Han Ruoxing was also stunned for a moment by the question.

After drinking, her brain reaction was much slower than usual. She thought for a few seconds and said hesitantly, Maybe... he is not feeling well. When I went there that day, his face was not very good and he could not stand still. After drinking The water will be better after it slows down for a while.”

Gu Jingyan frowned, Why didn't you tell me about this at the time?

Han Ruoxing hummed, You cuckold me, what else can I say to you? Who knows if you put Qiao Siyao in on purpose?

Gu Jingyan...

He said angrily, How could I let her in when I was so drunk? Why didn't you say it was Mo Mingxuan who put her in my room?

Lawyer Mo? Han Ruoxing frowned, poked his eyebrows, and said slowly, Then he is so kind. He didn't forget to give you benefits while you were drunk. Brother, your virginity was not in vain.

Gu Jingyan vomited blood.

My brain doesn't know how to turn around anymore, otherwise I wouldn't be able to say this.

Gu Jingyan hugged her tightly and played Song Tianjun's call on his mobile phone, Tell Uncle Song that A Xing won't be going back tonight.

Song Tianjun's eyelids twitched, Who did you ask to cover you?

Gu Jingyan: Brother.


Gu Jingyan brought Han Ruoxing back to Yunding International. After the waiter went to bed, he took his mobile phone outside and dialed Lin Shu's number, asking him to retrieve the surveillance of Shen Qingchuan's birthday night.

Lin Shu happened to be having dinner with friends nearby. When he received a call from Gu Jingyan, he hurriedly left.

Friends joked, It's not easy to earn your high salary. Are you on call 24 hours a day?

Lin Shu didn't explain, he just smiled and said, Just have fun and charge it to my account.

Gu Jingyan is naturally not someone who exploits his employees without restraint. As long as he is off work and there is nothing too important, he will not disturb his rest time.

There must be some reason for being so anxious to retrieve the surveillance for that day.

However, Shen Qingchuan's birthday was already more than half a year ago, and the hotel's surveillance is generally only kept for one month, so Lin Shu missed it.

Without surveillance, the only person who knows the truth is the person involved.

Qiao Siyao's life has been very difficult recently.

The cases of Qiao Xusheng and Bai Huizhu have entered the second trial stage. All the assets in their names have been frozen by the court, leaving Qiao Siyao homeless.

Moreover, her report on Qiao Xusheng somehow spread out. Now when people who know her see her, they will make fun of her great achievements of killing relatives for justice. Qiao Siyao has long become a joke in the entire circle.

She had no ability to repay the 8 million that Xiao Xu had lent her. If she didn't get the money back, Xiao Xu would not let her have an easy time. Her account named Shiqi was lost after the Chenguang Kindergarten food safety incident. Officially banned for spreading false information.

She is now working as a copywriter in Xiao Xu's new media company. She is very good at writing articles that attract attention. Xiao Xu uses her to incubate new Internet celebrities.

A while ago, a short video went viral, showing a drunk man trying to chat up a girl but being rejected. It made an Internet celebrity named Beibei Don't Eat famous.

This Internet celebrity is a new Internet celebrity newly hatched by Xiao Xu's company. This Internet celebrity is said to have no talent and no brains. It is said that he is a food broadcaster, and eating makes people lose their appetite. So Xiao Xu asked Qiao Siyao to participate in planning this video.

It has to be said that Qiao Siyao is very familiar with the Internet. She knows very well what kind of topics attract attention. She has no talent, so she naturally focuses on the most contradictory topics nowadays.

Such as the gap between rich and poor, such as the opposition between men and women.

The video that went viral is a typical video of confrontation between men and women. In the video, the drunk man is portrayed as extremely vulgar. Even after the woman rejected him many times, he still keeps pestering him.

Because there are women who have experienced similar things in reality, once the video was released, it immediately aroused crazy reposting and heated discussions among the public.

After the video traffic increased, the account then made a series of follow-up videos about the antagonism between men and women to absorb that wave of traffic, so in just one month, the account attracted millions of followers.

Qiao Siyao originally thought that by setting up this account, Xiao Xu would have a different view of her, and the income from those videos could make up for the money she owed her before.

However, Xiao Xu is a very ruthless person. Not only did he not give her the due reward, he even humiliated her in public. While maintaining a relationship with her, he also had a relationship with the new internet celebrity named Beibei Don't Eat Fight hot.

The woman ridiculed her. Instead of helping her, Xiao Xu even humiliated her.

Because she owed the other party money, she had no choice but to leave Xiao Xu. Once she tried to resist and escape, Xiao Xu immediately punched and kicked her and threatened to tell the debt collectors where she lived.

It was only after the Qiao family's defeat that she finally saw Xiao Xu's true face.

The so-called love is just because she is the only daughter of the Qiao family, thinking that she will inherit the Qiao family's assets and that she can naturally embezzle everything from the Qiao family when she gets married in the future.

Now that something happened to her parents and her assets were seized, she didn't inherit anything and was heavily in debt. She had no value to Xiao Xu for a long time. Qiao Xu treated her like garbage. In order to avoid the debt collectors, she I still have to swallow my anger and be squeezed by him.

When Lin Shu found her in the low-rent house, he didn't even recognize her.

He didn't have much contact with Qiao Siyao. The time he saw her the most was when she was a publicity ambassador in the company.

Although Qiao Siyao was not particularly beautiful, she was very good at dressing herself up. In Lin Shu's impression, every time they met, she put a lot of thought into her clothes. Her jewelry and lipstick must match her clothes.

However, the woman in front of her at this moment, with her hair tied up randomly, little makeup, and a cheap coat gathered around her body, looked completely different from a few months ago.

She stood in the corridor, hunched slightly, and spoke in a low voice to the man next to her, Brother Sun, I only have so little money on me, and I almost gave it all to you. You must let me keep some living expenses.

The man snatched her wallet away and said, If you don't have any money, make money. Qiao Xusheng mortgaged our shares. Didn't all the money go to you? Since you enjoyed it, if something happens to him, the money should be yours. return.

He glanced at Qiao Siyao and said, It's easier for women to make money than men, especially for a pretty person like you. With one leg, you can easily get hundreds of dollars. If you accompany ten or eight people a day, it won't be long before you have my money. You can pay it off.”

He said with a lewd smile, How about you sleep with me for five hundred yuan, and I promise not to tell those people that you live here?

Qiao Siyao was trembling all over and couldn't help but yell, Bitch! Is this how your mother raised you?

The man's expression changed, he raised his hand and slapped her, scolding her at the same time, Bitch, do you think you are a rich lady?

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