Han Ruoxing gave him a blank look, walked up to the couple with shaking hands, hunched over and asked, Young man, how is your wife?

Seeing that Gu Jingyan's expression had softened a lot, the man decided that he listened to the old woman's words, and immediately complained, Your good grandson hit my car and pushed my wife. My wife is five months pregnant, and I don't know if the child can be born yet. Keep it!

When Han Ruoxing heard this, she immediately waved her hand tremblingly to hit Gu Jingyan, You traitor! How could I educate you on a daily basis? How could I do something to a pregnant woman!

Gu Jingyan received a gentle slap, gritted his teeth and reluctantly cooperated with her performance, I didn't push her!

Stay tough! Talk back hard! He said boom twice more.

Gu Jingyan shut his mouth. He suspected that this woman was taking the opportunity to avenge her past.

After teaching Gu Jingyan a lesson, he couldn't help coughing for a while, and then he turned to the man with kind eyes and said, This kid is in a hurry to take me to the hospital for treatment. He speaks a little too hastily. He has such a short temper, young man, don't care about him.

The man glanced at her and said, Look, you, this old lady, are also a reasonable person. Why did you raise such an uncultured grandson?

Gu Jingyan's face darkened, and he was about to get angry. Han Ruoxing held his hand firmly, and she changed the subject and asked, How is this girl? Why don't you send her to the hospital for a checkup first?

We'll do the inspection ourselves, and you can just lose the money.

Han Ruoxing said sincerely, It's better to get checked out. I'll compensate you now. What if it's more serious if you go to the hospital and the compensation is less?

The man was confused. Is this old woman confused? Are there any people who think the compensation is too small?

I don't have time to talk to you so much. If the two hundred thousand is settled on the spot, we will pay it back. If it is really serious, we will not look for you again.

Han Ruoxing frowned and took the man's hand, Young man, can we discuss it? Two hundred thousand is not a small amount...

Just as the man was listening to what she said, he suddenly felt a pain in his palm and subconsciously threw her hand away. Han Ruoxing stumbled and fell to the ground.

She said Ouch and fell to the ground, with a white face and twitching legs, groaning and unable to get up.

The man was a little confused.

Gu Jingyan was also startled by this sudden situation. He stepped forward to touch Han Ruoxing, but as soon as his hand touched Han Ruoxing, he pinched him.

Gu Jingyan...

Ouch... my tailbone, oops... my elbow... oops...

She shook her voice and sighed, Young man, I just want to discuss this with you. Why are you pushing me? Ouch...

The man finally came to his senses, Damn old lady, are you blackmailing me? Why did I push you!

Han Ruoxing was lying on the ground, curled up, and her old voice was accusing, With so many people watching, why am I wronging you? I didn't say I wouldn't give you money, so why did you take action... Oops...

When a pregnant woman fell, she didn't rush to send her to the hospital, but she beat up the old lady. Is there something wrong with this person?

The surveillance is so complete, and they can't escape. If the car is hit, the insurance company will pay for it. If someone is injured, the hospital will pay the medical bills. Why are you in such a hurry to ask for money here?

The pregnant woman was crying without tears. She forgot to cry now. Could it be that these two are in love?

When the man saw everyone pointing and pointing, he suddenly became angry and said, Damn old woman, it was clearly you who stabbed me with something, so I let go. You just don't want to pay for it and are blackmailing me on purpose!

Han Ruoxing said nothing, with a pale face, curled up on the ground and twitching her calves.

Gu Jingyan suddenly thought of Song Jiayu's illness at the last wedding party.

He was silent, whether he should say anything or not, and learned eight copies of the image.

Why should you involve him in such a shameful thing?

Gu Jingyan suppressed his discomfort and put his arm around her shoulders, Grandma, how are you? Can you get up?

Han Ruoxing immediately started to moan, Ouch, yoyo...don't, don't, don't move, it hurts, it hurts me to death...

How old is this old lady? She stabbed him with a needle? She really said anything to get rid of responsibility!

I always feel that this pregnant woman looks familiar. I have seen her somewhere.

A while ago, a pregnant woman in the same city was hit by someone. She was not injured or sick, and she was asked to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. The police came, and they argued for a long time, and finally they paid tens of thousands of dollars. Was it her?

When you say that, I think about it. I'll look for the video.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man was about to leave with the pregnant woman. The enthusiastic people helped to stop her, You injured an old lady like that, where are you going?

The man lost his arrogance, but he still said with a stiff neck, I'll take my wife to the hospital!

The ambulance will be here soon, don't worry about it.

Just as he was talking, the ambulance and traffic police both rushed to the scene.

Naturally, Han Ruoxing, the fake injured person, couldn't hide it from the doctor, and it turned out that there was nothing wrong with the pregnant woman.

Moreover, we learned from the traffic police that these two men were habitual offenders. In three months, they had three accidents recorded. I don’t know how much ill-gotten gains these two men had extorted using the same method.

Of course, Han Ruoxing's tit-for-tat behavior was also severely punished by the traffic police.

The white van that rear-ended them was confirmed by the police to be a fake van. The identity of the owner is being traced and the two will be contacted if there is any progress.

Coming out of the accident center, Han Ruoxing flexed his muscles and complained, I originally thought this woman was faking her pregnancy, but I didn't expect it to be true. These two are not afraid of retribution on the child.

Gu Jingyan snorted coldly, I don't know if they are afraid of retribution. I think you are quite addicted to acting. You dream of being a senior in front of me, right?

Han Ruoxing laughed dryly, held his arm and coaxed, Aren't I afraid that you will be bullied? They are just deliberately blackmailing you. You are soft-hearted and easy to deceive. What if you really transfer the money?

Am I that stupid? Gu Jingyan snorted, looking at the dark stuff on her face, he couldn't help but reach out and wipe it, You're not afraid of others seeing your face and finding out about you.

Good acting relies on actions and sounds. With my mask on, who would stare at an old woman? He said, flipping the wig in his hand, It's because the clothes Lin Shu bought are stained. I have to go again. Bought a new set for grandma.

Not far away, a man wearing a peaked cap stared at the two of them while puffing on a cigarette. With his free hand, he answered the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone said coldly, I don't want you to stare at me to make you stupid!

The man exhaled a puff of smoke and sneered coldly, Don't talk to me in this tone!

I'm reminding you, if you start now, do you think you can run away?

The man asked, Are you sure it's this man? Why do I think he doesn't look like this?

Even if you don't recognize him, you always know the woman next to him, right?

The man's face darkened, he put out the cigarette butt hard, gritted his teeth and said, I can recognize her when she turns to ashes!

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