Movie black technology

Chapter 595 Calculate how much money we can save in the end (4K asks for a monthly ticket)

The situation is urgent. I suggest that we vote on this proposal now. Seeing that no one had any objections, Chen Shen simply struck while the iron was hot and settled this matter as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

Our deep-sea probe is thrown into the sea one day earlier, and it may be able to prevent a monster attack.

When the representatives of various countries heard this, they did not waste time and left the venue temporarily to ask their superiors for their opinions.

The black bureau chief opposite saw that everyone had gone to ask for advice, so he left his seat silently and went back to his office to get a call from the chief.

The commander-in-chief, who was still paying attention to the situation on the scene in Hawaii, quickly answered the phone.

What? The other side wants us to cooperate with them in putting detectors into the deep sea to monitor monsters?

Yes, they said that by doing this, we can know the situation of the monsters under the deep sea, reverse our passive situation, and maybe prevent the third monster from attacking Hawaii...

Speaking of monsters attacking Hawaii, the black director couldn't help but lower his voice.

As the director of the Prevention and Control Bureau and the person in charge of the offshore monitoring system, he still guessed something through the last incident.

It's just that he didn't dare to ask about this kind of thing, and he didn't dare to say it, so he could only pretend that it never happened.

After hearing these reasons, the commander sneered, What monster!?

The opponent's heart is not with the monster at all, they just want to detect the hydrological information of our ocean! Just like the last time we built an offshore monitoring system! They still refuse to give up!

The commander-in-chief saw through the dirty thoughts hidden under these high-sounding reasons at a glance.

It's much more convenient for a deep-sea probe that wanders around in the Pacific Ocean to detect our hydrological information than offshore monitoring that is fixed and controlled in one place!

At this time, the black chief couldn't help but to speak, he scratched his head:

But sir, didn't you say before that it is impossible to have instant communication technology on the other side?

Since there is no instant communication technology, how can the detectors in the deep sea pass through the seawater and transmit information back?

The commander-in-chief's face turned green and white, and he said loudly, You idiot, who stipulated that the deep-sea detectors will not float to the surface and then send back information?

He didn't even know this bit of common sense!

Immediately, reject their proposal. We cannot tolerate their detectors entering our waters. No, it should be impossible for the entire Eastern Pacific Ocean to allow those detectors to enter!

As for the Western Pacific...

The commander-in-chief also wanted to add it to his words, but after thinking about it, let's forget it.

They've all been cut off.

It is good enough that they can keep a few East Asian bases on it.

The black chief responded immediately, hung up the phone, and ran all the way back to the conference room. In less than four minutes, he ran 200 meters.

By the time he came back and squeezed into his seat, most of the representatives from other countries on the screen had returned, and he was one of the few country representatives who were still absent.

The black director looked at it, and nodded inwardly on behalf of several countries that hadn't returned yet except himself.

The neighbors in the north, and the younger brother in the southern hemisphere, several small island countries in the Caribbean Sea to the southeast of them, and various crops planted in the back garden of South America...

They are all irons and half irons in their country now.

He is indeed their good brother and good partner.

It seems that everyone is very cautious about this matter, which is why they have been discussing for so long.

Soon, everyone returned to their seats.

In some countries, only a few people went there, but when they came back, they brought a lot of people with them.

This is going to heaven to move rescuers.

Through the camera, the black director looked at each other with the representatives of those hard-core countries, and nodded with satisfaction.

Everyone is here, and it's about the same time.

At this time, Director Qin stood up and presided over the overall situation.

It's been some time now and the situation is urgent, so please start voting now.

After this proposal is passed, we will make more detailed plans and plans.

If it was in the past, such resolutions would have to be delayed for at least a year and a half, but now under the pressure of monsters, many countries have begun to handle personnel affairs.

That's why it is possible to make a decision in advance. Everyone first approved the general plan, and the small details will be decided when the plan is laid.

I agree with the proposal.

I agree.

In the name of the country, we have no opinion!

As everyone expected, after the voting began, almost none of the representatives of the countries that were named hesitated, and they quickly said the answers in their minds, and they all agreed.

The black director wiped the uncontrollable sweat from his forehead, and told himself in his heart that he only needed to hold the East Pacific region.

As long as countries in the Eastern Pacific region oppose this proposal, even if it can be implemented in the end, it can only be implemented in the Western Pacific region.

We can't let the other side continue to roll names like this.

The black director suddenly raised his hand, indicating that he would vote first.

Chief Qin nodded.

The black director quickly stood up and said into the microphone in a loud voice:

We in the United States oppose this proposal.

This can be regarded as expressing their position in advance, and it can also be regarded as setting an example for their dozen or so hardcore brothers.

Director Qin didn't feel surprised when he heard the result, and he didn't show any abnormality. He just added a negative vote on the public screen.

And the only vote.

The black director exhaled and sat down again.

Then watch their hardcore perform.

After the black director, the rhythm of the vote returned to the normal rhythm, with a large number of consent and no voice of opposition at all.

Until it is the turn of the two most powerful East Asian allies on the opposite side.

Please take a vote. Director Qin looked at the last two representatives from the Asian region who did not vote, and behaved very normally.

Against it!

Simply and neatly! Oppose it immediately!

Come on, don't be a pussy!

The black bureau chief looked at the screen, secretly pumping up the two representatives in his heart, his fists already clenched on the table.

However, the performance of the two representatives was not satisfactory. Instead, they seemed very cramped and nervous, and kept looking around.

This obviously wrong expression management made the black director's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

No way, no way?



For some reason, a burst of electricity passed through the whole body of the black director, so that he trembled uncontrollably.

We abstain!

We abstain!

Almost at the same time, both representatives made their own votes.

Only then did the black director's tense body relax, and the fleshy ball on his stomach hung down again.

It's okay, it's okay, it's just abstention.

He patted his chest.

Although this result is not the best, it is not the worst either.

Anyway, they are already powerless to interfere in the daily affairs of the Eastern Pacific. As far as these two East Asian allies are concerned, even if they object, it is impossible to prevent the opponent from launching detectors in the Eastern Pacific.

So if you abstain, just abstain.

Next, we have to look at the little brother in Oceania.

The black bureau chief turned his expectant eyes to the big screen again. As the largest and most representative country in Oceania, their little brother has already stood up.

After discussions, we decided to agree to this resolution.


A gust of wind suddenly sounded.

The black director's huge body, after hearing this result, the hill-like body twitched, almost lost control of himself, and wanted to stand up and yell.

Fortunately, the subordinate next to him held him down and didn't make him stand up and be ashamed.

But this cannot completely stop the black chief.

He has already scolded Australia in his heart for this rebellious 25-year-old boy.

And by extension, he has begun to worry about other countries.

He didn't realize it until now.

The representatives of other countries have not returned for a long time like him, and it may not be as shameless as he imagined.

It is more likely that they are doing deeper considerations...

He overlooked one thing.

That was the psychological blow to these hardcore players after Hawaii was attacked by monsters again.

They are the bosses, and they are rubbed against the ground by monsters every three days, so those who follow them as younger brothers can't be rubbed by monsters together, right?

At least something has to be done, right?

And to cooperate with the other side, putting a detector in the sea seems to be a good choice...

So it's hard to say how many countries that stood with them before will follow their pace in this meeting...

God bless, no more thunderstorms.

At this time, the black director was so panicked that he wanted to ask God for help.

And with Director Qin's roll call, the Australian country quickly finished voting.

An unanimous vote of approval.

Clearer than Asia.

Although there are not many countries in this continent at all.

Director Qin next jumped to South America.

Opposite the back garden.

The black chief took a deep breath, even blinked his eyes, and stared at the representatives of South America with a gloomy expression as much as possible.

However, even under this invisible threat. The result was still out of control.

Representatives from South America were more decisive than those from Oceania.

we agree.


I think it's a helpful proposition.


The fist of the black chief was about to be crushed.

Chief, calm down!

The newly promoted scientific advisor patted him.

And North America, they can't betray us...

Yes, and North America.

What's the point, though, when there's only North America left?

Thinking of what the commander-in-chief asked him to do, the director was already a little dizzy.

He didn't want to hear about the results in North America anymore, but the scientific advisor was pressing him not to let him go.

God knows why a white man who is engaged in scientific research is fatter than him!

Next, the countries in North America are invited to vote.

Director Qin clicked on the last continent.

Under the gloomy gaze of the black chief, many representatives of North American countries bowed their heads.

I abstain.

I also abstain...

Indeed, no country voted yes, but no country voted no either.

The situation is already very serious...

Looking at the big screen, that lone negative vote.

The black director felt a little chilled for a while.

There is no one-vote veto mechanism in the Prevention and Control Bureau.

It is to fundamentally put an end to the malicious behavior of some countries that drag the world down.

Then I announce that the resolution on the launch of the instantaneous communication deep-sea probe has been officially passed, and the plan should immediately enter the preparatory stage, and the specific implementation details will be discussed later.

The United Nations prevention and control organization personnel announced the final result.

The black director's eyes were blank, he sat on a chair and listened, then stood up in frustration, and went back to report to the commander...

No need to think about it, he also knew what kind of storm was about to greet him.

What!? Only we opposed the opposite proposal?

The commander-in-chief was also surprised when he heard this result.

Didn't you communicate with other countries? The commander stared at the black chief, his eyes narrowed.

It's too fast. I don't have time to contact other countries. They came prepared this time. They are doing a sneak attack!

The black director was very unconvinced.

He also firmly believes that if he has the opportunity to call representatives of other countries, he can rewrite the ending with only one vote against.

However, just after the resolution was proposed, Chen Shen asked for a vote. This speed did not leave them any time to communicate.

All countries can only give their own truest and most hoped answers.

Seeing that the commander-in-chief was about to lose his temper, the black bureau chief quickly added a sentence.

However, I am confident that in the next implementation stage, their detectors will not be able to enter our country's waters!

Get out!

The commander covered his eyes, not wanting to look at the black director again.

After a while, the secretary came in.

Holding a cup of coffee, but also brought the latest news.

According to the statistics of the drone, there are only 200,000 active refugees left on the island where the monster landed. The number of people who died or were seriously injured and lost their ability to move, and who can only wait for treatment may have exceeded 50,000.

The monster's lethality is beyond my imagination. It has only been two hours since it landed.

The commander-in-chief was also surprised to hear this efficiency.

The secretary smiled and said, It's all thanks to the ball, otherwise everyone would have run away.

The city is the home of the monsters. If it weren't for the ball that brought people together, it would be great if the number of people directly killed by the monsters exceeded a thousand.

The commander-in-chief then asked: Then how much subsidies and expenses can we expect to save now?

The secretary compared a figure: At least one billion U.S. dollars in direct expenses have been saved. If possible subsidies are added, the number will climb to nearly five billion dollars.

The commander said: Our monster control system will take nearly a day to arrive, and the monsters still have a day to go, right?


Then do the math on how much money we can save in the end.

At least fifteen billion, my sir.

It’s still a double monthly pass, and I want to draw another prize next month, the kind of thinking that my saliva is dripping down (﹃)

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