and individuals one by one, don’t make too much noise, and don’t alert others.”


After hanging up the phone, Gu Jingyan paced back and forth, and finally picked up the phone and dialed a number, Dr. Wang, hello, it's me, Gu Jingyan, um, are you free this afternoon? I want to ask you some questions, okay, then at 3 p.m. Ask me to come over, okay, um, see you in the afternoon.

Lin Shu was very efficient. He rented a new house for Qiao Siyao the next day and paid the rent for a year.

Qiao Siyao was very satisfied with her new residence and moved there quickly.

In return, she sent the photo to Lin Shu, but still did not tell Lin Shu who gave it to her, saying that she would wait until she was completely free from Xiao Xu.

Lin Shu also quickly mobilized his contacts to contact Xiao Xu and tried to communicate with him to terminate his contract with Qiao Siyao.

Xiao Xushizi opened his mouth and asked for 20 million liquidated damages before he would let him go.

Naturally, Lin Shu would not let his boss spend such unjust money. Qiao Siyao was the fastest way to check, but it was not the only way.

He made some moves and put pressure on Xiao Xu, but Xiao Xu soon couldn't hold on any longer.

He didn't believe a word of Lin Shuhua's pie, but he wouldn't let him go. His account was restricted, his company was restricted, and all his channels for making money were gone.

So he reluctantly agreed to terminate the contract with Qiao Siyao, but asked Qiao Siyao to pay back five million to him within three years, otherwise he would sue her.

Qiao Siyao was anxious to get rid of him, and the two parties quickly reached an agreement. However, on the day of the termination of the contract, Xiao Xu was tricked and exposed that Shi Qi was Qiao Siyao, the illegitimate daughter of the Qiao family who had framed her as being abused by Han Ruoxing on the Internet a while ago. The daughter of the founder of Chenguang Kindergarten.

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