Han Ruoxing...

She said angrily, Say it again!

Gu Jingyan grabbed her hand and gently held her in his arms, pressing his chin on her shoulder, and said gently, Is it appropriate for you to be so interested in other people's love lives in front of me?

So, let's talk about our love life?

Gu Jingyan nodded, looking forward to it.

Han Ruoxing looked at him for a long time, opened her mouth several times, then closed it again, and finally frowned and said, It's over, I can't feel anything anymore.

Gu Jingyan's heart dropped.

Han Ruoxing stretched out her hand to cover his eyes, Don't look at me with that disgusting look. I won't be able to adapt to you regaining your memory. Otherwise, you will still be the same as before. If I touch you, you will not be willing to live or die. Like a chaste and fierce woman, he said a little shyly, I quite like that feeling.

Gu Jingyan...

He loosened his hand around her, sat slightly to the side, distanced himself, his jaw tightened, and his eyes returned to coldness.

Han Ruoxing's heart was pounding, this felt right.

She moved closer to Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan leaned back slightly and said, Miss Han, please respect yourself.

Han Ruoxing rolled her eyes and stepped forward to grab his shirt.

Gu Jingyan held her hand and looked embarrassed, You are a girl and you take off a man's clothes when you come up. Don't you have any sense of shame?

Han Ruoxing pretended to unbutton his buttons and said, What kind of shame do you need? My husband happens to have lost his memory. Usually I don't dare to climb the wall when he is around. Let's hurry up while he hasn't recovered his memory!

Gu Jingyan? ?

He said with a dark face, Aren't you going to be aloof? Why did you change the script halfway? It's still an affair script!

Han Ruoxing lay on his shoulder and laughed. After a while, she sat up, hooked her arms around his neck, rubbed the tips of her noses with him, touched his ears, and asked in a low voice, You are satisfied with anything I say, but you are so incompetent. It’s a principle.”

Gu Jingyan's ears were hot from her touch, and he lowered his eyes and said slowly, Not everything is satisfactory.


Gu Jingyan leaned close to her ear and said with a gentle voice, If you like violence, I will definitely not be able to let you go.

Han Ruoxing...

You know a lot. She muttered quietly.

Gu Jingyan hugged her, and after a while, he called softly, A Xing.

Yeah. She responded softly.

Gu Jingyan suddenly felt at ease and said, I'm sorry for making you sad and worried these days.

Han Ruoxing stroked his back again and again, and then said for a long time, Gu Jingyan, as long as I'm by your side, I'm not afraid of anything. What I'm most afraid of is that you put me behind your back and bear everything by yourself. If something happens to you, , how do you let me feel relieved?

Gu Jingyan suddenly laughed.

Han Ruoxing let go of her hand and glared at him, I'm flirting with you, why are you laughing?

Gu Jingyan pulled her hand back again, with gentle eyes, You said it yourself, if thunder comes, strike me first, and I can't let you die even if I die.

Han Ruoxing was choked up, Can you take it seriously if you say it as a joke?

But I don't regret it, Gu Jingyan raised his eyes to look at her, with a hint of mist in his eyes, If I had been dragging you down that day, both of us might have died, let alone them.

He said and gently put his hand on her belly, One for three, it's worth it.

Han Ruoxing was a little angry, That's right, you can't get anything in exchange for it! You are gone, and you still want me to give you a child? What are you dreaming about? If you can't come back, I will be with someone else immediately. I will wear the same clothes every day Hong goes to your grave, so what if you become a hero, why don’t you support others’ wives?”

Gu Jingyan couldn't help laughing when he heard her angry words, Then I must have heard your 'ungrateful' thoughts and was unwilling to leave, so I came back.

Han Ruoxing hugged him tightly and whispered, I'll make a lunch for you tomorrow. The muscles have become thinner since the injury. It's not as easy to hold as before.

Gu Jingyan frowned, I'm pregnant and cooking for me. How many times do you think Tianjun could twist my neck if he knew?

Han Ruoxing kept laughing, You deserve it. Who told you to stay away from human affairs before?

Hey, by the way, you hypnotized Song Jiayu, did you come up with anything?

Gu Jingyan nodded, She wasn't the one who pulled me out of the water. There was someone else who rescued me. Someone left me in a clinic and left her phone number.

So Song Jiayu said that what he picked up on you on the shore was all fake?

Gu Jingyan responded.

That day, when I was about to lose consciousness in the water, someone grabbed me. Although I didn't see it clearly, the force didn't look like that of a woman.

Being able to hold an unconscious adult man in the water with one hand is something that women cannot do, and even adult men may not be able to do so. This person has excellent physical fitness and excellent water skills.

Saved him, but didn't send him back, but left Song Jiayu's contact information. This person didn't want him to die, but left him with Song Jiayu to be hypnotized and lose his memory. This person obviously didn't want him to do that either. Come back soon.

If his hypnosis is deeper, if he succumbs to the illusion created by hypnosis and has something with Song Jiayu, will he and Ah Xing still have a future?

The other party wanted to make him live and leave.

The name kept spinning in my head over and over again.

The car accident that year was because Qiao Xusheng tampered with the vehicle. He Yurou and Ah Xing were both innocent. He knew this and shouldn't be angry with Ah Xing because of this.

Now it seems that Ah Xing has indeed been safe and sound. Could it be that he is the one he wants to target?

What did you think of?

Han Ruoxing asked in a low voice.

Gu Jingyan came to his senses and shook his head, It's nothing. I'll ask Miss Tang to accompany you to Ms. Liang's house for the next two days. In the name of talking about compensation for the two injured cleaners, to make the noise bigger, we can invite some media. Write a manuscript.

Han Ruoxing paused and said, If this matter gets messed up, your mother will really not be able to hold her head high in the industry in the future. You need to think clearly.

Gu Jingyan said calmly, You don't know her. As long as there is a little splash, she will make waves again, but it can indeed calm her down for a while.

Han Ruoxing agreed with this point. She thought for a while and said, You said that every time something happens to your mother, she has to go to your second uncle. Your second uncle is still willing to help every time. What's wrong with your second uncle? While working I'm going against you, but on the other hand, I'm helping your mother.

Gu Jingyan paused and said nothing.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment. Gu Jingyan's reaction was not quite right.

She asked in a low voice, Does your second uncle like your mother?

Gu Jingyan's expression stiffened for a second and he didn't speak for a long time.

She knew there was something wrong with this reaction. She knew that Gu Jingyan didn't like to talk about his elders, especially those who were his mother and his second uncle, so Han Ruoxing had no intention of asking any more questions.

As a result, Gu Jingyan was silent for a moment and then said, Before she married my father, she had a relationship with her second uncle.

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