Aunt Han, I have saved a lot of New Year's money. Can I take you out to play tomorrow? I won't take Uncle Gu with me.

Han Ruoxing was startled, then smiled, Okay, but I have something to do during the day tomorrow, can I do it in the evening?

The little girl didn't sleep. She responded almost instantly after receiving the message, Okay!

After I sent it, I probably felt that I was not reserved enough. After typing it for a long time, I sent another one, Aunt Han, you haven't gone to bed yet.

I'm waiting for you, Uncle Gu.

Uncle Gu is working overtime again?

So be it.

Aunt Han, you are so kind.

Han Ruoxing?

The little girl said, Uncle Gu said you are good-looking, good at cooking, and good at acting. Now that I have met you, I think you describe it better than him. You are good at chatting with me and coaxing me. Wait. Uncle Gu is also very good, anyway, everything is very good, Aunt Han, I like you so much.

Han Ruoxing...

Nowadays, when children praise others, their mouths feel as if they have been covered with honey. Is it so direct?

Even though he was thick-skinned, Han Ruoxing felt his face turn red when being praised like this by a little girl.

But she still had something to ask the little girl, so she said, Coco, when is your birthday?


Han Ruoxing was stunned, Tomorrow?

Uncle Gu said, I can celebrate my birthday on any day I want. If I want to go out with you tomorrow, then I want to celebrate my birthday tomorrow.

Han Ruoxing...

She rubbed her temples and said, Good boy, Auntie is asking you when your birthday is in your household registration book.

Then I'll spend the day with Uncle Gu.

Are you spending a day with Gu Jingyan?

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment.

Gu Jingyan's birthday is at the end of this month, not September. Did she guess wrong?

Keke, has your Uncle Gu ever told you about your parents?

Coco said, Yes, she said my mother is like a fire girl and my father is like a head catcher, so I was born with a match head.

Han Ruoxing...

Although she also felt that Keke was dark and thin, a bit like a match stick.

But Gu Jingyan’s mouth is too bad hahahahahahaha.

Tell your children this hahahahahahahahaha.

Han Ruoxing bit her lip and said nothing, but she kept breathing heavily from her nose.

Coco gritted her teeth and said, Just laugh if you want. I'll feel even more humiliated if you hold it in.

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Ruoxing burst into laughter.


Her filter was patchy. Why did she think Han Ruoxing was good anywhere? She slept in the same bed with Uncle Gu. The nurse sister who took care of her before said that two kinds of people could not sleep in the same bed.

Look, she is just as hateful as Uncle Gu, and both love to bully children!

Coco, hahahaha, actually hahaha, actually my aunt thinks it's a bit darker hahaha, pretty strong, pretty healthy hahaha...

Han Ruoxing tried to coax the child, but when she opened her mouth, she thought of Gu Jingyan's words and couldn't control herself. Her words of comfort were crushed to pieces by laughter.

Coco's face was expressionless, Thank you, I was ridiculed.

Han Ruoxing really didn't mean to laugh, it was mainly because Keke was serious and imitating Gu Jingyan's tone in a small voice, and she couldn't help it.

Although the little girl said she was unhappy, she had a good temper and did not hang up the phone. She even asked her politely, Aunt Han, am I that dark?

Han Ruoxing held back her laughter and said warmly, Children can't tell it. When I was a child, I often went out in the wild, and it was not in vain. When you grow up, you will be raised slowly and you will come back in vain. It doesn't matter even if it is not in vain, as long as If you are healthy and confident, you can look beautiful with any skin color.”

The little girl became happy again, made an appointment with her, and hung up the phone.

Han Ruoxing looked at the photo of herself that Coco sent to her.

To be honest, I really can't tell who he looks like, but he definitely doesn't look like Mo Mingxuan.

Mo Mingxuan had met Ke Keba at Gu Jingyan's funeral, but he didn't seem to have any special reaction at that time.

Han Ruoxing sighed. Did she really think too much?


Sister Yun is so lucky today. How much did you win?

The wife who was playing cards together asked Song Qingyun with a smile.

Song Qingyun said with a smile, What's the point of winning? I just got back what I lost in the previous game. You are not allowed to leave. You can have supper at my place after the game later.

A wife joked, We have no problem, we are just worried about disturbing Brother Hai's rest.

Song Qingyun likes to be lively and often invites people to his home to play cards. Gu Qinghai likes peace and quiet. Every time he sees these ladies, he doesn't bother to say hello and goes straight upstairs, so the ladies rarely call late.

He rests his, we play ours, no one is in the other's way.

As soon as he finished speaking, the study door suddenly opened. Gu Qinghai grabbed his coat and hurried out.

Song Qingyun was startled, stood up and said, Honey, where are you going at night?

Gu Qinghai said while changing his shoes, The company has something urgent. I'll go over and take care of it.

It's so late, what else does the company have to do?

I tell you, you don't understand either.

After saying that, he opened the door and left directly.

Song Qingyun muttered a few words and continued to draw cards.

Hey, did you check your cell phones just now, a lady said while playing cards, Mrs. Chen's husband was taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission.

The wives are also divided. Zhong Meilan and Song Qingyun are not on good terms, so those who are good friends with Song Qingyun will naturally not go to flatter Mrs. Chen. At most, they can just call their friends and give her a courtesy, so that they can look good.

Look, her husband was promoted a while ago, and he was very popular during the banquet. I didn't expect to get in so quickly. I heard that Mrs. Chen reported it herself.

Chen Yeping is raising an illegitimate son outside. Mrs. Chen may have been holding back her resentment for a long time.

That's right, she sent Zhong Meilan in.

Song Qingyun paused and said, Mrs. Wu, who did you just talk about?

Your sister-in-law, people in the group have gone crazy. She rubbed oil on the steps and injured someone. She was arrested by the police.

Song Qingyun clenched her hands and suddenly stood up and said, Sorry everyone, let's get here today. I suddenly thought that I have something else to do later. Let's make an appointment another day.

After seeing the ladies off, Song Qingyun took out her cell phone and called Gu Jingran.

After getting through, he asked with all his face, Jingran, are you in the company?

No, I'm drinking with my friends. What's wrong, Mom?

There was a lot of noise at Gu Jingyan's side, probably at the bar.

Song Qingyun whispered, Your dad went to the company to deal with things. He is wearing thin clothes. When you come back, give him a coat.

Are you mistaken? The company is on holiday today and no one is around. What is he doing at the company?

Song Qingyun's face darkened, That's right, I remembered it wrong. I'll hang up first.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Gu Jingyan's call came in.

Song Qingyun frowned, paused for two seconds, and pressed answer.

Second Aunt, it's me, Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan spoke calmly and introduced himself.

(None today) (End of chapter)

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