Of course not. How can I change the stamp if it's lost? The staff pushed the certificate over. It's time to get the certificate. Don't be anxious about this day. Go back and change your clothes and dress up beautifully to take pictures.

Gu Jingyan didn't answer and asked in a low voice, Can the photos from our last wedding be used?

Han Ruoxing?

Yes, but we don't have any negatives here. If you have them over there, that's fine.

Gu Jingyan said, I have it.

Han Ruoxing! !

She coughed and reminded Gu Jingyan, Don't you have amnesia?

Wear it!

Gu Jingyan paused and suddenly remembered this. He opened his mouth and said after a long time, I saw it when I changed my phone and copied the photos.

How lame!

Gu Jingyan sent the photo to the staff, who quickly developed the photo and stamped it.

Han Ruoxing picked it up and took a look at it, and couldn't help but said, The photo is the same as the last time. What's the difference between this and Wuli?

She raised her eyes and asked the staff, Sister, if you want to change the photos next time, you have to get a divorce first, right?

Gu Jingyan's scalp tightened, and he suddenly took away her marriage certificate, grabbed her and walked out.

Don't hold me back, I still have questions to ask!

Han Ruoxing struggled slightly.

Gu Jingyan said with a dark face, Who would get divorced just because they want to change the photos on their marriage certificate? Do you think marriage is a child's play?

Han Ruoxing glared at him, Who is to blame? You didn't say anything in advance and just dragged people to get the certificate. I'm still swollen. I've never taken such an ugly photo in my life!

Gu Jingyan couldn't help laughing.

Han Ruoxing became even more angry, You still have the nerve to smile! Last time you took a wedding photo, you were so embarrassed. Finally, you had a chance to change the photo, but you still used the previous photo, and you were so embarrassed again. Every time I see this I’m annoyed by the photos! Why, do you feel wronged by marrying me?”

It's my fault, Gu Jingyan took her hand and sat down, whispering, It's because I didn't say hello in advance and you were unprepared. Don't be angry, okay?

He rubbed her hand and asked in a low voice, Why are your hands so cold again?

Han Ruoxing snorted, I'm so angry with you.

Gu Jingyan smiled, and while warming her hands, he said, If you really feel it doesn't look good, we can shoot it again after the baby is born and you recover.

Then am I not married for the third time? I am still married for the third time with a baby.

Gu Jingyan...

Then what do you think we should do?

Han Ruoxing frowned and couldn't think of a good solution. In the end, he could only mutter, Forget it, let's make do with it for now.

Gu Jingyan whispered, Teacher Han is very generous.

Han Ruoxing grabbed the back of his hand and whispered, Gu Jingyan, it's a good thing you didn't become an actor, otherwise you would have starved to death!

Gu Jingyan...

He raised his eyes, What are you talking about?

Han Ruoxing snorted, Just figure it out yourself.

After sending Han Ruoxing home, Gu Jingyan suddenly felt unspeakably excited.

While working, he was often distracted. During his lunch break, he sent a message to Shen Qingchuan.

When will you and Miss Tang get married?

Shen Qingchuan? ? ?

The sun is rising in the west, and you are still concerned about his life-long events?

Shen Qingchuan replied, If she is willing, we can get married now. Who is the person who is younger than us? I am not in a hurry at all about getting married. I am just here to worry. He paused for a moment, Anyone who has been here, do you have any experience to impart?

Gu Jingyan said, Let nature take its course. This is not something to rush.

Shen Qingchuan rolled his eyes, This is what you want to ask me about?

Gu Jingyan said, No, I mainly want to ask, how many babies are you going to have?

Shen Qingchuan held his chin, I really haven't thought about this. Look at the little bandit. If she only wants one, she wants one. Of course, it would be best if she can have both children. I am mainly afraid that she will suffer.

Gu Jingyan deeply agreed, If I suffer once, it would be better to have two children.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, You have a good idea. Do you know how low the probability of twins is?

Gu Jingyan said, I checked, the probability of twins is about 50%, and the probability of twins being twins is 25%.

Shen Qingchuan? ? ?

Why are you checking this? he asked casually.

Gu Jingyan replied, I have already won the 5/1000, and the 25%, do you think the chance is high? However, the probability of having a daughter among the twins is 37%, and this probability seems to be higher.

The smile on Shen Qingchuan's face disappeared instantly.

He replied with a dark face and gritted teeth, I think Murphy's law is more reliable. The less you want something, the more you want it, so you must have two sons!

Gu Jingyan replied slowly, Jealousy makes people ugly.

Shen Qingchuan blocked his WeChat account.

twin! Damn it! They are actually twins!

He sent a message to Tang Xiaoxiao, Little bandit, Gu Jingyan's wife is pregnant with twins for him. We can't lose to them. Let's give birth to triplets! Let's trap him to death!

Tang Xiaoxiao said, I gave birth to you uncle! Are you a sow when you become my aunt?

Then let's get married first. I can't keep up with this step, step by step. I was also thinking that we would have a daughter in the future and hook up with Gu Jingyan's son to seize the Gu family's property. But in the end I already have a son, but I’m not married yet.”

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Say it in front of Gu Jingyan, whether Gu Jingyan can punch your left eye into the right eye socket.

Shen Qingchuan...

The little bandit is good at everything, but he's too incomprehensible to be charming!


As soon as Gu Jingyan put down his cell phone, Lin Shu's voice came from the door, Mr. Hai, Mr. Gu is busy now. If you have anything to do, I'll tell you in the conference room later. Mr. Hai -

Before he finished speaking, he heard Lin Shu groan and the office door was pushed open violently.

Gu Qinghai walked in with a cold face and gritted his teeth and said, Gu Jingyan, that's your mother, you just don't care about it yourself, and you still stop others from taking care of it, why are you so crazy!

Lin Shu squeezed in from behind and whispered, Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I didn't stop you.

There was blood oozing from the corners of his mouth and his clothes were wrinkled.

Gu Jingyan's face darkened, he stood up and winked at him, Take care of the wound first.

Lin Shu responded and retreated from the office.

Gu Jingyan looked at Gu Qinghai and said coldly, Control? Second uncle, why do you care?

As he spoke, he turned the computer screen around.

The news being played above is the video of Zhong Meilan applying tung oil on the steps last night.

Two of the cleaners from the banquet accidentally fell down while cleaning last night. Jiang Sheng's name was also mentioned. How should we care? Will the whole Jiang Sheng pay for her behavior?

Gu Qinghai was stunned and said with a cold face, What have you been doing all day? Don't you know how to press the news?

Why do you have to suppress it? Gu Jingyan raised his eyes, his expression indescribable indifference, Second uncle, why should I let go of such a good opportunity for Jiang Sheng to establish his corporate image?

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