It's fine if I don't ask, but the more I ask, the more confused I become.

I originally thought that Shen Qingchuan knew some inside information, but it turned out that he did know, but he couldn't explain the key points.

According to Shen Qingchuan, when Mo Mingxuan and his ex-girlfriend had an accident, it was Gu Jingyan who helped deal with the aftermath. Mo Mingxuan shouldn't repay kindness with enmity, right?

On the other hand, if...if Mo Mingxuan was really involved in the kidnapping case, and if he was targeting Gu Jingyan, then what happened to Jian Wen that year might not be as simple as Shen Qingchuan said.

Car accident...

Han Ruoxing closed her eyes, her mind spinning rapidly, and suddenly opened her eyes and asked, What year was Jian Wen's car accident?

Seven years ago in September, I remember this very clearly. I was studying for a double degree and graduated a year later than them. During the summer vacation, I made an appointment with a few friends to go abroad. Until mid-September, there were two We won't come back until a classmate joins the company.

Han Ruoxing was stunned.

Seven years ago, in September.

It was also September seven years ago when she and her mother had a car accident.

She suddenly thought of a question that she had never thought about carefully before - why did Gu Jingyan show up at the scene of the car accident to save her?

She suddenly thought of the information that the private detective she hired when she was investigating her mother's car accident case revealed to her.

He mentioned the taxi that had collided with them.

Two dead and one injured... Two dead and one injured...

One of them is pregnant.

Detective K said that in order to dig up evidence that Qiao Xusheng caused the car accident, he went to check the people in the taxi. He said that after the driver and the passengers' families received the compensation, they moved away from Jiangcheng. He used many methods but failed to find out. information about those people.

If...if the car that collided with them was the one that Jian Wen and Mo Mingxuan were riding in, wouldn't it be reasonable for Gu Jingyan, as Mo Mingxuan's friend, to rush to the scene and save her?

Moreover, the Mo family wants to erase that information. Is it normal that it cannot be found?

Gu Jingyan asked her to stay away from Mo Mingxuan before. Could it be that their car was the culprit that caused Jian Wen's death? He was worried that Mo Mingxuan would hurt her if he thought about it?

Han Ruoxing's heart was trembling, and his mind was as clear as ever.

If all her speculations were true, then what purpose did Mo Mingxuan have in approaching her in the first place?

Before her mother passed away, he went to the hospital with her to visit...

As soon as she thought that Mo Mingxuan might have thought of something at that time, a shiver ran down her spine.

Han Ruoxing took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

She had too many associations and her heartbeat could not calm down.

Maybe she was a little too sensitive during her pregnancy.

If Mo Mingxuan really remembered something and regarded her as the target of revenge, he would have too many opportunities to take action.

But not only did he not, he also helped her a lot, which was obviously contrary to what she had speculated.

It seemed like she had to contact Detective K again.

Sister-in-law, the matter of Mingxuan and Jianwen is the secret of their Mo family. When Mingxuan went abroad for treatment, he underwent hypnosis. His mother found us and asked us to keep Jianwen's matter secret. No matter what, we can't do it again. Mention, especially in front of Mingxuan, he finally lived a normal life, and she said she didn't want to lose another son.

Shen Qingchuan scratched his hair, Actually, I'm planning to get rid of this matter, but if you insist on asking, I can't lie to you. I know everything, I've told you, you just know it in your heart, it's fine. Don't tell anyone else, the Mo family used some force at that time regarding Jian Wen, you know.

Han Ruoxing responded, I know, I won't tell anyone, and don't tell Gu Jingyan that I asked you about this.

Am I crazy? I told him? If he knew that I told you this, he would be the first one to settle accounts with me. He was the one who helped Mingxuan's mother shut up the mouths of us people. I was the head I’m telling you this on my waist, please don’t hurt me.”

Tang Xiaoxiao said with disdain, Look at your cowardice, Gu Jingyan is a tiger, can he eat you?

Shen Qingchuan encouraged, Then you have a fight with him.

Tang Xiaoxiao choked and suddenly remembered that he was sent to the police station by that bitch, so he coughed and made a sudden turn, He didn't mess with me, why should I fight with him?

Shen Qingchuan laughed and scolded, You little coward, you dare to bully me.

Han Ruoxing quit the group voice call and sent a message to Detective K, whom she had not contacted for a long time, Is it convenient to meet up?

The other party replied instantly, No after-sales service included.

Han Ruoxing...

It's not what happened before, it's a new business.

Detective K asked what the business was.

Han Ruoxing asked him to check the information of the driver and passengers of the taxi that collided with them.

Detective K didn't reply for a long time.

Han Ruoxing was a little anxious after waiting, so she sent another message, The commission will be tripled as before, as long as you can find out.

After the result was sent, a red exclamation mark appeared behind the message, along with a sentence.

K has turned on friend verification, but you are not his (her) friend yet. Please send a friend verification request first, and you can only chat after the other party is verified.

Han Ruoxing's expression twisted. Damn it, delete her!

She dialed K's number with a dark face. After being hung up on four times in a row, Han Ruoxing became annoyed.

He edited a message with a sullen face and threatened, If you don't answer my call, I will post your information on Moments. You help those ladies find out their husbands are cheating and divide so much property. Guess those Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang and Mr. Liu Will the president tear you apart?

A few seconds later, K called back and said, Tell me your account number. I'll pay you back the money I earned from you. I won't make any more of your money, okay?

I'm not asking you for money. I asked you to check that taxi——

It can't be checked. K interrupted her, I really can't check this. You'd better hire someone else.

Han Ruoxing frowned, Why can't we check?

No reason, K said lightly, I just want to make money and make a living. There are some things that a little detective like me can't touch, do you understand?

He paused and then said, I advise you not to investigate or ask. Anyway, your mother's case has been decided. There is no need to clarify the irrelevant ones. Don't call me again in the future. You Even if you call me, I won’t answer.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Han Ruoxing frowned.

Detective K has been active in the circle for so long because many others dare not investigate, but he dares to investigate. But this time, even he did not answer the question. Is it just because it is related to the Mo family? Or is there a bigger secret?

Everything unknown wraps them up like a huge net, and wherever they go, it seems to be a fog.

Han Ruoxing rubbed her temples and suddenly saw the unread WeChat message that Keke sent to herself on her phone.

She was startled for a moment, then reached out and opened it. (End of chapter)

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