What did you say?

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't hear clearly.

It's nothing. Shen Qingchuan closed his mouth.

If you bring up lying at this time, I'm afraid it will cause family conflicts, so it's better to take it slow.

Because he failed to confess successfully, Shen Qingchuan was so worried that he had no appetite for dinner at home.

Tang Xiaoxiao was also thinking about this and didn't eat much. Normally, one fish would be just right for two people, but they didn't finish it today.

After eating and taking a walk, Shen Qingchuan took a shower and then went back to the bedroom.

Tang Xiaoxiao also wanted to change the script and said that she would go to bed later.

When Shen Qingchuan was about to fall asleep, he felt the place next to him collapse, and a faint fragrance of shower gel floated over. He closed his eyes and turned over, habitually hugging the person into his arms.

Tang Xiaoxiao's body stiffened for a moment, then slowly relaxed.

Shen Qingchuan rubbed her hair, and his deep voice came faintly, Have you changed into pajamas?

Tang Xiao smiled and said Yeah.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and kissed her ear, The material is softer than before——

Before he finished speaking, his hand touched a piece of softness. Shen Qingchuan was startled and opened his eyes suddenly.

The bedside lamp was not turned off. Under the orange light, Shen Qingchuan could clearly see that the little bandit was wearing a very thin pajamas. This was not the point. The point was that there was no clothing underneath the pajamas.

The silk-thin pajamas clearly outlined every inch of the body's curves, and just one glance made Shen Qingchuan's blood surge.

A person who has always been able to handle things with ease rarely shows expressions of surprise and embarrassment.

It took him a long time to regain his senses, gritted his teeth and asked, Why are you dressed like this?

These words made Tang Xiaoxiao, who was originally ashamed, suddenly startled, and then became embarrassed and annoyed, Do you think I am willing to dress like this? Didn't you ask me to stimulate you? What the hell is that expression on your face?

Shen Qingchuan...

He was just talking about it and didn't even think about putting it into practice. He didn't expect that his girlfriend was so fierce and said it was exciting, but it really stimulated him.

Shen Qingchuan opened his mouth, ...It doesn't have to be so exciting. I'm not prepared at all.

Tang Xiaoxiao blushed and cursed, I need to be prepared, you are so prepared.

After saying that, he cursed again to cover up his shame, Aren't men all lower-body animals? What is your problem? You can't watch movies, but you have to let me... let me show you. As long as I can cure your problem, my aunt will do it today. No need to be shy, I’ll show you enough!”

As she spoke, she began to unbutton her pajamas. Shen Qingchuan's eyelids jumped suddenly, and he quickly grabbed the quilt and wrapped her in it.

Auntie, excitement is not that exciting.

This is not exciting, it will cost him his life!

He hugged Tang Xiaoxiao across the quilt and sighed softly, Why are you so stupid?

She believed whatever he said, and she never thought about what if she didn't have good intentions?

Tang Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth, I don't want you to get well soon. What if my mother can't hold her grandson because of you, and doesn't let me be with you? Although you are glib and love to tease me, but I still ...I don’t want to change my boyfriend yet.”

Shen Qingchuan looked at her pretty face, his heart softened, and he couldn't help teasing her, I didn't say I wanted to marry you, did you? Have you even thought about having a child?

Tang Xiaoxiao's ears suddenly turned red with anger, and she went to beat him with all her teeth and claws, You want to marry me but you don't want to marry me yet! You are a playboy, you have many ex-girlfriends and you can form a football team. In addition to your rich experience, what else do you have? ? Just this one specialty, it’s not my turn yet, why am I so unlucky to fall in love with you?”

Tang Xiaoxiao said, unable to help but feel sad, If you can't be cured, then your birthday night won't be the only time for the two of us.

Shen Qingchuan...

Aren't you still seeing a doctor? What if it can be cured? Be optimistic.

Tang Xiaoxiao grimaced, I really can't be optimistic. I really didn't feel anything that night, he said, looking at Shen Qingchuan suspiciously, Have you already had this problem a long time ago? You took advantage of my cupping to burn When it comes to you, are you trying to frame me?

Shen Qingchuan vomited blood, gritted his teeth and said, I'm normal, okay? After a pause, he added, Before that.

Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, Then why do I have no impression at all? It hurts for a long time even if the needle pricks me. I also bleed so much, why don't I feel anything at all?

Shen Qingchuan was speechless.

He was also puzzled by this question.

Because he had no memory. He really drank too much on his birthday. In the surveillance camera, he could only see two people holding hands and entering the room in a daze. As for what happened in the room, he only vaguely remembered the little bandit. The mysterious person wanted to demonstrate something to him, but he couldn't remember the specifics at all. He wouldn't have it broken into pieces like this, right?

Moreover, there was so much blood and it didn’t hurt...

Shen Qingchuan whispered, Little bandit, do you think nothing happened between us that night?

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyelids twitched, Where did the blood come from? Did you come from it?

Shen Qingchuan was silent.

Naturally, there were no wounds on his body, and there were no other wounds on Tang Xiaoxiao's body, and the blood stains were all near Tang Xiaoxiao's thighs.

Shen Qingchuan originally wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup, but he felt it was inappropriate.

Just as he was thinking about it, Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly said quietly, Say that your skills are good, and you made me bleed so much; say that your skills are not good, and it didn't hurt me at all the first time. You really insulted the playboy. Name.

Shen Qingchuan...

He pinched her little face and gritted his teeth and said, Do you know the consequences of provoking a man with this kind of thing?

Tang Xiaoxiao blinked, I know, wouldn't a normal man rush over to prove his strength?

She still knows!

But Tang Xiaoxiao's next words immediately pulled out his valve core, But you are not normal, you can only... be incompetent and furious.

Seeing her ghostly expression, Shen Qingchuan suddenly laughed, leaned close to her ear, and whispered, Baby, you have to know that whether I can do it or not doesn't actually prevent me from proving my strength.


Before Tang Xiaoxiao could react, Shen Qingchuan threw the quilt aside, leaned over and kissed her lips, and then his hot hands slipped into the thin pajamas. Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly stiffened...


Jiangsheng Group.

Han Ruoxing was sitting on the sofa with a book of Cihai in front of her. From Gu Jingyan's perspective, the book covered his entire face.

Lin Shu was still finishing his work report when he caught a glimpse of his boss's gaze and felt helpless.

There is probably no boss like his boss who has to have a love mind when doing business.

Mr. Gu, if there is no problem, I will arrange it this way.

Gu Jingyan looked away, marked a few things on the document, and handed it to Lin Shu, Go ahead.

After Lin Shu went out, Gu Jingyan walked around the desk and walked towards Han Ruoxing.

Are you giving your Duck King another reward? The richest woman on the list?

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