Then it's not wrong. Just keep an eye on me and don't make any claims. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the consequences will be——

Before the man could finish speaking, the man in the peaked hat hung up the phone.

He took out another cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, and squinted at the photo of Gu Jingyan on his phone.

The face projected into my mind was blurry, and I could only faintly depict a similar back.

The person on the other end of the phone who was hung up couldn't help but cursed, Madman, idiot!

Then he dialed a number and reported the matter truthfully. After speaking, he said with some concern, Boss, this person's temperament is unpredictable. I'm always worried that something will go wrong.

He can't even remember faces. What could possibly go wrong? Just keep an eye on him more.

The man hesitated to speak, and finally whispered, I know.

Han Ruoxing did what he said, and the next day he approached Shen Qingchuan to discuss opening a company together.

Shen Qingchuan was sitting in the office, holding his chin with one hand and listening to Han Ruoxing draw a pie for himself.

He used to draw cakes for others, but he didn't expect that one day someone else would draw cakes for him.

Han Ruoxing's mouth went dry as she spoke, and she finally asked, Mr. Shen, what do you think?

I—— As soon as Shen Qingchuan opened his mouth, Gu Jingyan coughed.

He pursed his lips. How could such cooperation be forced? Shameless stuff!

It's not like he's uninterested. He has a lot of property under his control, but he puts little thought into the jewelry store. The leftover raw materials in his store are usually sold to others at low prices, which is really a waste.

More importantly, since Yao Kexin's accident, he has not been able to find a suitable spokesperson for the jewelry store. It would be great if he cooperated with Han Ruoxing and coaxed Han Lie to support him.

Top-notch cargo-carrying ability is so rare for him.

Shen Qingchuan rolled his eyes and said with a smile, Don't worry about this, sister-in-law, will our cousin have a concert recently? My nephew likes him very much. See if he is free these two days. I'll be the host and treat him to a meal, and we'll talk at the dinner table.

Han Ruoxing raised her eyebrows and immediately guessed what Shen Qingchuan meant.

Shen Qingchuan now asked her to cash in the pie she had drawn before.

To be honest, she was not sure that she could invite Han Lie.

Although he is a cousin, he is a top-notch person after all. The aura of a superstar always makes her feel that this cousin is very cold and cold, and she doesn't know if she can get him.

Han Ruoxing was still thinking about what to say, when Gu Jingyan next to him said quietly, There is no need for food. The income of the new company is 30-70, Ah Xingqi and you 3. If it works, I will call Han Lie soon to sign the contract.

Han Ruoxing! ! !

She quickly grabbed Gu Jingyan and whispered, I haven't even said hello to Xiaolie yet. Why are you making decisions for others without permission?

Gu Jingyan patted the back of her hand and whispered, Don't worry, he won't refuse.

The boy was absolutely positive about helping his cousin and idol.

Besides, the game optimization expert he found for Han Lie was in vain? Reciprocity is a courtesy, right?

When Shen Qingchuan heard that three or seven points, his eyelids jumped immediately, Isn't three seven points a bit too much? Four or six.

When Gu Jingyan heard this, he immediately picked up Han Ruoxing and said, Let's go, we can drive there by ourselves. We can play without him.

Hey, hey, hey, isn't this for further discussion? Shen Qingchuan gritted his teeth, Three or seven is three or seven, look at how stingy you are!

The commercial value brought by Han Lie was much greater than this amount of revenue. Shen Qingchuan could still tell the difference between what was important and what was important.

The two parties reached an agreement and began intensive preparations immediately.

There is a free space upstairs at Qingshan Media, and the processing is done directly in Shen Qingchuan's jewelry processing workshop.

Early that morning, as soon as Manager Gou arrived at the store, he saw bags of jade raw materials being moved out of the warehouse and transported to the car.

He frowned and hurriedly grabbed the moving worker, What are you doing? Who told you to touch these things?

The worker was sweating profusely. Before he could speak, Han Ruoxing's voice came from behind, I asked them to move it.

Manager Gou picked up Han Ruoxing and immediately smiled, Mr. Han, someone will come to collect these scraps at the end of the month, so we don't need to carry them ourselves.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Please tell the factories that collect the scraps that we will no longer sell these raw stone scraps.

Han Ruoxing's voice was calm, but Manager Gou was suddenly shocked.

No more selling? Manager Gou's heart tightened. Could she have discovered something?

Manager Gou looked at Han Ruoxing's expression, but he didn't seem angry, but it was no different from usual. He couldn't decide what Han Ruoxing was thinking, so he smiled and asked, Mr. Han, it's a pity to throw away these scrapped raw materials. Sell them to these processing plants. , no matter how much you can make money, it’s also an income, isn’t it?”

I didn't say I was going to throw it away, Han Ruoxing smiled, as if she was very happy, and shared the news with him, I found a factory with a higher recycling price. A bag is 20,000 yuan higher than the original one. I Plan to sell to them.”

Manager Gou's face changed, Mr. Han, which factory is this? Is it reliable? The amount of scraps we have is not small. Ordinary small factories may not be able to digest it. How can they dare to get so much goods? We have cooperated with this company all year round. , although the price is not high, but the factory is large and can accept any amount of goods, which is more stable.”

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, The factory is big, and old acquaintances can't be so familiar with each other, right? What is the quality of our materials? They give us all the raw materials as low-quality, is that appropriate?

Manager Gou whispered, Most of these scrapped raw materials can only be polished into beads. No matter how good the material is, it is not worth much. Scrap materials have no grade.

Really? Han Ruoxing laughed inexplicably, So, the owner of the recycling plant I'm looking for is not very bright, so he'll take the loss.

Manager Gou thought that Han Ruoxing believed what he said, so he took the opportunity to say, Some manufacturers are like this now. They will first attract you at a high price, and then lower the price little by little. In the end, they will not make a loss-making business.

Is that so... Han Ruoxing frowned, seeming a little shaken.

Just when Manager Gou thought he had succeeded in brainwashing, Han Ruoxing said, In this case, let's collect wool for a few months. When they lower the price, we can go to the original manufacturer.

Manager Gou was stunned.


Han Ruoxing said, One bag costs 20,000 yuan, and ten bags cost 200,000 yuan. Isn't this here to give everyone bonuses?

Mr. Han, this account is not so...

Okay, that's it, Han Ruoxing interrupted, Remember to notify the original recycler, I'll go over to count the goods and collect the money.

Manager Gou watched helplessly as more than a dozen bags of jade fragments were loaded into the truck and drove Han Ruoxing away at high speed.

He had a sullen face and an extremely ugly expression. The monthly payment for his villa and the monthly high-consumption life of his family were all financed by the money earned from reselling these scraps every month. Han Ruoxing's approach was completely destructive to him. Money path, did she do it intentionally or unintentionally?

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