Of course Han Ruoxing did it on purpose.

She inquired about the price of these scraps. Their raw materials were not bad, and the recycling price per bag was at least 20,000 to 30,000 to 30,000 to 30,000 yuan higher than what Manager Gou sold.

She naturally suspected that Manager Gou had received kickbacks, and sent someone to the recycling factory to inquire.

But the person in charge of this store was very strict. He said that the materials were different and the prices were different. He didn't even quote the final price until the moment he saw the goods. His words were always vague.

Manager Gou is a manager of a jewelry store. He lives in a mansion worth more than 20 million yuan in Jiangcheng. His children are studying in aristocratic schools, and he still has spare money to support his young lover. He and his wife are not from a wealthy family, and his wife is still a full-time housewife. How could he possibly do it with his own salary alone?

Unable to find substantial evidence and unable to pry open the mouths of his conspirators, she found another way to recycle, process and sell it herself.

As for Manager Gou...the interest of more than 60,000 yuan a month and the tuition of more than 30,000 yuan, let's see how long he can last.

Han Ruoxing and Shen Qingchuan's e-commerce company was called Comedy Star Jewelry. After Han Ruoxing knew the name registered by Shen Qingchuan, she wanted to cancel it on the spot.

Shen Qingchuan was very satisfied, Girlfriend's shop, show your feelings more.

Han Ruoxing said angrily, Is this the name of a serious store that sells jewelry?

People buy things based on the quality, not the name, not to mention how easy it is to remember the name of our store? Right, little bandit?

Shen Qingchuan turned to ask Tang Xiaoxiao.

Tang Xiaoxiao was also very dissatisfied, Our names are so nice, how come you are so good at choosing words?

Then... Shen Qingchuan thought for a while, How about calling it Han Xiao Jewelry?

How big are you, Han Xiao? Tang Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, Are you smiling?

Shen Qingchuan...

He said dissatisfied, I was collecting names in the group, and you all said that I could choose whatever I wanted, but you were not satisfied when I did. Why is it so hard to be a good person?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought of the name he had given to the kitten, and sighed, I don't blame you for not studying well.

Shen Qingchuan...

Gu Jingyan stared at the logo for a while and then said, It's not necessarily a bad thing, at least it's easy to remember.

Han Ruoxing twitched her lips and said, Thank you for the comfort.

Gu Jingyan was really not comforted. This unusual store name attracted a large amount of traffic not long after it was launched.

After all, with this weird name, everyone is curious about what it is selling.

In addition, the anchor recruited by Shen Qingchuan knows how to retain viewers, is very professional in operations, and can handle traffic. In addition, there are many product styles and extremely low prices, so there was not much traffic in the first three days, but the conversion was extremely high.

Three days later, operations began to explode and sales began to grow exponentially.

Shen Qingchuan looked at the turnover that was refreshing every second in the background, his eyes were shining with gold, No wonder they are not actors, but they are all selling goods. They still make money selling goods!

Tang Xiaoxiao curled his lips, Money-obsessed spirit!

Shen Qingchuan hooked her waist and said, Baby, when I earn enough betrothal gifts, I will take you home in eight sedans and ten miles of red makeup.

Tang Xiaoxiao was silent, Shili Hongzhuang is talking about dowry! You illiterate!

Comedy Star Jewelry has been on the jewelry best-selling list in less than two weeks. Regardless of the cost, the profit can still be 30%. Han Ruoxing can hear the sound of money coming in while sleeping.

On this day, after attending a full-moon banquet for the boss's grandson with Gu Jingyan, Han Ruoxing drank a lot of wine and talked a little loudly. On the way home, she kept pulling Gu Jingyan and asked, Honey, do you know how much money I have earned recently? ?”

Gu Jingyan looked at her flushed face, his heart softened, and he whispered, One hundred thousand?

Hmm~ No, guess again.

Gu Jingyan thought for a while and then said, Three hundred thousand.

No, no, go higher.

Is it half a million?

Han Ruoxing bit her lower lip and shook her head, let go of his hand, stretched out ten fingers, Eight hundred thousand!

Gu Jingyan laughed, pressed two of her fingers, Stretch out a few more.

Han Ruoxing tugged on his tie and said in a low and arrogant voice, Just tell me if I am strong or not!

Eight hundred thousand is really not enough for Gu Jingyan, but it is enough to make Mrs. Gu happy.

So Gu Jingyan was very considerate and said, Awesome, otherwise how could you get me?

Han Ruoxing smiled foolishly, If only you could talk like this earlier? If you had been like this earlier, I would give you ten babies a year.

Gu Jingyan...

Get drunk, this is nonsense.

But Gu Jingyan still wanted to tease her, Having one baby a month? Two months off a year?

Han Ruoxing leaned close to his ear and whispered, I will stay with you for two months.

Gu Jingyan...

It didn't matter, he was used to his girlfriend's amazing flirtations.

He held Han Ruoxing's waist and coaxed in a low voice, Don't keep it, make it up tonight.

Since she moved back to the Song family, the two have lived a life like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Song Wanqian would make sure to call Han Ruoxing from one to nine every night, urging her to go home early.

Not to mention that the two of them were alone, having a meal together was like exchanging information. They couldn't even exchange a few words. Either she had something to do, or he had something to do, and they separated soon.

It was a rare good time today, and Gu Jingyan didn't want to let her go home.

He lowered his head and rubbed the tip of her nose, and whispered, Don't go back tonight, okay?

Han Ruoxing shook his head, Let's wait for another day. You drank today.

Gu Jingyan?

He was confused, What does this have to do with whether you stay or not?

Han Ruoxing leaned into his arms and murmured, When you drink, you won't be able to do it. There's no point in me staying.

Gu Jingyan froze, You...what did you say?

Han Ruoxing yawned, Isn't the car here yet?

Gu Jingyan was worried about what he just said, You should explain clearly before leaving. What do you mean you can't do it after drinking?

Han Ruoxing frowned, I just can't, I can't stand up, otherwise Qiao Siyao would have slept with you on Shen Qingchuan's birthday.

Gu Jingyan didn't have time to be surprised by the sentence can't stand up. He was a little confused when he heard the next sentence.

What Qiao Siyao, what does it have to do with Qiao Siyao?

Han Ruoxing then intermittently talked about how she went to pick up Shen Qingchuan on the night of his birthday.

After talking about it, I couldn't help but get angry, I opened the door, and Qiao Siyao was riding on you. You didn't even button up your buttons, and she got her lipstick on it. I was so angry at the time that I couldn't help but slap her. I slapped her several times. If Lawyer Mo hadn’t stopped me, I would have kicked her again, how dare she touch my things!”

Gu Jingyan no longer cared about struggling with the word thing. He frowned and asked, Tell me, when you came to pick me up and saw me and Qiao Siyao together, was it Mingxuan who took you there?

Yes, it was Lawyer Mo who called to pick you up. After saying that, he couldn't help scolding Gu Jingyan, You are not a good drinker, why can't you drink less? If Lawyer Mo hadn't looked at you that night and cuckolded you Give me a bunch of them all!”

Gu Jingyan couldn't help but said, Looking at him, how could Qiao Siyao come into my room?

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