Their car rushed forward uncontrollably and hit the Audi in front.

Gu Jingyan hurriedly tightened the handbrake and looked at Han Ruoxing hastily, How are you? Where are you injured?

Han Ruoxing frowned and rubbed his forehead, I'm fine, how about you?

Gu Jingyan shook his head, glanced at the rearview mirror, and said solemnly, First call the police and contact the insurance company. I'll go down and take a look.

Han Ruoxing nodded.

Gu Jingyan got out of the car and saw a white van chasing them behind.

He took his mobile phone and walked forward.

The van's glass was covered with privacy film, making it difficult to see the people inside, but Gu Jingyan vaguely felt that the people in the van were staring at him.

As he raised his hand to knock on the glass, a sharp blade with cold light was unsheathed little by little inside the car.

But before his hand touched the glass, the owner of the Audi car in front suddenly rushed over, grabbed Gu Jingyan's clothes, and said angrily, How do you drive? Don't you have eyes?

Gu Jingyan frowned, pushed the other person's hand away, and said coldly, This car rear-ended me.

The man glanced at the van and gritted his teeth and said, Fart! I only saw you crashing into it!

Gu Jingyan was too lazy to argue with him and said calmly, We have already called the police. The traffic police will come to deal with it later.

I have something else to do, who has time to wait for the traffic police to come? One price, one hundred thousand! Pay the money!

Gu Jingyan was born into a noble family, and in the circles he interacted with, he rarely encountered such unreasonable and foul-mouthed people.

He was annoyed in his heart, but his good upbringing still allowed him to restrain his emotions. He said solemnly with a sullen face, The insurance company is here. After completing the accident assessment, they will pay how to compensate. We are not just letting you sit here and raise the price. Unreasonable deduction of responsibility.”

He saw that the car Gu Jingyan drove was worth a lot of money, he was fair-skinned, and he didn't use any curse words in his speech. He looked like he was a young master from a wealthy family.

He didn't care if the van behind him rear-ended him, but even if it was, could the owner of the broken van afford to pay compensation? Can he not take advantage of Gu Jingyan?

If you don't talk nonsense with me, please pay me immediately!

Gu Jingyan's face was gloomy and he was about to speak when he suddenly saw the white van changing lanes and leaving along the traffic on the left.

Gu Jingyan was startled and started to chase after him. Seeing that he was about to leave, the Audi owner grabbed him by the collar.

Gu Jingyan patiently announced the end, turned his head and twisted the other person's hand behind his back, raised his foot and kicked the person's leg. As soon as the other person's leg weakened, he knelt on one knee on the ground.

The arm was twisted to an incredible angle, and the man knelt on the ground, screaming in pain. Gu Jingyan's eyes were extremely cold, and his tone was cold to the bone, I told you to wait for the traffic police to deal with it, you don't understand, right?

It hurts... let go! The man tried to pull away with a pale face, but the more he tried to pull away, the more painful it became. His arm felt like it was broken.

At this time, a pregnant woman with a semi-pregnant belly got out of the Audi car, ran over, grabbed Gu Jingyan's clothes and beat him, Let go of my husband!

Gu Jingyan didn't want to do anything to the woman, so he hid to the side with a sullen face. The pregnant woman stumbled for some reason, sprained her foot, and fell to the ground. She immediately clutched her stomach and groaned in pain.

The man's expression changed and he said loudly, Wife, wife, how are you?

Gu Jingyan did not expect that the situation would develop like this, so the strength in his hand relaxed. The man broke away and crawled to the pregnant woman. He said nervously, Honey, how are you? How is the child?

The pregnant woman held her belly and cried, Hubby, my stomach hurts so much...

When the man heard this, he immediately wanted to argue with Gu Jingyan, but he stood up. Seeing Gu Jingyan's cold expression, he immediately thought of how he almost had his arm twisted off just now, and his courage became a little timid.

He did not dare to step forward and continue to tug at Gu Jingyan. Seeing that more and more people were watching, they began to confuse right and wrong.

A grown man refuses to recognize someone when he rear-ends him. I argue with him, but he beats people and even pushes pregnant women. Is he so good at driving a Bentley? Is there any way to do this?

Gu Jingyan frowned and said solemnly, I didn't push her, she fell down on her own.

I can really see it with my fucking eyes. You were the one who pushed it!

The onlookers were all latecomers. Seeing the vehicles in the front row blocking the intersection, they all came down to check the situation.

What's going on?

I don't know. It seemed like there was a rear-end collision and there was a conflict. The man pushed the pregnant woman down.

No matter what, you can't do anything to a pregnant woman.

These people who drive luxury cars don't dare to touch others because they can't afford compensation. They regard the road as their own home and drive towards them.

You deserve it. You still dare to attack a pregnant woman. You must be in trouble this time.

Along with these sounds, the pregnant woman's moans seemed to be louder, and they seemed really serious.

The man only asked where it hurt and had no intention of calling an ambulance.

Gu Jingyan listened to the voices around him and didn't want to argue. He dialed 120 and prepared to go back to the car to wait.

When the man saw that he was about to leave, he didn't care about being afraid. He stepped forward and stopped him, Stop! You pushed someone and you still want to leave?

When Gu Jingyan was most annoyed when others were talking, he grabbed his clothes, waved away the other person's touch with a cold face, and said solemnly, First, I didn't push the person; second, my car is right here, and I'm not going anywhere; Third, what you should do now is call an ambulance and take the person to the hospital instead of arguing with me here about who is right and who is wrong!

Stop talking to me so much. If you don't find a solution today, don't even think about leaving!

Gu Jingyan's eyes were gloomy. How could he not understand what the other party meant? Any solution was just blackmail.

Thinking of this, Gu Jingyan twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, stared into the other person's eyes, and said calmly, How do you solve it?

The man rolled his eyes and said, With the car and people, it's two hundred thousand. Transfer the money now. Any subsequent problems will have nothing to do with you.

Just as Gu Jingyan was about to speak, the passenger door of his car opened. Under everyone's gaze, an old lady with a stooped body and a head of silver-gray curly hair got out of the car with difficulty.

She was bow-legged, with one hand behind her waist, and the other hand covering her mouth with the mask, coughing, and staggered over.

Eldest grandson, haven't you dealt with it yet?

Gu Jingyan...

He stiffened and looked at Han Ruoxing, who was pretending to be an old lady, talking to him in her grandma's voice, with eyes full of shock.

Han Ruoxing moved in small steps for a long time, and finally reached the front. She couldn't help scolding Gu Jingyan, Why are you standing there in a daze? Come here and help grandma!

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth, Grandma?

Oh, hurry up!

Gu Jingyan's eyelids were not only twitching, but every muscle in his body was twitching. This damn woman, is she addicted to acting? !

With a dark face, Gu Jingyan stepped forward to support her and asked her with his eyes: If you don't stay well, why are you out?

Not only did he come out, he also put the clothes and wig he bought for the old lady on himself.

And what kind of black stuff is painted on the corners of her eyes and forehead?

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