I have to go out.

Shen Qingchuan was stunned, What's wrong?

Tang Xiaoxiao ran to the bedroom to change clothes and said, My boss was raped. Her boyfriend has a family. They came to her door and brought many people to block her door. The whole house was smashed. I went to take her. Call the police.”

Shen Qingchuan followed, Why didn't she just call the police? Call you over at such a late hour?

Those people cut off all her clothes. She has no clothes to wear now. She is probably afraid of calling the police and embarrassing herself when the police come.

Shen Qingchuan was worried and whispered, I'll go with you. If you haven't left yet, how unsafe would it be for you to be alone?

No, aren't you hungry? You eat first, I'll be back in a moment.

As she said this, she was about to sneak to the entrance to change her shoes. Shen Qingchuan grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, Although I know that you are good at fighting and can fight well, can you give your boyfriend multiple opportunities to show off? Otherwise, I will have too much trouble. No sense of existence?”

Tang Xiaoxiao looked at his body, If you are holding me back, I don't care about you.

Shen Qingchuan clicked his tongue, Are you willing to do it?

Tang Xiaoxiao snorted and urged, Then change your clothes quickly.

The two quickly packed up and went out, rushing to Tang Xiaoxiao's boss's house.

The rioters were gone and the house was in a mess.

Tang Xiaoxiao took the clothes and went to the bedroom to find her boss. Shen Qingchuan took his mobile phone and recorded the mess at the scene so that he could call the police and check whether there were any missing items.

A woman's cry and Tang Xiaoxiao's comforting words could be faintly heard in the bedroom.

Shen Qingchuan stood at the entrance and dialed the alarm number.

Not long after, the police came, and when the matter was almost settled, the two said goodbye and left.

On the way home, Tang Xiaoxiao scolded the scumbag along the way, saying that he had lied to both his first wife and her boss. As a result, the incident came to light and he disappeared, causing the two women to fight. He was simply not a man.

Shen Qingchuan turned the steering wheel and suddenly said, Are you sure your boss really doesn't know that man has a family?

Absolutely. She has such good conditions. What kind of suitor does she have? Why would she fall in love with a married man? She still looks so wretched.

Yes, Shen Qingchuan said slowly, He looks so wretched, why do you like him?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought there was something in his words and frowned, What exactly do you want to say?

Shen Qingchuan did not answer the question, but asked her, Is your boss famous in the screenwriting world?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, It's just so-so. She has a few broadcast works, but the response is mediocre, but she has quite a lot of connections and has quite a lot of script appointments.

There are no successful works, but there are still many scripts, Shen Qingchuan paused, Don't you think this is strange?

Tang Xiaoxiao was startled and said hesitantly, Maybe...she has many connections. She has been in the industry for many years.

Shen Qingchuan said calmly, No matter how much you sell a favor to a script that doesn't make money, you won't keep buying it. No one is doing charity.

Tang Xiaoxiao seemed to understand a little, but she didn't seem to understand. She asked directly, Please explain clearly.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, The average price of the community just now is a little lower than that of Yunding International. She is a screenwriter who has never written a hit drama and has an ordinary family background. Why do you think she can afford to live in such a house?

Tang Xiaoxiao was confused by this.

That house was not small, measuring three to four hundred square meters, with an average price of more than a hundred thousand yuan per square meter, and a mansion worth half a billion yuan. It was indeed not something that a screenwriter of the boss's caliber could afford.

The original wife could bring so many people to such a high-end mansion to cause trouble. Why did the security guard let her go? Have you ever thought about the great possibility that the house itself is in the name of the couple? Even her scripts Did her boyfriend help arrange the appointment?

Tang Xiaoxiao's expression became serious, Are you saying that she knows what's going on?

Shen Qingchuan said calmly, I don't know if she was deceived at first, but with such an expensive mansion, how could she not be the backbone of her boyfriend? And...

Shen Qingchuan paused, You two came out of the bedroom. After she heard me calling the police, she looked uncomfortable. She obviously didn't want to call the police, but maybe it was because I was there, so she didn't say anything.

Moreover, after the police arrived, the woman's answers to the questions they asked were very vague. She didn't seem to be anxious to seek justice for herself after her property and personal safety had been violated. This was particularly strange.

Tang Xiaoxiao thought about this boss carefully, and then said for a long time, She is really not like that kind of person at all. She is always very good to us at work, especially taking care of newcomers. Last time, a newcomer made the wrong document, which caused bad consequences. , she was the one who came forward to help, and she is usually very low-key and has no airs. I really can't imagine that she would be this kind of person.

In her understanding, the mistress is Bai Sansan's kind of white lotus and green tea, but her boss has nothing to do with either. It is completely unimaginable to her that someone who looks elegant, successful and gentle can destroy other people's families. third party.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, That's because you have met too few people. People are inherently complex contradictions. Excellent business ability and smooth behavior do not fully represent his personal ethics.

When Shen Qingchuan started his business, he hung out in various wine shops all year round. He saw too many different kinds of people.

Some people participate in those sex games and play dirtier than a lowly prostitute, but once the human skin is on, he is a good father in the eyes of his daughter, a good husband in the eyes of his relatives, and a good leader in the eyes of his subordinates. The premise is that this layer of disguise Not torn off.

But now that his boss's personal affairs are exposed to the little bandit, he is always a little uneasy and worried.

Just act like you don't know anything about what happened tonight. Don't ask or discuss with others what you were like in the company before and what you will be like in the future. Apart from work, try to have as little contact with your boss as possible.

Tang Xiaoxiao still didn't want to believe that her boss was such a person. She whispered, Maybe she was deceived by the dog man.

That's her business too. You mind your bestie's business. I won't say anything more. We all know each other's personalities and our respective bottom lines. But try to stay away from outsiders' private affairs and don't get involved.

Although Tang Xiaoxiao still felt that her boss had been deceived, she was willing to listen to Shen Qingchuan's advice and her boyfriend would never harm her.

She just said a little indignantly, In the final analysis, these are still these bitchy men who eat from the bowl and look at the pot, and talk a lot of lies to deceive girls. I see this kind of bitchy men who are full of lies. Take one!

Shen Qingchuan...

He tried, What if he likes this girl too much, but the girl doesn't like him, and he has no choice but to tell a little lie to create opportunities for the two of them?

You have no choice but to do it! Tang Xiaoxiao scolded, Chasing people is all about cheating, how can we expect him to be sincere? If he sincerely deceives girls into sleeping with each other, it's more like that!

Shen Qingchuan pursed his lips, ...I'm not here either. (End of Chapter)

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