Tang Xiaoxiao was in a hurry, buttoning up his buttons, and said, Ah, what's wrong?

The grilled fish is almost cold. Hurry up and eat.

I'm coming.

Tang Xiaoxiao got dressed, then opened the bathroom door and came out.

Shen Qingchuan was already sitting at the dining table waiting for her. When he saw her coming out, he waved, Why does it take so long to go to the toilet? Are you constipated?

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Why are you so annoying? Tang Xiaoxiao glared at him, Others have a boyfriend, and they either have coffee, wine, or go to various places to play every day. When I'm in love with you, why do I eat, drink, and sleep every day?

Shen Qingchuan handed her the chopsticks and said with a smile, Eating, drinking, sleeping and sleeping is the normal state of life. Who lives in the RV holding a red wine glass every day? When I give birth to a child in the future, I will feed myself with a red wine glass?

Tang Xiaoxiao was sullen, There must be at least some romance. I felt like you didn't pursue me, so I talked to you. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm at a loss.

Why didn't I chase you? Shen Qingchuan raised his eyes, I ask you to play games and come to my place for dinner every day, so aren't I chasing you?

Tang Xiaoxiao vomited blood, What kind of chasing is this? Even if you chase me after playing a game, then some of my friends list will be my suitors!

As he spoke, he couldn't help but feel disgusted, You have so many ex-girlfriends, how did you pursue them at that time? Why was it so perfunctory when it was my turn? I'm not as good-looking as them, do I have to discount the steps in pursuit?

As soon as Shen Qingchuan heard that she had announced her girlfriend in advance, he knew that his girlfriend was really in a mood.

He walked around the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat next to her. He took her hand and said warmly, Why compare with them? You are not the same type as them. You conquered me mainly with your inner self.

Tang Xiaoxiao became even more unhappy, So you also think I'm not as good-looking as your ex-girlfriends?

Shen Qingchuan chuckled, Whether they are good-looking or not has nothing to do with me now. In my heart, you are the prettiest.

Tang Xiaoxiao was frustrated, Can't you say that I'm prettier than them?

Shen Qingchuan sighed, If I really said that, you would know I was lying to you as soon as you heard it, and you would feel even more uncomfortable.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, Then why did you chase them?

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, Actually, I didn't chase him that much. I basically made two dinner appointments, so it was natural. After all, I am a good young man with a house, a car, a company, handsome features, and no bad habits. Basically, as soon as I opened my mouth , they are all willing.”

Tang Xiaoxiao...

She said in a low voice, That's right. You are so thick-skinned. How many times have you been entangled with me? And you still can't catch up with me?

Then you have wronged me. When it comes to love, it's about mutual consent. I want to say let's get along. If people say no, then forget it. I don't have a hobby of pestering.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately thought of how Shen Qingchuan had confessed to her and immediately rejected her thousands of miles away after being rejected, and her heart suddenly filled with worry.

Is your love so shallow? Will you give up after being rejected once?

Shen Qingchuan said, The main reason is that I was young at that time, so I could express my love if I liked it. It didn't matter if I was rejected. There were so many girls, so I just had to find one to express my love to, and there would always be someone who agreed to me.

Tang Xiaoxiao was stunned, Why are you such a scumbag?

Shen Qingchuan chuckled and said, Baby, if you only work on a few boats, you are a scumbag, but if you do it seamlessly, you are a scumbag. I was rejected when I confessed my love and pursued someone else. How can I be called a scumbag?

Tang Xiaoxiao wanted to refute, but he really couldn't find a reason to refute.

If your confession is rejected, then it means there is no relationship at all. Why can't you pursue others?

But she still felt something was wrong.

He likes someone, and when he doesn't like someone, he pulls away too quickly.

Tang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said worriedly, Do you really like...them?

Shen Qingchuan sighed, It's a rare time together, do you really want to discuss this with me?

Tang Xiaoxiao said nothing, looking obviously unhappy.

Shen Qingchuan put his arm around her waist and kissed her hair, I don't want to hide it from you. Those girlfriends I talked about before must have liked them at the time, otherwise we wouldn't have talked about them.

You know, I grew up with my grandfather in the town. Even if I made money, I didn’t have any lofty pursuits.

I think it's good for them to share what I think is delicious and fun, but they don't think so. The small restaurants I have tried so hard to find will be criticized as cheap and not hygienic. Most of them don't care about the taste of the food. I don't care, I'm more concerned about whether this restaurant is classy enough.

I'm not qualified to judge other people's preferences and tastes. At that time, I just felt that our pursuit of life was contradictory, and that we both cared too much about gains and losses, so we were not invested enough in relationships, and we didn't have any attachment when we broke up.

He paused and gently touched Tang Xiaoxiao's cheek, But after I met you, everything was different. When I'm with you, I won't even think about whether you don't like where to eat with me or whether you want to go with me. My tastes don’t match. What I’m thinking is that I care so little about you that even if I get married and make two pots of rice every day, I still have to be with you. I gradually begin to understand that I used to be so picky about relationships. In the final analysis, there is no such thing as forever. It’s just a determination to be together, so I’m not willing to change for anyone.”

Tang Xiaoxiao's heart felt hot and swollen. She felt that she was really no match for Shen Qingchuan.

This guy's random words were more exciting than her script, and most importantly, he made her confused.

She was embarrassed to look into Shen Qingchuan's eyes, lowered her eyes, and whispered, If you really care about me so much, why didn't you bother me when I rejected you?

Shen Qingchuan said, I am not just entangled, I have used all my strategies, but you are stupid, thinking that I am really indifferent.

He whispered, Aren't I afraid that you will hate me? When we used to watch dramas together, didn't you just say that you hate men who stalk me? I thought to myself, if you don't like me, then you don't like me. You can't let that happen. Don’t you hate me anymore.”

Tang Xiaoxiao felt guilty, and she whispered, I rejected you at that time because you were not good, but later you ignored me and avoided me, which made me feel uncomfortable. At that time, I felt that it was not that important whether I could do it or not. I never want to see you talking to other women again.

Shen Qingchuan...

The timing is great.

Should he take the opportunity to confess?

Shen Qingchuan cleared his throat, Actually...

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang.

She picked it up and looked at it, pushed Shen Qingchuan away slightly, and whispered, My boss, let me answer the phone first.

After saying that, he got up and walked to the balcony to answer the phone.

Shen Qingchuan organized his words in his mind, thinking about what to say later so that his behavior would not appear so bad.

However, before the words were organized, Tang Xiaoxiao came over in a hurry. (End of chapter)

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