The corner of Gu Jingyang's mouth twitched, You've had your brain smashed, right? How about three hundred thousand for you to get punched again?

Lin Shu clicked his tongue, The eldest lady really doesn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. Not to mention 300,000, 30,000 will give me another punch. This is definitely the easiest money I have ever made. No wonder there are so many people. If you love to touch porcelain and get something for nothing, it will easily breed laziness.

Gu Jingyang was speechless, Look at how you look like you've never seen money! Can I beat you casually if I give you money? Do you have any backbone?

You can't eat your backbone, Lin Shu laughed, He hit me, I hit him back, and when the police came, no one could get any advantage. I even had to be punished by him because I offended Mr. Hai. Let’s make a note of this, how can I, a small wage earner, afford me trouble? Three hundred thousand is worth my few months’ bonus, do you think integrity is more important, or money?”

Lin Shu was only talking about the real situation of these workers. Gu Jingyang himself even thought the same way before - if you use their family's money to do things, you can naturally treat them how you want.

She was used to being superior to others. She didn't think anything was wrong before. Later, after being taught by her grandma, she realized that her previous behavior was inappropriate. Now she saw Lin Shu being bullied by the Gu family with her own eyes, but she didn't dare to resist, so she felt that she My previous face was too ugly.

On the one hand, she was ashamed of having done the same thing as her second uncle, and on the other hand, she felt that Lin Shu was too timid.

Next time you encounter this situation, just fight back. With my brother supporting you, what are you afraid of? It's too embarrassing for me - my brother!

Lin Shu said warmly, Business matters are not about fighting with fists. There is no need.

Why is it not necessary? Gu Jingyang glared at him and said, You are so weak, anyone can pinch you twice. If word gets out, others will laugh at me to death!

Lin Shu paused, Why are you laughing at me?

Gu Jingyang choked, threw the cotton swab to him angrily, gritted his teeth and said, Wipe it yourself!

After saying that, he left with a dark face.

Lin Shu?

Gu Jingyan glanced at him and said, Just pretend to be too cruel.

Lin Shu scratched his hair uncomfortably, The eldest lady has many changeable thoughts. She may be thinking about the cage of crab roe buns. She is young, so let her think more.

Then, he also thought about it.

Gu Jingyan was noncommittal, and Lin Shu was sober and rational. Regardless of success or failure, his upbringing would never hurt Gu Jingyang, which is why he did not object to the contact between the two.

How's the injury? Gu Jingyan asked.

It's okay, Lin Shu pressed his lips, It's just a skin injury.

After a moment of silence, Lin Shu said again, Mr. Gu, if you really can't take action, why not talk to your wife again and choose a compromise.

Gu Jingyan shook his head, She is different from your mother. I have given her too many opportunities. There is no need for that.

Lin Shu didn't speak again.

He was just mentioning it. Zhong Meilan had gotten to this point entirely because of herself. As long as she was honest, even if she loved spending money, it was not like Mr. Gu's income couldn't support it. However, she was restless and always thinking about the company. That little share.

Just as he was talking, Gu Jingyan's phone rang. He looked down and immediately threw it to Lin Shu.

Lin Shu took a look and thought, oh, Song Jiayu.

Lin Shu waited until the ringtone of his cell phone was about to die and then pressed the answer button.

Song Jiayu said excitedly, Brother Gu.

Hello, Miss Song, I am Lin Shu.

Lin Shu's businesslike and professional tone immediately suppressed Song Jiayu's voice.

She frowned and said, Why are you? Where is Brother Gu?

Lin Shu thought to himself, doesn't he know how to talk well? Why is he so embarrassed when facing Mr. Gu?

She doesn't think that all men like this tone, does she?

Other men might do it, but Mr. Gu would never do it. When his wife Jia Ziyin talked to him, Mr. Gu's first reaction was Your throat was pinched by the door.

He doesn't even like the condescending tone towards people he likes, let alone people he doesn't like.

I think Mr. Gu has been pretending to be really hard these days.

Lin Shudao, Mr. Gu is in a meeting now and it's not convenient to answer the phone. If you have anything, you can tell me directly and I will convey it to you.

How long does it take for him to finish the meeting?

It's hard to say. The length of the meeting depends on the content of the meeting. Sometimes it is long and sometimes it is short. Sometimes it is short, half an hour, and sometimes it is three or four hours -

Of course Song Jiayu didn't come here to listen to Lin Shu's nonsense. She said calmly, In that case, I'll go upstairs and wait. Assistant Lin, you can go downstairs and pick me up.

Lin Shu...

He raised his head and looked at Gu Jingyan. Gu Jingyan made a face, as if he was saying useless things again.

Lin Shu was speechless. Who would have thought that humanity was so deep? If he had known that he would just go to the factory.

Okay, then please wait a moment, I'll be down right away.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shu returned the phone to Gu Jingyan and said seriously, Mr. Gu, don't worry, I won't tell my wife.

Gu Jingyan kicked him out.

Song Jiayu brought a lot of things here. When he saw Lin Shu, he asked Lin Shu to help him get the things.

People are really different. My wife came to the company so many times and never took the initiative to let them take things, but Song Jiayu seemed to take everything for granted.

After getting on the elevator, Song Jiayu began to ask what Gu Jingyan had been doing these days.

Lin Shusi went back without hesitation, just to work out and visit relatives. Seeing that Song Jiayu couldn't get anything out of him, he stopped talking.

As soon as he got off the elevator, he bumped into Gu Jingyang.

Gu Jingyang was looking for Lin Shu, and when he saw him carrying so many things, he frowned, Why are you here, carrying so many things?

Jingyang! Song Jiayu rushed out from the side and said with a smile, You are also in the company.

Gu Jingyang paused, Sister Jiayu? Why are you here?

I have something to do with Brother Gu, so I brought you some gifts.

He looked around and said, Where is Brother Gu's office? Isn't he in a meeting? I'll go to the office first and wait for him.

Gu Jingyang understood, she smiled and said, Sister Jiayu, please let me go to my office first. My brother is very stupid. When he is not in the office, no one is allowed to enter his office. He has a very bad temper. I am afraid that he will treat me badly. I’ll get angry at you when I see you later.”

Song Jiayu originally wanted to take this opportunity to visit the place where Gu Jingyan worked, but when Gu Jingyang said this, she gave up.

She knew that Gu Jingyan hated people who violated his principles. It was just an office, and there were plenty of opportunities.

Lin Shu rarely looked at Gu Jingyang with admiration, so he carried his things and headed to her office.

Gu Jingyang stopped him, Lin Shu, have you delivered the documents my brother asked you to deliver?

Lin Shu paused and responded quickly, Not yet, I just went downstairs to pick up Miss Song.

I haven't finished my work yet, so flattering is a positive thing. My brother gave you such a high salary and asked you to carry your bags?

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