These words stopped Song Tianjun.

Is it possible that he and Aunt He do know each other and have been in contact and exchanging information?

Han Ruoxing shook his head, After my mother's car accident, I have always kept her cell phone. If we are in constant contact, there is no way I wouldn't know about it.

She scratched her hair, a little anxious, I originally thought that he might be an insider of the package swap incident, but the information you found is completely contrary to what I guessed. When the incident happened, he had already If you are no longer in the country, how can you be an insider?

Song Tianjun has been investigating the matter of the two children being swapped. Previously, there was an accident on the plane because she was traveling to country M. She wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible. Could it be that she was too sensitive because she was too eager to find out the truth? ?

Song Tianjun didn't expect that Han Ruoxing would think about it. Those who were insiders died or disappeared. Except for a man who he asked about from the nurse when he went to Country M, he had all the other people involved in the operation. material.

Could this be the man Sun Ye mentioned?

But the time didn't match, and a Chinese with a good living condition and nothing to do with any of them had no reason or motive to do such a thing.

Neither brother nor sister spoke, one looked more solemn than the other.

Gu Jingyan, who had been listening for a long time and figured out the whole story, said warmly, Is that so? Don't rush to conclusions yet. Anyway, he is in Jiangcheng now. Just find someone to keep an eye on him. If he is really aware of the incident that year, People, there will be people who can’t sit still before us.”

Gu Jingyan's words immediately woke up the two of them. Shan Chao came to China thirty years ago. Except for the time when he came to China and left China, the other time was too long and the details may not be verified at all. He Whether it has anything to do with what happened back then, you will know by looking at the actions of the real murderer.

Song Tianjun said, I'll arrange for someone to keep an eye on it, and I'll tell you if anything happens.

After talking about business, Song Tianjun suddenly said, Aren't you two going to get the certificate?

Han Ruoxing's eyes lit up, and just when she was about to speak, Gu Jingyan grabbed her at the sole of her foot, and her voice suddenly changed. The sound of her voice did not frighten Song Tianjun.

What's wrong?

Han Ruoxing glared at Gu Jingyan, her eyes warning him that he had better give her a reasonable explanation.

Gu Jingyan moved his lips and silently said two words - fraud.

Han Ruoxing suddenly woke up. Song Tianjun, who could easily see that Gu Jingyan was pretending to have amnesia, how could he not think more about the phone call asking for the household registration book after learning that they were expecting a second child?

Asked her if she planned to get the certificate. She would definitely tell Song Tianjun that she had received the certificate as soon as she was happy. Gu Jingyan did not notify the Song family and abducted her to get the certificate. His brother had to fight with Gu Jingyan. After all, he could not bear to blame his sister. , the only one who bears the hurt is Gu Jingyan.


Song Tianjun called out again, and Han Ruoxing greeted him, It's okay, it's just the baby making a fuss.

You can make a fuss at such a small amount? Song Tianjun felt a little bad, It can't be two boys, right?

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, Don't be so talkative.

Song Tianjun was unhappy, What's your attitude? It's good that Ah Xing suffered the consequences for you, but you still dare to favor girls over boys?

The corners of Gu Jingyan's mouth twitched.

Are they, the Song family, embarrassed to say that others favor girls over boys? It seems that my father-in-law beat him lightly!

After Song Tianjun finished speaking, he began to mutter again, It must not be the case. Look at the two in our uncle's family, a Tibetan Mastiff and a Border Collie. They are in a hurry every day. Gu Jingyan's genes, if they are two boys, I'm afraid he will give you a chance. Come out with two huskies.”

Gu Jingyan said with a dark face, My nephew looks like my uncle. If there were two huskies, I would be able to tell what breed you are.

Song Tianjun? ?

The marriage isn't over yet. Think carefully before speaking.

Gu Jingyan...

After gagging Gu Jingyan, Song Tianjun felt refreshed and encouraged Han Ruoxing, Ruoxing, when a woman is pregnant, it is the best time to test whether a man is worth trusting. Don't think about being pregnant. The wedding gift is just fine. If Gu Jingyan If I dare to treat you badly here, I don’t have to get married, and my two nieces will be raised by you later.”

She knew that Song Tianjun was teasing Gu Jingyan on purpose. He knew Gu Jingyan's character. When she was in the Qiao family, she was not from the right family. The Gu family had never treated her badly during the bride price and wedding, and it was even more impossible now.

But she still clearly felt that this marriage was very different from the last one, and that was the confidence given by her mother's family.

Gu Jingyan was unhappy, but couldn't talk back. Han Ruoxing looked at his aggrieved look, which was a little funny.

She lowered her eyes and said with a smile, Brother, whoever's child will earn the money to support it, let you raise it. What if you are too partial to your nephews and your future sister-in-law becomes anxious with you?

Song Tianjun said tsk, I'm not as afraid of his wife as Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan snorted, Don't be so full of words. You, the old Song family, are afraid of your wife.

Song Tianjun......

Han Ruoxing was happy for a while, then suddenly said, Hey, brother, what kind of girl do you like? There are several very powerful girls in Gu Jingyan's company. They have high academic qualifications, good looks, and very strong abilities. Three or four of them are single. Let's look back. Why don't you let Gu Jingyan save a game and let everyone meet and see if you like it——

Before he finished speaking, Song Tianjun hung up the phone.

Han Ruoxing...

My brother hung up on me?

Gu Jingyan was not surprised, He is a little nervous about blind dates now.

What? Blind dates can also be stressful.

When Gu Jingyan slowly told her that he didn't know about her brother-sister relationship with Song Tianjun before, he thought Song Tianjun was chasing her, and in order to create trouble for him, he helped him arrange many blind dates...

After hearing this, Han Ruoxing was greatly shocked.

I asked why my brother doesn't want to see you so much. You really don't behave like a human being.

Gu Jingyan coughed, The situation was urgent at that time. He dragged you to attend their family's family banquet. Do you think I can not be anxious?

Han Ruoxing looked at him, I've tried so many interviews without success, are you trying to introduce me to me in a crooked way?

Gu Jingyan was wronged, That's not true. The ones I chose for him are all career women with relatively good conditions in the system. Uncle Song is particularly satisfied.

Then why doesn't my brother like any of them?

Maybe... there is someone in my heart.

Han Ruoxing's heart for gossip suddenly burst into flames, Who is the person in my brother's heart? How old is he, what is his name, and where is he?

Gu Jingyan paused, Mrs. Gu, tonight is the wedding night, and I have no interest in talking about my uncle's love history in this precious moment.

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