The doctor re-arranged her diet and told her to control her sugar well.

The risk of twin pregnancies is definitely higher than that of single pregnancies. The speed of growing fetuses must be strictly controlled. If the fetuses are smaller and develop healthily, future births will be much smoother and recovery after delivery will be relatively faster.

Gu Jingyan took his mobile phone and recorded everything the doctor told him in the memo.

Han Ruoxing was also listening carefully at first, but when she was getting the water glass, she saw Gu Jingyan memorizing things and suddenly felt a little funny.

His stern-faced old cadre look was like taking notes from a meeting, making it impossible for anyone to guess that he was taking down doctor's orders.

After coming out of the doctor's office, Gu Jingyan kept holding her hand.

Han Ruoxing did not remind him out loud to pay attention to his amnesia character.

She could feel Gu Jingyan's excitement and worry being transmitted bit by bit through the intertwined fingers.

In fact, so does she.

Even if she was pregnant with one child, she felt that God was showing mercy. However, she couldn't even think about being pregnant with two children.

Now that I think about it, it seems that there is no trace.

She thought about the dream she had before about jellyfish. The beautiful bubble in the dream split into two. Was that the fetal dream everyone said?

There is also her appetite. She can obviously eat more than pregnant women of the same month, and she is particularly prone to hunger. Now think about it, she is pregnant with two, so is it normal for her to eat a little?

Twins...it would be great if they really are a boy and a girl as the doctor said.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they are twins, or twins, as long as they are cubs.

Han Ruoxing was so obsessed with his thoughts that he didn't pay attention to the road in front of him. He accidentally bumped into a man and knocked the medicine out of his hand.

She was stunned, and while apologizing, she bent down to help the other person pick it up. The man was so irritable that he pushed Han Ruoxing away and said angrily, Don't you have eyes?

Han Ruoxing almost fell to the ground, but luckily Gu Jingyan hugged her from the side and prevented her from falling.

After holding her steady, Gu Jingyan suddenly picked up the man and said with a cold face, What kind of subject is this?

The man was frightened by Gu Jingyan's aura and stammered, You, you, what are you doing?

Gu Jingyan tightened his grip and said, Let me ask you what subject this is!

Gynecology, obstetrics and gynecology.

After the man finished speaking, he came to his senses and quickly apologized to Han Ruoxing, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. This medicine is too expensive, and I was impatient...

Han Ruoxing pulled Gu Jingyan and whispered, Forget it, I didn't look at the road and I didn't fall.

With a tense face, Gu Jingyan let go of the man and pulled Han Ruoxing into the elevator.

But this time, he was more careful than before, half-circling her in his arms and preventing others from touching her.

Han Ruoxing felt soft in her heart, put her arms around Gu Jingyan's waist, and whispered, Gu Jingyan, I'm very happy, really very happy.

Gu Jingyan said nothing, but raised his hand to clasp her head on his chest. In the crowd, his heartbeat was particularly strong in his ears.

After coming out of the hospital and walking side by side to the parking lot, Gu Jingyan suddenly stopped.

Han Ruoxing was stunned and turned to look at him.

Gu Jingyan's lips moved and he said softly, Should we... get the marriage certificate first?

Han Ruoxing's eyebrows twitched.

Is this... no longer pretending?

Gu Jingyan explained, Don't you want to start cultivating feelings from the body? If you have a certificate, no matter what you do, you will be famous, and you will save others from making irresponsible remarks.

Han Ruoxing...

It's a shame he could come up with such a poor excuse!

Is he the kind of person who is afraid of what others will say?

She had been dreaming about the marriage proposal ceremony for a long time, but she didn't expect it to be so perfunctory!

Han Ruoxing had a sullen face, and after a long battle between heaven and man, he said, Okay.

After saying that, I clutched my chest and thought to myself... I am really worthless!

But when I saw Gu Jingyan's sparkling puppy eyes, I suddenly felt that if I didn't have any potential, I would have no potential, and Gu Jingyan looked even more hopeless.

He whispered, Then I'll call Lin Shu.

Han Ruoxing cleared her throat, I'll give my brother one too.

She walked aside with her cell phone and dialed Song Tianjun's number.

Brother, are you busy?

Song Tianjun said warmly, No, I'm drinking with friends. What's wrong?

He seemed to have walked out of the box, and the noise on the other end of the phone suddenly became much weaker.

It's nothing, Han Ruoxing tentatively asked, Brother, is our household registration book with you?

Song Tianjun didn't reply, but said, Why do you want your household registration book?

Didn't Gu Jingyan transfer a property in my name before? I want to go through the procedures.

Han Ruoxing lied, but there was nothing she could do. If she had asked for the household registration book to obtain the certificate, her brother would have been the first to hide the household registration book.

After all, in their eyes, Gu Jingyan is still an amnesiac who is awaiting investigation.

Song Tianjun was silent for a moment and said, Our father kept the household registration book. He was afraid that you would be fooled by Gu Jingyan, so he took the marriage certificate. So after you registered your household registration, he hid it.

Han Ruoxing...

The confused old father showed unprecedented shrewdness in this matter.

Dad, it's true, can I do such a stupid thing? Han Ruoxing complained softly.

Song Tianjun said slowly, I think Dad's move was very prescient.

Han Ruoxing...

My friend called me for drinking, so I'll hang up first. I'll find someone to help you with the real estate procedures later, so you don't have to worry about it.

Then he hung up.

Han Ruoxing looked at her phone and stared.

Gu Jingyan had finished the phone call and walked over, I just asked Gao Lan that there are classmates of hers at the police station who can help with applying for household registration certificate.

Han Ruoxing?

Gu Jingyan whispered, You can apply for the certificate if you have the household registration certificate.

Han Ruoxing...

He had already guessed that his family would not give her a household registration book?

What a cunning old man!

Seeing that she didn't speak, Gu Jingyan's voice softened, Maybe you want to think about it again?

Han Ruoxing quietly hooked his finger and whispered, Do you really want me to think about it again?

Gu Jingyan paused, hooked her shoulders, hugged her into his arms, leaned against her ear, and said hoarsely, I don't want to.

Thanks to Gao Lan's connections, the household registration certificate was issued quickly. After the two of them got the certificate, they went straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Maybe because yesterday was Valentine's Day, most people chose yesterday to get their certificates, and not many people came to register today.

So without much waiting, it was their turn.

When taking the photo, it was embarrassing. Gu Jingyan wore a black shirt, and Han Ruoxing wore a white petticoat. When the photo was taken, it looked like the black and white impermanence of life.

Qiao Ruoxing immediately became unwilling, No, it's too ugly. I want to go back and change clothes.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched and he hurriedly coaxed, When you change clothes and come here, people will be getting off work. Let's take this photo first and change the photos later.

Han Ruoxing turned to the staff and asked, Can the photo on the marriage certificate still be changed?

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