Han Ruoxing's eyes widened, You actually have secrets from such a wealthy family, please tell me.

Gu Jingyan is usually as tight-lipped as anything, but he has kept it a secret for so many years. Most people probably don't know about this, otherwise she would have heard Liang Siyin complain about it.

Gu Jingyan hesitated, and it took a long time for Han Ruoxing to come up with a general idea.

Gu Jingyan himself didn't know what kind of history they had, but at his father's funeral, he saw Gu Qinghai and Zhong Meilan hugging each other.

Once the seeds of something are planted, you can't help but pay attention. There is no airtight wall in the world.

The Zhong family was relatively well-off in Jiangcheng back then. Zhong Meilan and her younger brother Zhong Xiang were the top golden boys and girls in Jiangcheng's social circle. The children of the Zhong family competed with each other in beauty.

The old Zhong family is extremely pampered. As the saying goes, spoiling a child is like killing a child. This saying is not an exaggeration when applied to the Zhong family.

Zhong Xiang got into the bad habit of gambling at a young age. The Zhong family's wealth was almost wiped out before Zhong Meilan got married. After Zhong Meilan got married, she often supported her younger brother.

Gu Jingyan's father hated dog gambling, and Zhong Meilan didn't dare to tell him. So every time Zhong Xiang lost his bet and was detained, and called her to redeem him, Zhong Meilan always called her Gu Qinghai.

Gu Jingyan didn't know about it at first, until one time, after drinking too much with Zhong Xiang, she hooked her arm on his shoulder and drunkenly said, My sister really made a wrong bet back then. She thought she would marry your dad and fly into the sky, but she found Even if she has a man who doesn't like her, she is still a short-lived ghost. You think it would have been great if she had just been with your second uncle. Once your father died, wouldn't she still be the head mother of the Gu family? Who would dare at that time? Kick me out?

As a teenager, Gu Jingyan felt cold all over his body. After that, he became estranged from Gu Qinghai. Not only was he estranged, but he was also unwilling to let Gu Jingyang get close to him.

But at that time, Gu Jingyang was raised by Zhong Meilan and was closer to her, so she never took his warnings to heart. In her heart, she still felt that Gu Qinghai loved her purely because of the uncle-nephew relationship, so she got into trouble and hid at Gu Qinghai's house.

Zhong Meilan kept a distance from her second uncle on the surface, but whenever she encountered something that could not be solved, she would contact Gu Qinghai. This fact made Gu Jingyan particularly annoyed.

But with their second aunt and grandma here, they didn't dare to go too far.

This kind of scandal would bring shame to everyone, and grandma would also be angry, so it would be better to just pretend not to know.

Last time something happened to Zhong Xiang's company, she went to see Gu Qinghai, and he warned her. Unexpectedly, she wanted Gu Qinghai to come bail her out this time when something happened to her.

The matter has become such a big deal, Gu Qinghai released her on bail, and the news will spread to everyone in a blink of an eye. The Gu family will become a laughing stock, just for fear that grandma will become angry and ruin her health.

After Han Ruoxing listened, he didn't say anything for a long time.

No wonder Gu Jingyan was always so cold towards Gu Qinghai. She had always thought it was something related to the company, but she didn't expect that there was such a hidden origin.

Zhong Meilan is so capable, and Gu Qinghai doesn't seem too stupid. How could he be devoted to someone like Zhong Meilan for decades?

He already has a son and a daughter, but he still rushes to make a fool of himself?

She felt that Zhong Meilan must have given Gu Qinghai a sweetheart. There was something hooking him that he couldn't let go of, and he was willing to give up.

Could it be that they...

Han Ruoxing had a guess in her mind, and she really wanted to ask it out, but looking at Gu Jingyan's empty look, she felt that asking it out would be too cruel for him, so she swallowed it back.

She changed the topic and said, Gu Jingyan, the box office of Murder is about to break through Amnesia. From now on, I will also be a billionaire actress.

Gu Jingyan was stunned for a moment and chuckled, That's awesome.

Han Ruoxing said, You are so different now from before. If I had said this to you before, you would have said, it's only one billion, why are you proud? You're not the leading actor, so what's there to be proud of?

Gu Jingyan...

This is indeed like what he said before, in other words, it is more like what Zhong Meilan said to him when he was a child.

No matter how good his grades were when he was a child, Zhong Meilan always said, don't be proud, you might be overtaken by others next time, or, your dad and I spent so much money on you, isn't it appropriate to take the test like this? ?

He didn't get any praise from her, so he didn't show the right attitude when his lover shared the joy.

What he thought was encouragement was heard as suppression and belittling.

Zhong Meilan gave him the most wrong example. He thought he was clearly different from her. However, being supported and supported by the people around him, he never realized how wrong he was in some aspects like her.

Gu Jingyan looked down at her, like a puppy, and asked in a low voice, Then do you like the me before or the me now?

Han Ruoxing smiled and whispered in his ear, Gu Jingyan is a person who knows his mistakes and will correct them, so I like him no matter what.

Flowers bloomed in the puppy's eyes, shining like stars.

Gu Jingyan whispered, Actually, I have seen that movie. Before it was released, I went to the director's house to watch the master tape. The acting was really good.

Isn't it only five cents for acting?

Gu Jingyan laughed and said, Eight cents this time.

Before Han Ruoxing took the initiative to contact Liang Siyin, Liang Siyin took the initiative to contact her.

These days, things about the Chen family are everywhere in the circle.

Chen Yeping's charges are basically confirmed, he is under the control of relevant units, and he is now waiting to go through the procedures.

Liang Siyin is very smart in business, but she is not an overly greedy person, so she has always told Chen Yeping not to touch those gray areas in officialdom.

She has assets in her name, and the family has enough money to spend, and she is not short of the money to lick blood. If she touches it, something happens to him, and the whole family will be separated.

Chen Yeping promised well, but he had to raise a mistress. Liang Siyin controlled the family's financial power. Where would he get the money to raise a mistress and an illegitimate child?

So from the beginning, he did something that touched the bottom line, but he didn't dare to let Liang Siyin see the money, so he spent it all on his mistress, mother and son.

Later, when the illegitimate child was about to enter school, his lover asked him for a house, a house in a high-end school district, which cost tens of millions. Otherwise, the child would be taken to his work unit and in front of his wife.

Chen Yeping was so worried that he finally went to Zhong Meilan for a showdown. Zhong Meilan gave him an idea and took away 10 million from Liang Siyin.

You have money to buy a house, but when it comes to decoration and cars, almost every family living in a high-end community has a million-dollar luxury car. Once a person's appetite is developed, it will be a bottomless pit.

Chen Yeping could only continue to obtain money through illegal means to satisfy the mother and son.

When Liang Siyin called her, she was in Fulin Community. She said there was a good pastry shop nearby and told her to go there and wait for a while. She would go there when she was done.

Han Ruoxing asked curiously, Sister Si Yin, what are you busy with?

Liang Siyin said calmly, Take up the house and help the mistress prepare the bed. Do you want to come over and take a look?


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