Gu Jingyan had already been waiting in the car.

As soon as Han Ruoxing came up, he shouted angrily, How dare he sneer in front of me! I didn't grab his hands and neck, and I'm not a fool!

Gu Jingyan opened a bottle of water and handed it to her, Take a drink of water and speak slowly.

Han Ruoxing took it, took two sips, moistened his throat, and then said, It's not that Manager Gou! I have no evidence to prove that this matter has anything to do with him, otherwise I would have fired him on the spot!

Han Ruoxing noticed that the financial assistant when she first came to the company. She was pretty and about the same age as her.

She is busy with new product launches these days and spends a lot of time in the store. Sometimes when she goes to the tea room or the bathroom, she can meet her colleagues and chat.

From those gossips, Han Ruoxing knew that the financial assistant was specially recruited and had a close relationship with Manager Gou.

Someone just witnessed two people coming out of a hotel.

When everyone sees this kind of thing between leaders and subordinates, they don’t dare to talk nonsense.

So when Han Ruoxing saw the financial assistant being pushed out, she knew that Manager Gou must be involved.

But the young lover was so determined that he accepted all the charges.

Han Ruoxing would certainly not respond if he couldn't deal with the mastermind.

After hearing this, Gu Jingyan smiled and said, He is a store manager. Only when the store makes money can he make money. Now he doesn't want you to make money. Either he has a grudge against you or he has other plans.

If you want to drive me away, Han Ruoxing took off her high heels and put on the flat shoes prepared by Gu Jingyan, Qiyuji's revenue is not low. My stepmother will not let go so easily. The worse I do, the worse she will be. There is a reason to take it back, but I don’t want it to be as she wants.”

When she returned to the Song family, she just recognized her relatives and did not expect to get anything from the Song family.

But Su Wanqin was very wary of her. She was not even willing to give her brother a room. She was kind on the surface, but she never really accepted them.

If that's the case, she won't be lenient when it comes to taking it away.

Seeing how transparent she was, Gu Jingyan started chatting, If you don't want her people to cause trouble under your nose, just find a reason to do so.

Han Ruoxing sighed, You don't know that this Manager Gou is related to Su Wanqin, otherwise she wouldn't be able to leave the store to Manager Gou so confidently when she goes abroad. If I open him for no reason , Su Wanqin went to my dad to complain. Even if my dad didn’t say anything about me, he would still have to compensate her, so it would be too much of a loss if I fired him, unless he made some big mistake himself, and I would be famous.

Before Gu Jingyan could speak, Lin Shu, who was driving in front, smiled and said, Madam, that shouldn't be the case. Isn't this your specialty?

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment and did not react.

Lin Shu reminded, There was a time when you and Mr. Gu came back from a dinner. When you came in, you broke a valuable pot of clivia that you raised. You didn't want to spend money to buy another one, so you blamed Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu was drunk at the time, so he couldn’t remember what he did the night before. In the end, not only did he give you a pot of Clivia, but he also gave you an extra bag, have you forgotten?

Lin Shu joked, Just find a mistake for him to make. When the time comes, just like you framed Mr. Gu, just frame him over.

Gu Jingyan suddenly turned to look at her, Did you break that potted flower?!

Han Ruoxing...

How could Lin Shu become as indebted as Shen Qingchuan!

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth and asked, Is that true?

Han Ruoxing laughed twice,'s been too long, I can't remember clearly...

Gu Jingyan said with a dark face, When you woke up that morning, you sat by the bed and cried, saying that it was your mother's birthday gift to you on your twelfth birthday!

She sobbed and said that it had just blossomed. Seeing that he was in a bad mood due to being busy with work recently, she left it at the door of the room to let him see it as soon as he came back and make him feel better.

He also said that if he had known he would get drunk, he would not have let him go.

Gu Jingyan pieced together the truth of the matter from her broken words - he broke the twelfth birthday gift her mother gave her.

Gu Jingyan fell into pieces when he was drunk and couldn't remember what the situation was like at that time. Seeing Han Ruoxing crying like that, he naturally believed it.

He wouldn't say anything apologetic to coax people, so he sent the picture of the Clivia to Lin Shu and asked him to help him buy it, making sure it was exactly the same as possible.

Lin Shu asked a lot, Isn't there any transplanting work?

Gu Jingyan said, When I broke it, it seemed like I stepped on it, which didn't work.

Lin Shu...

He clearly saw that his wife accidentally hit it, so why did Mr. Gu break it?

At that time, he felt that his boss seemed a bit...stupid - he believed everything his wife said.

Gu Jingyan thought about how he secretly observed her reaction after he brought back the new pot of clivia. She still didn't show that she was very satisfied, and he stupidly sent an extra bag, which made him very angry.

He gritted his teeth and said, Is that pot of flowers really Aunt He's birthday gift to you?

Han Ruoxing said weakly, I bought the salted fish for several hundred yuan.

Gu Jingyan was so angry that he had a heart attack, What else did you lie to me about?

Han Ruoxing whispered, Actually, my dad didn't say you were so useless just now. He said you were good-looking, responsible, and capable. You were the boss of a listed company at a young age, and you built such a powerful robot. I know how to hurt people, so I will definitely not suffer if I follow you.

Gu Jingyan...

He tried to keep his face straight, I'm still angry. What do you mean by this now?

Han Ruoxing raised her hand along his chest and whispered, Didn't you ask me what else I lied to you about?

Gu Jingyan held her hand and said, Funny words.

I was wrong, please forgive me, okay?

Han Ruoxing's tone of admitting her mistake was very insincere, almost like coquettishness, but Gu Jingyan just fell for it.

He glanced at the cunning woman and hummed, I won't do this next time.

Han Ruoxing gave a thumbs up, Mr. Gu has a broad mind.

Gu Jingyan glanced at Lin Shu and said, The same goes for you. I won't do this again if I continue to stir up dissension.

Lin Shu...

What a great opportunity to ask for benefits, but my wife dropped my IQ after just a few words of coaxing.

Han Ruoxing thought of Lin Shu's proposal just now, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, I seem to know how to deal with him.

Gu Jingyan asked, What did you think of?

Han Ruoxing kissed him on the cheek and said, I'll tell you during dinner.


Yunding International 902.

Tang Xiaoxiao stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at himself.

It turns out that you are not wearing underwear and can see it so clearly through your pajamas?

This is too debauched.

She picked up her underwear and was about to put it on herself when someone knocked on the bathroom door, Little bandit, are you done? (End of Chapter)

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