Gu Qinghai was dumbfounded. Looking at Gu Jingyan with a cold and ruthless face, he said in disbelief for a long time, You want to use this matter to hype up?

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Second uncle, the L city earthquake happened a while ago. Didn't you forget about the expired bread that you donated materials to send? We have decades of reputation and countless donations. Because of this incident, the corporate image The impact was greatly reduced, and the impact has not been eliminated until now. Now I finally have a chance to eliminate the impact. Second uncle, you are also a businessman, what do you think a businessman would do?

Gu Qinghai looked ugly, Gu Jingyan, did you fall into the water and drown your brain? Are you using your own mother to promote the company? Are you crazy?

Gu Jingyan moved the Newton's pendulum on the table, lowered his eyes and seemed to smile, and said in a calm tone, My mother has always hoped that I would be well. Despite the accusations from the outside world, she wanted to hold a funeral for me. She wanted me to I'll be buried in peace, and sacrificing her now will make the company better, and I believe she will understand what I am doing.

Gu Qinghai pointed at him and cursed, Gu Jingyan! You are so selfish! You are treasonous!

Gu Jingyan slowly raised his eyes, Second uncle, I have already discussed this public relations plan with the senior management, and there is a meeting coming soon. At the meeting, everyone can express their opinions and see if they are more in favor or against my proposal. Duo, don’t you always like voting to be fair? I also think this method is fair.”

Gu Qinghai was so angry that his hands were shaking.

Usually in the company, whenever two people have different opinions, Gu Qinghai proposes a vote.

After all, Gu Jingyan joined the company late. He did not have as deep a foundation in the company as Gu Qinghai and had a wide network of contacts. In the early years, Gu Qinghai was defeated in almost every vote. It was not until later that his team made achievements and everyone saw his strength that the situation changed. It's getting better, after all, who can't live with money?

So for him to mention this was a slap in Gu Qinghai's face.

Being the ex-daughter-in-law of the Gu family is not as important as the image of the company or the money received. Everyone knows how to choose.

No matter how well-connected Gu Qinghai is, who would be so stupid when it comes to his own interests?

Moreover, he quietly notified the top management of the matter, and he couldn't even make excuses to explain it!

Gu Qinghai wanted to say something else, but his cell phone rang in his pocket.

When he saw it was Song Qingyun, he hung up without thinking. Soon Gu Jingyan's cell phone started ringing. Gu Jingyan took the phone and put it on speakerphone.

Song Qingyun's voice soon came from the other end of the phone, Jingyan, where is your second uncle? Ask him to answer the phone!

Gu Jingyan looked at the livid-faced Gu Qinghai and said slowly, Second Aunt, please tell me. Second Uncle is listening in front of me.

The second aunt became angry when she heard this, Gu Qinghai! Are you hanging up on me?

Gu Qinghai said solemnly, I'm talking about business, how can I answer your call?

What colleagues are you talking about? Are you talking about how to get Zhong Meilan out? You try to get her out, and I will go to the police station now to expose her use of playing mahjong to transfer benefits!

Gu Qinghai's face darkened, You must be sick, don't you often bring people to your house to play mahjong?

Song Qingyun sneered, I asked people to play mahjong just for fun. Zhong Meilan is so scheming. She lets anyone win if she wants to curry favor with her. She is so playful, who knows if her butt is clean or not?

If you try to get her out again, then everyone will die!

Gu Qinghai was so angry that his heart ached and he cursed, You are so messy!

If you don't believe it, try it!

After Song Qingyun finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Gu Jingyan looked at Gu Qinghai, who was turning pale, and said, Having a good wife at home is better than a fertile farmland. My second uncle is very lucky.

Gu Qinghai was so angry that he vomited blood and wanted to leave with a dark face.

Wait a minute.

Gu Jingyan glanced at the assistant next to Gu Qinghai and said in a serious tone, Second uncle, Lin Shu is a core member of Alex. Grandma has to be a bit mean. Your assistant is so powerful, you dare to attack him!

Gu Qinghai sneered, Gu Jingyan, don't look for trouble. If you want to blame him, you can only blame this dog for blocking the road!

Gu Jingyan's eyes darkened, It seems that the second uncle doesn't want to be private anymore.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed the police number, Hello, I want to call the police. Someone intentionally hurt me. My name is Gu Jingyan, ID card...

Before the Gu family finished speaking, Gu Qinghai's expression changed, Gu Jingyan, are you sick? Are you going to call the police on this trivial matter?

Gu Jingyan glanced at him and began to present his ID card.

It didn't look like he was faking it. Gu Qinghai was afraid that things would get serious. Before Gu Jingyan came back, he managed to gain some advantages, which made Gu Jingyan afraid. As a result, a while ago, his incompetent son caused the expired bread incident. The advantage he gained was suppressed.

Now is the time to employ people. If Gu Jingyan really calls the police and arrests the person, it's time for others to question his attitude towards his subordinates.

Gu Qinghai took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, The people below are not sensible. I can't help Lin Shu. You will send someone over later to compensate Lin Shu from my personal account. Let's just forget about it. Bar.

Gu Jingyan pressed the phone, raised his eyes and asked, How much does the second uncle plan to pay?

One hundred thousand.

Gu Jingyan picked up his phone again and started to apply for his ID card.

Gu Qinghai gritted his teeth, Two hundred thousand!

Gu Jingyan has already started to report his address.

Gu Qinghai's face turned green, Three hundred thousand for the head office, right? Gu Jingyan, don't go too far!

Gu Jingyan then hung up the phone, curled his lips and said, Then I will thank my second uncle on Lin Shu's behalf.

Instead of teaching Gu Jingyan a lesson, he vomited 300,000 yuan. When Gu Qinghai went out, his face was extremely gloomy.

Gu Jingyan said to his back, Second uncle, I will just ask the secretary to go up and get the check.

Gu Qinghai stumbled and almost fell, but fortunately the assistant next to him held him up. He threw the assistant away and walked faster, and he could still see some embarrassment.

The people sent by the secretariat quickly got Gu Qinghai's bleeding check of 300,000 yuan.

Gu Jingyan took the check and went to Lin Shu's office.

Opening the door, Gu Jingyang was applying medicine to the corner of Lin Shu's mouth. When he saw Gu Jingyan coming in, he panicked and accidentally pressed the door too hard. Lin Shu said with a bitter face, Miss, you don't have to avenge your personal revenge like this, right?

Gu Jingyang glanced at him and whispered, Brother.

Gu Jingyan said calmly, Go on, don't worry about me.

Gu Jingyang...

She suddenly felt that her brother was teasing her. Gu Jingyang gritted his teeth and whispered, What are you going on about? It's just this little injury and it hasn't been disinfected yet.

Lin Shu smiled and turned to ask Gu Jingyan, Mr. Gu, how are you doing?

Gu Jingyan put the check on the table, My second uncle gave you the compensation.

When Lin Shu saw it, he suddenly frowned, Mr. Gu, did I fall too early just now? If I had known that one punch would cost three hundred thousand, I would have held on a little longer just now.

(None today)

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