Han Ruoxing said angrily, Isn't it obvious? You almost slapped the injury on my face. How stupid can I be to not see it?

Gu Jingyan raised his eyes and looked at her softly, You see it, why aren't you angry?

Why are you angry? Am I a puffer fish? I only get angry every day? Han Ruoxing glared at him, and then said, It's true that I'm angry that you have to hide it from me when you regain your memory, and it's true that I'm sorry for the sins you suffered. You show me The wounds make me feel distressed and you are showing weakness to me. How can I be angry? Are you angry that you were hurt? You were clearly hurt because you were protecting me. Every one of those wounds is piercing my heart.

Gu Jingyan was startled and hurriedly explained, I didn't mean that-

Of course I know you don't mean this. If you have such scheming intentions, I won't look down on you. If you pretend to have amnesia, I will help you. If you want to chase someone, I will give you some water. How many ounces of water can you hold in your belly? Isn’t it clear yet?”

Gu Jingyan...

It doesn't sound like you're complimenting me.

Han Ruo Are you so angry that you blew yourself up? Don’t you want to find excuses to continue pretending to have amnesia?”

Gu Jingyan looked a little embarrassed. Under Han Ruoxing's half-smiling eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, If I keep pretending, he will really come to poach me!

Han Ruoxing kept laughing and said jokingly, Oh, you lost your memory before but you vowed to break off the engagement with me and asked me to renew our relationship with him. How could you, such a generous person, become so stingy after you regained your memory? Already?

Gu Jingyan was choked. Those stupid words he said when he lost his memory were all stabbed into him one after another.

He whispered, I was drugged at that time and my mind was not clear. What I said when I lost my memory should not be taken seriously.


Han Ruoxing was surprisingly easy to talk to, which flattered Gu Jingyan a little.

But soon he knew why, because the accounts were not settled yet.

Han Ruoxing continued, Then why were you so close to Song Jiayu after you lost your memory? You still wanted to take her to ride Junjun because she was mean to me. When I wanted you to take me to ride Junjun before, you said I was fat. I can crush Junjun into a camel when I go up, and even give her the cherry hairpin I bought. In fact, amnesia is real, and it is also true that you have feelings for her, right?

Gu Jingyan only felt that a pot fell from the sky and hit him directly on the head, causing his eyes to turn black.

How could I like her? I was just being polite and had no intention of taking her to ride Junjun. I didn't mean to say you were fat. I just wanted you to pester me for a while. Who knew you would just stop asking.

Han Ruoxing...

You said I was fat and I kept pestering you a little longer. Do I look like I'm mentally ill?

Gu Jingyan said weakly, When we were drinking before, Qingchuan told her not to agree to a girl's request so quickly, but to hold her off for a while and wait for her to act coquettish before agreeing to her.

Han Ruoxing?

Are you sure you are dragging me down and not hurting me?

Gu Jingyan slumped his shoulders, I didn't think about it that much, he said cautiously, Can I take you riding tomorrow?

Han Ruoxing said, Okay, maybe we can see two babies born in advance tomorrow.

Gu Jingyan...

He immediately changed his mind, Then I will take you there after the body recovers after the birth.

As he spoke, he worked harder to massage her calves.

Pressing and pressing, he suddenly said, I can also play the piano.

Han Ruoxing?

We haven't played four-handed yet.

Han Ruoxing? ?

You and Mo Mingxuan played Starry Sky together at the concert.

When Han Ruoxing came to think of it, she realized that her opponent's jealousy was also overturned.

I can also play Starry Sky. I play it better than him. Gu Jingyan whispered angrily, Don't you like gold, silver and jewelry? When did you like such arty things again?

Han Ruoxing suppressed a laugh, stretched out her hand to pinch his face, and narrowed her beautiful eyes, Mr. Gu, it's hard to bear it, isn't it? How long has it been since this happened, and now you are sore?

Gu Jingyan grabbed her hand and kissed it, I have wanted to be sore for a long time, but I was afraid that it would be too harsh and others would see it.

Then he asked a question that he was very confused about, When did you find out that I recovered my memory? In order to make the play more realistic, I didn't even dare to look at you.

Han Ruoxing looked at him with a half-smile, You really want to know?

Gu Jingyan nodded, I really want to.

At least before the Chinese New Year, he felt that he could pretend to be absolutely perfect.

Han Ruoxing leaned close to his ear and said, I can read minds. Not only do I know how you regained your memory, I also know when you had the ligation surgery and what the surgical wound looked like.

Gu Jingyan froze immediately. He stared at Han Ruoxing for a long time and suddenly said, Then what am I thinking about now?

Han Ruoxing kicked her calf and her toes touched his abdominal muscles. She narrowed her eyes and said, You are thinking, make it up, keep making it up.

Gu Jingyan...

I don’t know whether what she said before was true or false, but this sentence, she was really right.

Gu Jingyan grabbed her feet and gently scratched her soles, Don't lie and teach the children bad things.

Han Ruoxing hummed and raised her eyes slightly, Do you still remember what happened on New Year's Eve?

New Year's Eve night...

Gu Jingyan came back to his senses, Is it because I took the photo?

Han Ruoxing? ? ?

What pictures did you take?

Gu Jingyan...

Not really.

Han Ruoxing narrowed her eyes, What photos did you take?

Gu Jingyan hesitated, his eyes evasive.

If you don't tell me, then I'll ask my brother.

Han Ruoxing gestured to take the phone, but Gu Jingyan held her down and said with an uneasy expression, Just...a picture of you when you were a child.

Which one?

Gu Jingyan awkwardly took a book from the bedside table, opened it and handed a photo inside to Han Ruoxing.

Han Ruoxing looked at it and fell silent.

Is there something wrong with you? If you don't take all the beautiful photos of me, why would you take this clay monkey?

Gu Jingyan said, This is the only one I don't have.

Those words made Han Ruoxing feel soft.

You idiot, you stole photos from our family photo album. If my dad finds out, can you still hide your memory recovery?

Gu Jingyan looked a little embarrassed, I was drunk at that time and it made me bold. I was very nervous in the next few days, but dad didn't seem to notice.

Impossible. My dad keeps the things I had when I was a child very carefully and looks through them every few days. There's no way he didn't notice them.

Gu Jingyan asked, Did he contact you and tell you about the missing photos?


Gu Jingyan frowned, Did dad already guess it?

Han Ruoxing said, I feel like my dad is not that smart.

Gu Jingyan was silent for a moment. Although it was unfilial to say this, it seemed true.

Maybe it's like you said. He was too busy during the Chinese New Year and he hasn't had time to look at the photo album yet, Han Ruoxing thought for a while and said, I called my brother and told him that this photo is with me. I'll tell my dad later. If you find that the photo is missing, ask my brother to send the message.

Gu Jingyan agreed very much. After all, it was too deliberate to call Song Wanqian directly after such a long time. It was very appropriate to let Song Tianjun act as an intermediary to convey the message.

However, after Han Ruoxing called and explained his intention, Song Tianjun didn't speak for a long time.

Brother? Han Ruoxing called him.

Song Tianjun responded, and then whispered, If you have time, take Gu Jingyan for a brain CT scan.

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