
Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment.

Song Tianjun couldn't hold it back and complained, It's been almost two weeks since this happened, and he just now thinks about the aftermath. Did his brain get damaged when he fell into the water, or did he smash a hole in his head, and lost those few brains? The bleeding is over? The child is already dead, and you only think about wanting milk. How can you do such a thing with a normal mind that you can’t wipe your butt clean?”

Han Ruoxing...

Gu Jingyan...

There is not a single curse word, but the curse is really dirty.

Han Ruoxing asked in a low voice, Brother, how did you know it was Gu Jingyan who took it?

Song Tianjun snorted, I wiped his butt, how could I not know? Fortunately, I looked at the photo album first. If dad saw it first, he would have to call the police and catch this thief who stole the photos!

Gu Jingyan...

From Song Tianjun's intermittent narration, Han Ruoxing learned that after they left that day, Song Tianjun discovered that one photo was missing. He took a few more photos away and told the nanny to tell his father how many photos he had taken if he asked. Let the company go.

This is why the old father, who has lost the photo for so long and knows so much about his daughter's things, didn't find it.

It turned out that while she was still complacent about getting Gu Jingyan drunk and tricking him out of Gu Jingyan's words, her brother had already deduced the fact that Gu Jingyan was pretending to have amnesia from that photo, and even helped him get over it without leaving any trace.

They are all born to the same mother, how come my brother is so good? !

Han Ruoxing couldn't bear to see Gu Jingyan being ridiculed by Song Tianjun, and defended in a low voice, He drank too much that day, and his brain was working slowly. Brother, so are you. You've noticed it a long time ago, why didn't you tell me?

Oh, Song Tianjun said slowly, Don't you know? I thought it was the love between the two of you. The ex-husband who has lost his memory and his brain is flooded, and the miserable ex-wife who is pregnant and refuses to leave. If he runs away from you and chases you, you two It’s hard to fly without wings.”

Han Ruoxing...

Her brother understood the yin and yang of yin and yang, and she, a leaky cotton-padded jacket that could not be kept, became the target of her brother's yin and yang.

Brother, I have good news for you.

Song Tianjun said seriously, Does the child have our last name? Apart from this, I can't think of any other good news that I can get from you two.

Song Tianjun definitely knew that Gu Jingyan was sitting next to her and said this deliberately to provoke him.

But he probably didn't expect that Gu Jingyan, who was about to be a father, had already become steady in this regard. He was not angry at all when he heard this, and even said very generously, I can use anyone's last name, as long as Ah Xing likes it.

Song Tianjun said, Haha, Silly girl, don't believe what a man says. You haven't given birth yet. Of course he is just telling you nice things to do to coax you to raise the baby. When you give birth, he might change his face.

Gu Jingyan has a very good temper, I had the same attitude after giving birth. You can record or even videotape me to see if my words and deeds are consistent. If I can't do it, the whole city or even the whole country will watch the video.

Song Tianjun was silent.

Something is wrong with Gu Jingyan.

He doesn't have such a bad temper. He usually can't fight for a few rounds in front of him. How come he has such a stable temper this time, is not impatient no matter how he teases her, and is even so open-minded?

After a long silence, Song Tianjun spoke again, What is the good news?

Han Ruoxing cleared her throat and said, Brother, for next year's New Year, you may have to prepare two pieces of New Year's money. One cent is not enough.

Song Tianjun was silent for a moment. After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and said, Bullshit! Why are you so generous? You dare to love my sister and suffer, but you are a favor? I really belong to you!

Gu Jingyan said sincerely, If possible, I would rather be the one who suffers.

Whoever says he can't, if you have the ability, go and have one!

Gu Jingyan...

If we want to talk like this, we won’t be able to talk that day.

Han Ruoxing couldn't stop laughing and joked, Let's wait until technology advances. If he is not old yet, let him have three children.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her helplessly. He was not angry at all because she dared to make fun of him like this.

Twins, twins... Song Tianjun muttered, and he became happy. After a while, he said, Should I talk to dad and the others, or you two?

Wait, wait...it won't be long before the dust settles on Gu Jingyan's amnesia.

Song Tianjun understood, Do you need my help?

No need for the moment. By the way, brother, have you found out the origin of the person named Dan Chao that I asked you to check for me before?

Gu Jingyan pricked up his ears. This was a name he had never heard before.

Song Tianjun said, I found it, but he doesn't seem to have anything to do with Aunt He.

Han Ruoxing quickly asked, What did you find out?

Shan Chao is not an overseas Chinese, but an ethnic Chinese. He is a native of M country. His grandparents have emigrated abroad. His previous Chinese name was Li Xin. Both his parents are doctors. He himself is also a medical professional. It was almost thirty years ago. , his father came to Jiangcheng for academic exchange and stayed in Jiangcheng for more than three years, during which time he changed his name to Shan Yichao.

He only has three and a half years of experience in China. I checked his information in detail during this period, but because it took so long, many of them could not be verified. However, his permanent address is not in the same district as Aunt He at all, and there is absolutely nothing Intersection.”

The fate of this single dynasty was actually quite bumpy. Twenty years ago, a gas leak occurred in his home and an explosion occurred. His wife died in the fire while pregnant with their child. He himself was seriously injured and could not hold a scalpel. After so many years, I have been seeking medical treatment everywhere with the support of my parents, but it turned out that I was diagnosed with liver cancer just a few years after I was healthy. Maybe I was dying and wanted to do some good deeds before I died, so I thought of the place I had lived in when I was young and came to Jiangcheng.

Han Ruoxing didn't speak for a long time.

Song Tianjun asked, Ruoxing, why are you investigating this person?

When checking things, she only said it was related to He Yurou's welfare home, but didn't reveal anything else.

Han Ruoxing was silent for a moment and said, Brother, this person donated money to the welfare home and said he knew my mother, but I have never seen him, and I have never heard my mother mention that she knew such a person. Now you can find out The result is that he has no relationship with my mother, why do you think he lied to me?

Song Tianjun was startled for a moment, then thought about it and said, Maybe it's a random excuse. Doesn't he have an incurable disease? Maybe he doesn't want to be asked about his past?

Song Tianjun paused, What exactly do you think is wrong?

Han Ruoxing frowned, I don't know, I always feel weird. That person gave me a weird feeling. He seemed to really know my mother because he knew me, but how could he be Chinese? He left Jiangcheng When I returned to country M, my mother wasn’t even married yet, let alone me, so how do you think he knew about me?”

(None today)

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