Song Jiayu was blocked and speechless.

Seeing her pale face, Su Wanqin sighed, Jiayu, you have been obedient since you were a child. You have always been very sensible and done whatever your mother asked you to do. You have always been very sensible and done very well. Your mother has worked hard to train you in the hope that you will be better in the future. You can be on your own, I’m not asking you to be someone’s wife.”

Even if Gu Jingyan really falls in love with you, think about it, today he can abandon Han Ruoxing for you, but will he abandon you for someone else tomorrow?

Su Wanqin gritted her teeth and took another dose of strong medicine, Your surname is Song, but you don't have the blood of the Song family on your body. No matter how much your father or brother loves you, human nature will be more biased toward their own flesh and blood. If the Song family doesn't He may be your lifelong supporter, but you must become stronger yourself. When you become an important presence in Caline, no one will dare to look down on you.

Don't be impatient every time I mention Han Ruoxing. Han Ruoxing was admitted back to the Song family by your father and rekindled her relationship with Gu Jingyan. Her life has been enough, do you think she has stopped? No matter you The shop her dad gave her, Qi Yu Ji, and even the film and television industry where she made her own movies, she didn’t miss any of them.”

Her starting point is not as high as yours, but if you stay where you are, it will only be a matter of time before she overtakes you. Once she gets a foothold in Caline, you will only be overpowered by her for the rest of your life.

Song Jiayu said nothing, but her eyes were slightly red.

Su Wanqin handed her a glass of water, The fact that Gu Jingyan can reduce contact with you just because of my words shows that you are not that important in his heart. It is a good thing for you to stop the loss in time. When the Lantern Festival is over, you will Let's officially join the job, and I'll let Cheng Yue take care of you then.

Song Jiayu lowered his eyes and bowed his head in response, seeming to have listened to her harsh words of advice.

Su Wanqin patted her shoulder and said no more. They are all adults and can weigh everything.

Song Jiayu held the cup in both hands, clenching it little by little.

They said they were afraid that Han Ruoxing would take Caline away. In the final analysis, they were afraid that her father would blame her after she got together with Gu Jingyan.

Ever since Han Ruoxing was recognized, she had asked her to tolerate everything. Every time she had a disagreement with Han Ruoxing, she never turned to her. She was just afraid that she would be unfair and separated from her father, so she always said They all chose to wrong her.

She could listen to her for everything else, but now that she had clearly seen hope with Gu Jingyan, she was unwilling to help her. Who is her daughter?

The obedience and rebellion in Song Jiayu's heart were torn back and forth. At this moment, the cell phone rang.

Gu Jingyan sent a message, That's it. Aunt Su doesn't like me. Don't cause any rift between you and your mother because of me. I should treat you as my sister. What I did last night was indeed inappropriate. I'm sorry.

These words were too ambiguous. Song Jiayu almost didn't want to think about it and replied, But I don't want to be your sister.

After sending this message, Gu Jingyan did not reply.

Song Jiayu clutched her cell phone and couldn't sit still.

I don't want to be your sister, I want to be your woman! Han Ruoxing's acting skills burst out, she raised her head and asked Gu Jingyan with bright eyes, Does she look like Gao Shanshan?

Gu Jingyan raised his eyes, confused, Who is Gao Shanshan?

Han Ruoxing said, You're a 2G surfer, I'm too lazy to talk to you.

Lin Shu praised, They are very similar, especially the unbreakable voice. They are exactly the same.

Gu Jingyan...

Lin Shu had someone to back him up, and he was twice as bold as he was. He was not afraid of the boss's gaze at all.

Han Ruoxing narrowed his eyes, You have discernment! I'll ask Gu Jingyan later... to reward you with an extra Lantern Festival.

Lin Shu's eyelids twitched. The boss was generous and he couldn't help but the wife was stingy. It was getting harder and harder to make money.

Gu Jingyan and Lin Shu were busy processing documents. Han Ruoxing couldn't sit still after finishing two video lectures.

Sometimes I stand up and take a walk, sometimes I stretch my hands and feet.

It felt like there were nails on my butt, and I couldn't sit still at all.

While Gu Jingyan was working, he had to watch her distractedly. Seeing that she wanted to do a split on the sofa, he finally couldn't help it anymore, Can't you sit still?

Han Ruoxing sighed, I'm bored just sitting there with no one chatting with me, but it's not that boring when I move.

Gu Jingyan was speechless, How about I call Shen Qingchuan over and you two can talk?

No, I can just chat with Lin Shu. Is Lin Shu busy?

Han Ruoxing blinked with sincerity.

Lin Shu shook his head, I've almost finished my work, I'm just waiting for Mr. Gu to check it out.

Han Ruoxing immediately sat down and said, Lin Shu, what's going on with you and Gu Jingyang now?

Lin Shu...

Gu Jingyan...

It wasn’t that she was bored because there was no one to chat with, it was because her curiosity about the gossip was driving her to the point of going crazy, so she directly faced the real owner and opened her mouth.

Lin Shuqian laughed and said, Madam, can we talk about something else?

Han Ruoxing said, Did Gu Jingyan threaten you with something to make you compromise? It doesn't matter. Just say it openly. I will support you and will never let him do anything to force a good marriage.

Gu Jingyan?

What kind of person is he?

Lin Shu said, No, Mr. Gu is not that kind of person.

Then do you like Gu Jingyang?

This question was too straightforward, and Lin Shu couldn't answer it, so he awkwardly asked Gu Jingyan for help.

Gu Jingyan glanced at him, as if to say, why were you so bold when you flattered his wife just now and offended him?

Seeing a joke as a joke, Gu Jingyan said at the right time, Why are you so concerned about Lin Shu's relationship?

Han Ruoxing was immediately pulled away from her thoughts by Gu Jingyan, I'm not afraid that your sister will bully Lin Shu. She has done many bullying things in the past.

How can Lin Shu be so easy to bully? It was Lin Shu who brought Jingyang to the company before. Do you think Lin Shu can't cure her?

Gu Jingyan said and waved his hand, signaling Lin Shu to go out first.

Han Ruoxing said, That's not necessarily the case. Gu Jingyang is your sister. If Lin Shu is angry with her, he can't possibly tell you.

He won't say it, but Jingyang will say that Jingyang can't hide things in his heart. Gu Jingyan paused and asked in a low voice, Do you still remember what Jingyang did before?

Han Ruoxing shook his head, I can't say I hold a grudge. I still feel uncomfortable, but later on, I was obedient to your mother, so I indirectly protected me.

She changed the topic and said, But it's not like you don't know your sister's temper. You bully Lin Shu too much.

Gu Jingyan sighed, I'm usually so smart, so why do I become stupid when I should be smart? Think about it, if Lin Shu really had no interest at all, he would have just rejected me.

Han Ruoxing was stunned and looked strange, I really can't imagine that Lin Shu would like your sister like that.

Gu Jingyan said calmly, It's too normal. Before I met you, I never thought that my partner would be a money-grubbing and lustful person.

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