Movie black technology

Chapter 593 The Almighty God Will Forgive Us (4K)

at the same moment.

on the other side of the island.

Where the army is stationed.

It is peaceful here, most of the soldiers have already rested, only some of them are on duty to watch the night.

What's going on over there?

The soldiers on guard at night were walking around the posts. When they heard the noise from the refugee camp, they couldn't help but look over.

His companion next to him was smoking a cigarette to refresh himself and yawned, Those refugees are lucky today. They are holding a dance. It's really unfair. I heard that many people wanted to ask for leave and have a wonderful encounter. As a result, no one can ask for leave successfully...

With that said, the companion handed a cigarette to the person next to him.

Having been stationed here for so long, their main task is to prevent mutiny in the refugee camp.

It's just that it's a little difficult for the refugees to even have enough food, let alone rebellion, so they naturally relax.

After both of them lit their cigarettes, the soldier who spoke first frowned, I know they're having a dance, but I think the sound of the music on the side of the refugees seems to have changed...


Well, it seems that I can vaguely hear the screams of many people.

The speaking soldier listened attentively, as if his feelings were correct.

The companion made a cut and said, What you heard must be their screams, they must be high.

The companions were beaming with joy, implying something.

I heard that there are no restrictions on this dance party. If I hadn't been on duty, I would have brought cans and Coke to the party. There must be many hot chicks who need them...


Having said that, both of them sighed together.

Looking at the light shining towards the sky in the distance, the wobbly lights are full of yearning.

After another 20 minutes of boredom, the two of them were about to light another cigarette.

Suddenly there was the sound of a car roaring on the road in front of him, and the horn was still honking.

The two were nervous, and immediately threw away the cigarette, picked up the gun and hid behind the bunker.

who is it?

The jeep driving towards the gate of the base had its high beams on, so that the two of them couldn't see anything.


The two night guard soldiers looked at each other, and when they were about to pull the trigger, the vehicle made a sharp turn, lost control and crashed into the tree in front of the door.

The two turned on the flashlights mounted on their rifles and pointed them at a vehicle not far away, only to realize that it was their military jeep.

Who is in the car? Put your head in your hands and get out of the car!

The two were still hiding in the bunker, and even put on steel helmets, body armor, and bulletproof splints by the way.

Fully armed, after pressing the alarm bell, the two tentatively moved to other bunkers while approaching the vehicle.


Help me...

As soon as they approached, a painful murmur came into the ears of the two of them.

I'm a corporal, Steven, save me...

As the two got closer, they finally confirmed that the voice coming from the car was indeed a cry for help.

They continued to approach cautiously until they were next to the vehicle. Only then did they see a young man in camouflage uniform lying on top of the popped airbag in the driver's seat. His face was already pale.

What is even more surprising is that the entire arm of his left hand has disappeared, and bright red blood is continuously flowing out.

It couldn't have been caused by a car accident.

It's even less likely that this person was the terrorist who attacked their camp.

Hurry up! Call the military doctor!

At this time, the reinforcements from the barracks also came.

Together with the military doctor, a group of people carried the man in the camouflage uniform from the car and sent him to a temporary hospital for emergency treatment.

The commander of the camp was also woken up and informed of the corresponding situation.

Immediately investigate the situation of all the soldiers in the camp!

The commander gave the order quickly.

All soldiers were called up for a roll call.


Among all the soldiers, seventeen were absent, and the person who was being rescued was identified as a private of our camp. Apart from him, there are sixteen other people whose whereabouts are unknown.

The camp commander listened to his subordinates reply.

Immediately it felt wrong.

Where did they go?

Probably sneaked to the dance in the refugee camp.

Could it be that something terrible happened at the ball?

Just when the entire camp executives were puzzled.

The emergency phone in the camp rang belatedly, and the commander answered it immediately, and his face became more and more serious.

Finally he put down the phone and announced to everyone:

The refugee camp was attacked by a monster of unknown origin! Now the news has spread throughout the world!

There was an uproar at the scene.

Where did the monster come from? Don't we have an offshore monitoring system? Why didn't we find that monster?

So are we going on a rescue mission now?

How big is the monster?

All kinds of questions flooded over like mountains and seas, and the commander raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

According to the orders passed down from the local area, they asked us to give priority to ensuring our own safety and the integrity of the equipment, not to be disrupted by monsters, and to treat monsters with a defensive strategy.

Everyone quickly understood the meaning of this command.

That is to say, I just need to hide well, and I don't need to confront the monster head-on?

Upon hearing this, many non-commissioned officers breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they don't need to go to the frontal battle against monsters, they still have to bear the blame for the excessive casualties of soldiers.

Now that there is no need to deal with monsters, naturally there will be no large number of casualties, let alone blame.

good things good things.

Everyone patted their chests and settled down.

Let all soldiers be prepared to maneuver at all times. Although we don't need to confront monsters head-on, we need to monitor the movements of monsters at all times, and avoid contact with them while obtaining information.

The commander gave an order, and the entire camp immediately moved.

Heavy equipment such as artillery and tanks began to be transferred on the spot. From the naval base, drones took off to monitor the monsters.

In less than half an hour, the entire camp had already set off, maneuvering towards a place farther away from the monster...


After learning about the situation in the camp, the commander breathed a sigh of relief.

Only seventeen people died. This ending is already very good. Moreover, they violated the regulations and left the camp without authorization. The pension can be reduced appropriately.

Now the commander-in-chief can't wait to become an iron cock who can only get in and out.

Don't even think about taking money from him!

It is his duty to defend the country's wallet and reproduce the glory of the financial hegemony!

Sir, the live signal has been connected, do you want to watch it?

At this moment the secretary came in.

The commander nodded, Play it, let me see what's going on.

Okay. The secretary turned on the TV that had just watched the press conference, and after an operation, he quickly connected to the drone that took off from the Hawaii base.

Now the drones have arrived and are recording every movement of the monster in the dark night sky.

It has been more than half an hour since the monster entered the dance scene. The monster has crushed everything here, leaving only flesh and blood on the ground, and is leaving with one foot and one big hole.

The quality of the camera on the drone is excellent, even in the night sky, the Grand Commander can still see the horrible scene on the ground.

It's like putting tens of thousands of people into a hydraulic press, and then squeezing them into a can. These people are all flat on the ground, without distinction between you and me...

Even the Grand Commander couldn't see Shura's image for half a minute, so he had to ask the secretary to switch the screen.

The screen switches to the status quo of the monster.

The monsters are hunting and killing the fleeing people in the dark at this time, even in the dark night, it is difficult for human beings to escape the pursuit of the monsters.

A huge monster can cause huge damage as long as it rushes through the fleeing crowd.

Only some people can be safe and sound. Most people were either trampled into paper, or had their arms and legs broken, screaming and continuing to escape or crawling on the ground with difficulty.

These screams stimulated the monsters in a row, and at the same time exposed the position of humans...

The scene was horrible.

The commander only watched it for ten minutes, and then with a heavy heart, asked the secretary to turn off the scene, muttering in a low voice:

Almighty God will forgive us.

The secretary said at this time: Sir, it is time for us to hold an emergency press conference and announce this unfortunate news to the whole country.

That's right, the commander stood up, wiped his hands, and was about to leave with the secretary when he suddenly remembered something.

Remember to block the network and communication in Hawaii. To the outside world, as long as it is a malfunction caused by panic, I don't want the picture I just saw to spread.



Now, I am going to announce a very unfortunate news. Just now, I received a report from the Hawaiian base that our beautiful Hawaii was unknowingly attacked by monsters. The refugee camp where the dance was being held became the monster's first target. , the people inside suffered heavy casualties...

The commander-in-chief faced the camera and made a speech to the people of the whole country.

I would like to appeal to all the people on the Hawaiian Islands to pay close attention to the whereabouts of the monsters and avoid them. At the same time, you can seek shelter from the army. They will welcome you very much and provide you with the necessary supplies...

The prerequisite is that you can catch up with the speed of the tank.

In the dark of his heart, he complained, and the commander-in-chief turned a page and continued.

Our newly developed monster control system is already on its way to the Hawaiian Islands. God bless us, we have already planned to deploy this system to the Hawaiian Islands, so it departs a day earlier than the monsters, and now it only takes more than 20 It will be there in an hour.

Until this system arrives, the situation in Hawaii will be uncontrollable...

The reporters below who participated in the meeting all looked dignified, with disbelief on their faces.

At this time, many people watching the press conference almost collapsed.

It can't be true, can it?

My aunt is still in Hawaii, hope she's okay.

Didn't we spend a lot of money to deploy an offshore monitoring system? What is the function of that system?

Now the phone in Hawaii can't get through at all!

Hey! The monster is too hateful!

We need to deploy a mecha on Hawaii to resist the invasion of monsters!

Not only the people on the opposite side, more people watched this press conference than expected.

Because most people received the news of the second monster crisis in Hawaii after watching the press conference on Europa.

The two things are too closely connected.

Chen Shen, Director Qin and other personnel from the Monster Prevention and Control Bureau gathered together to watch the press conference.

No useful information.

Chen Shen listened to the commander's speech, He didn't really explain from the beginning to the end why the monster can bypass the offshore monitoring system and directly enter the inland.

We simply don't know where the fault in the offshore monitoring system is.

Director Qin said: This matter is indeed a bit strange, but it is beyond our control. The only consolation now is that no one in our country is in Hawaii.

Hawaii has not returned to normal order so far, so it has not been removed from the high-risk areas in China.

Naturally, not many people will travel to Hawaii again.

We are going to hold an urgent international meeting. Director Qin looked at Chen Shen, Would you like to come and participate? At that time, we should discuss some new measures against sea monsters. Being passive is not an option.

They hide under the seabed and can attack the land at any time. We can only be hung by them. It will be a matter of time before we are exhausted.

Chen Shen thought for a while, nodded and said, Alright, it's really not the way to go on like this.

But before that, I still need to make some preparations.

What preparation?

No one can solve the monsters under the sea except us. Since we want to participate in this meeting, we naturally have to come up with a solution. Otherwise, the meeting will not solve the problem.

And I just want to prepare for this.

Director Qin sighed, Indeed, other countries are frightened when they hear about monsters. Coupled with their technical strength, it would be great if they don't hold back.

As for those countries in Southeast Asia that can't even play with submarines, it is basically impossible to expect them to propose any solutions at this meeting.

Although other countries have a little money and better technology, judging from the current situation, it seems unrealistic to expect them to make any contribution to this matter.

Didn't you see that the opposite side was stolen by a monster again this time?

Even the offshore monitoring system can fail, and no one has discovered it, which is simply off the charts!

Then I'll go there first, and I'll wait for you in the meeting room then. Director Qin waved and took people there to prepare for the meeting.

Chen Shen returned to his office and began to prepare.

The first time is to type a new project application.

Chen Shen is already very skilled in this job.

Roughly write down the reason, the resources needed, and add a little modification. In less than ten minutes, the application has been successfully released.

Then call Wang Yinian and ask him to help submit it through the emergency channel. After getting the news, he will send a message as soon as possible, and Chen Shencai will go to the Prevention and Control Bureau to attend the meeting...

In the end, there are a lot of things and I am a bit busy. The update may not be too regular, but 4,000 a day can be guaranteed. If there is no update on a certain day, it will be added later. Generally, if this happens, it will be mentioned in the testimonials of the previous chapter. Let me tell you, I won't issue another chapter

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