Movie black technology

Chapter 594 Why do you speak Chinese?

About this work, please ask Mr. Qin to explain and introduce his experience to us...

As soon as he walked into the meeting room, Chen Shen saw that Director Qin was standing up under the camera at the invitation of other people in the meeting, and gave a speech to everyone.

Chen Shen walked to the side of the meeting room, thinking that the camera should have captured his own figure, so he waved at the camera, Quan Dang greeted the other participants, and then sat down to listen to Chief Qin's speech.

This is an experience speech on how to use the monitoring system to eliminate omissions and increase the efficiency and accuracy of investigation in offshore monitoring work.

The reason why Director Qin was suddenly invited to give this speech to everyone seems to have obvious meaning.

Chen Shen's eyes found the person from the prevention and control bureau opposite on the big screen. The chubby black chief with a big belly was lowering his head at this moment, unable to see his face, and didn't know whether he was blushing or not. The one sitting on him before The scientific advisor next to him disappeared, and another person came up...

Director Qin's speech lasted almost half an hour. After he said what he wanted to say and what he could say, his eyes fell on Chen Shen:

Next, I propose that Mr. Chen Shen, our scientific advisor and also the chief scientist of the monster research team, give a speech. Everyone here should be very familiar with him.

As soon as Director Qin finished speaking, almost everyone nodded with a smile, and some even clapped their hands to express their warm welcome.

Yes, the whole earth knows him, let him speak quickly.

I have no opinion.

I very much welcome...

As soon as Chen Shen came in, he had already been noticed, and the shooting angle of the camera was wider than he predicted.

When many participants saw Chen Shen on the video screen, they regretted letting Director Qin speak too soon.

Now Chen Shen is going to speak, and they are just wishing for it.

Chen Shen confirmed the news from Wang Yinian, then stood up, and thanked everyone modestly and simply. He knew that these people wanted to hear what he had to say.

So he has nothing to say.

Just now, there was another monster attack on the earth, and this time the nature of the incident was very bad.

It marks that the breeding of monsters on the sea floor is completely out of our control, and even exceeds all our previous expectations.

Chen Shen paused to let everyone digest his words, and then continued: In view of this situation, I think we have to change our current strategy, we can no longer simply implement a simple offshore monitoring strategy, we have to put the most advanced technology into the deep sea. Only in this way can we detect the whereabouts of monsters and grasp their movements.

As soon as the words were finished, everyone nodded in unison.

We really can't continue to defend anymore, we have to make more moves against the monsters.

I totally agree with this proposal!

The tragedy in Hawaii cannot be repeated a third time.

We need to work together to get through this...

The black director on the opposite side raised his head at this moment, staring straight at the camera, and the questions shot out of his mouth like bullets:

When deploying detectors in the deep sea, how deep should we deploy detectors? Can communication technology keep up? And monsters can dive to a depth of seven or eight kilometers under the sea at most. How many detectors do we need to deploy in such a large range? device can track them?

So I think marching into the deep sea will only be a futile effort in the end!

The black director had a serious face, poking the table with the pen in his hand, making a thumping sound.

Just as Chen Shen wanted to continue talking, someone in the channel spoke for him ahead of time, and the words were still in somewhat blunt Chinese.

I don't think this is a problem. Since Mr. Chen proposed this plan, he must have his considerations. We should listen to his opinions quietly instead of interrupting him.

Both Chen Shen and the black director were a little surprised, and looked at the person who spoke.

Why did you speak Chinese just now? The black bureau chief looked confused, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

Because the person who spoke looked like a white man!

And it's an international conference!

Shouldn't English be spoken according to general practice?

Taking a step back, now there are AI instant translations and human translations, so you should also speak your mother tongue, right?

Why do you have to speak Chinese? !

The black chief really couldn't understand this.

The representative who spoke said strangely: Chinese is the official language of the United Nations. As a member of an international organization, I think it is reasonable and logical for me to use Chinese.

The black director opened his mouth several times, but finally stopped talking.

It can only be seen from the shape of his mouth that the word he wants to say probably starts with F or M.

The other representatives at the scene burst into laughter, and the black bureau chief was ashamed to continue talking, but continued to lower his head.

Chen Shen just smiled at this time, and continued with the question of the black chief:

The issues raised by the representative just now are all real, but he didn't notice one thing.

Which point?

The black director suddenly raised his head again.

Chen Shen said with a smile: That's what I just said, to put the most advanced detectors into the deep sea, the most advanced ones.

How advanced is it?

Enough to solve all the problems you just raised.

As Chen Shen said, he projected a picture on the public screen:

This picture must be familiar to everyone.

In the picture, it is a small submarine, which seems to be only two or three meters in length.

Someone immediately reacted: This is a wormhole detector!

Everyone suddenly let out an exclamation.

We're going to use this detector to detect monsters?

Aren't you worried about technology leaks?

Under everyone's gaze, Chen Shen nodded, Yes, I have just sent an application to my superior and got an approval.

These detectors are equipped with an instantaneous communication system, and they can also move freely in deep water, so in the future, we will modify these detectors so that they can freely capture the traces of monsters in seawater.

And the instantaneous communication system on it can not only receive the control commands from the ground to it, but also send back the information it detects. As long as you find a monster, you can see the feedback on the ground almost instantly.

The technology of this detector is quite mature now, and it is similar to the technology of wormhole detectors, and the required manufacturing industry system is also very close, so large-scale production is also very convenient.

Listening to Chen Shen's narration, many people nodded.

Only the black director on the opposite side still had a dark face...

There are two thousand to make up tomorrow. In addition, thank you [Liyu Bridge], [Difficult to pick a name], and [Taoist Priest with Hairy Face Lei Gongzui] for their support, I love you all.

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