Gu Jingyan's cool and sour voice came from above her head. Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, then she couldn't help laughing, I haven't watched his live broadcast for a long time, okay?

Gu Jingyan snorted softly and sat next to her, I must be too busy to read it.

Han Ruoxing chuckled, No way? Aren't I afraid that you will be jealous? If I see someone dancing, your eyes will pop out. How can I dare to watch it again?

Gu Jingyan sneered at her sophistry, Twist your waist and push your hips, is that a serious dance?

Han Ruoxing said tsk, You are so narrow-minded. You can't say that someone is not serious just because they have a good figure.

Gu Jingyan didn't believe her nonsense and asked, What if I also go to watch other women dance?

Han Ruoxing immediately looked serious, The Internet is too deep, you can't control it.

Gu Jingyan laughed angrily at her double standard, You don't want me to see other women, so why don't you go see other men?

I really didn't watch it. Seeing that her boyfriend was worried about this, Han Ruoxing spread out her phone and said, I turned it off a long time ago, okay?

Gu Jingyan quickly glanced at her follow list and found out that he didn't see the internet celebrity's account, so his face looked better now.

Then what are you looking at, so seriously?

Han Ruoxing scrolled to an interface and showed it to Gu Jingyan, The sales volume of this live broadcast room is very strong. Didn't I tell you before that there are so many scraps of this kind every month? One bag costs ten thousand yuan. If this is processed, The price has increased more than ten times, it’s such a waste, I’m thinking, should I process these scraps and do a live broadcast to sell them?”

Gu Jingyan was stunned, You want to sell it under the Qiyuji brand?

That's definitely not possible. Qiyuji is positioned as high-end jewelry, and I definitely can't use its name to sell these affordable products.

Then do you want to cooperate with these influencers who sell goods?

I just consulted with a few Internet celebrities. Their fees and commissions are too expensive. We can't make much money selling to them. I'm thinking of cooperating with Mr. Shen. We can start a separate company and spend our own money to promote it. We will make a live broadcast account and process the live broadcast in one stop, without transferring the price difference to middlemen.

Gu Jingyan...

Are you dreaming about how to make money now? Falling in love is just a casual conversation, perfunctory and perfunctory, right?

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment and then started laughing. In the past, when you were busy at work, you didn't even bother to deal with me. I'm still willing to deal with you. Just be content.

Gu Jingyan hummed softly, I'm not perfunctory.

Han Ruoxing rubbed his chin and whispered, Why are you so good at acting like a baby now? How old are you? You're not ashamed.

Then she leaned over and kissed him on the lips, smiling, It's quite cute.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched.

Cute is the word to describe him? Does it fit?

Just as he was about to pull Han Ruoxing and have a discussion with her, the office door was pushed open.

Brother, mom, please—

Before Gu Jingyang finished speaking, he saw Han Ruoxing sitting with Gu Jingyan, his voice paused and the corners of his lips tightened.

Han Ruoxing suppressed a smile, took her hand out of Gu Jingyan's hand, and adjusted her skirt slightly.

Gu Jingyan was very dissatisfied with her not knocking on the door, and said in a deep voice, Reckless, how many times have I told you to knock when you enter my office? When will you remember?

Gu Jingyang's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said, Mom fell down the stairs! The hospital called me, and I'm undergoing surgery now!

Gu Jingyan paused and asked for a moment, How are you now? Is it serious?

I don't know. I just got the call and came to tell you.

Gu Jingyan remained silent.

Gu Jingyang looked at his cold-blooded look and gritted his teeth and said, No matter what mom did, he gave birth to you. You didn't go when she was hospitalized last time, and you won't go when she fell downstairs this time? Now you don't even care about her. Don’t you care whether you live or die? Have you forgotten what you promised dad when he left?!

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands and said coldly, It's not your turn to lecture me!

Gu Jingyang looked ugly, slammed the door and left.

Han Ruoxing looked at Gu Jingyan who had a confused look on his face, pursed his lips and said, Go and have a look. If you don't go, it will be true.

Gu Jingyan took a breath and said hoarsely, I have nothing more to say to her. What she wants doesn't come from my concern.

Han Ruoxing stroked his hand and whispered, You have to go then. The chairman election meeting is coming soon. If you are accused of being unfilial because of this incident, it will not be conducive to your canvassing votes.

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and looked at her.

This kind of thing doesn't matter to the overall conference at all. Their election is not based on this, but on ability, performance and connections.

She was just giving him a reason to be famous.

Gu Jingyan hugged her and kissed her, Then you come with me.

Just when Han Ruoxing was about to refuse, Gu Jingyan said again, If you don't go up, wait for me in the car. I'll watch her and then we'll go have dinner with grandma. She's been asking me to take you back these days.

Han Ruoxing refused and said, Okay then.

When Gu Jingyan rushed to the hospital, the operation was already over.

Zhong Meilan had one leg in a cast and was sitting on the hospital bed with a pale face.

Gu Jingyang sat beside the bed, peeling oranges with red eyes.

As soon as Gu Jingyan walked to the door, he heard Zhong Meilan ask, Didn't your brother come with you?

Gu Jingyang lowered his eyes and said, He was in a meeting, I didn't call him.

Zhong Meilan was silent. After a while, she asked, Is he unwilling to come?

Gu Jingyang said angrily, Now his eyes are full of that woman Han Ruoxing, where is our mother and daughter in his eyes?

Zhong Meilan sighed, It's my fault. I thought your brother didn't like her at first, so I tried every means to get rid of her. I really wanted to find a woman who would be helpful to your brother's career, but I didn't want to be resented by him.

As he spoke, the injury on his leg was affected, and he couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Gu Jingyang said quickly, Mom, don't move.

It's okay. Zhong Meilan just raised her eyes and saw Gu Jingyan standing at the door. Her eyes turned red and she said hoarsely, Jingyan...

Gu Jingyan said nothing, put the fruit basket in his hand on the table, and said calmly, What did the doctor say?

He didn't ask her how she fell, whether it was a serious fall, or whether it hurt, as if those were insignificant matters.

Zhong Meilan suddenly remembered that when Gu Jingyan was very young, she was sick. He would run in every once in a while and ask her if she felt any pain or not.

At that time, she just thought that the child was too noisy and didn't even have a good look on his face.

Now it is difficult to see any trace of concern on this face.

He was right, there had long been no mother-son affection between her and Gu Jingyan, and it was simply impossible to try to tie him down with this.

Han Ruoxing's physical injuries were there, and there was no way he could ever forgive her again.

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands and forced a smile, It's okay.

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