Movie black technology

Chapter 584 Where Are My Footprints So Much? (4K)

in the control hall.

According to the results of these two experiments, the stability of our device is still very good. As long as it is replaced and maintained in the future, it should be able to be used for a long time.

After the probe flew into the wormhole, Chen Shen looked at the group of towers on the big screen and discussed with Wang Yinian.

The only fly in the ointment is that there was a slight mistake in the design of the tower this time. When the wormhole was formed, the energy sinking was not considered, so that it came into direct contact with the moon.

This is also one of the reasons why small-scale moonquakes occur in every wormhole experiment.

When the opening of the wormhole settles, the pressure of the lunar plate is automatically converted into energy for the wormhole, which is a small energy gain and is dispensable.

However, the impact of this is a large-scale moonquake involving half of the moon, which is essentially the movement of the lunar plate caused by the wormhole.

Fortunately, this kind of movement is not violent, so the intensity of the moonquake is not high, and some moondust will be shaken up. If it is placed on the earth, the vibration will only be smaller.

Wang Yinian didn't pay attention to this small defect at all, and patted Chen Shen: Be careful when we build the second opening next time, just raise the height of the experimental tower a little bit higher.

Chen Shen nodded as a response.

Anyway, the site selection for the next experimental tower is already in progress.

It's not an option to keep doing such dangerous experiments next to the experimental base.

The important facilities are placed so densely, if one day, the experiment goes wrong, the energy constraint fails, and the wormhole directly blows up the moon base, it will be troublesome.

The main reason why the experimental tower was put together with the base before is to facilitate the construction work and subsequent maintenance work of astronauts.

After all, no one knows whether the wormhole experiment will be successful, and problems may occur at any time, and astronauts will need to arrive at the scene quickly.

But now that the experiment has preliminarily proved the stability, the tower can be placed farther away.

So the current experimental towers will be abandoned after the completion of the second batch of experimental towers.

According to the assumption, after the site selection is completed, the first lunar orbit will be built from the base to the position of the second batch of high towers, and rail trains will be installed on it, which can carry astronauts to the experimental high towers to work, which is equivalent to astronauts. moon shuttle.

In this way, the work efficiency and safety of the astronauts are also sufficiently guaranteed, so that they will not work for one hour and drive for seven hours in a day.

The second minute after the end of the experiment.

Chen Shen looked up at the screen, and as he expected, it began to refresh the data of the second-generation detector.

All the detectors were deployed, and none of them got lost in the wormhole.

Okay, now the results of the experiment can be announced.

Chen Shen waved his hand, indicating that Wang Yinian could go out to report, and turned around to celebrate the complete success of the second experiment with the staff in the hall.

The news of the success of the second experiment spread much earlier than the last time.

Just a few minutes later, the TV station received the news that the experiment was successful and shared the good news with all viewers.

At this time, many countries have also started their own lunar rover self-inspection operations to see if the moonquake just now has damaged their own equipment.

However, the lunar rover control centers in most countries are not actually in their own country, but in...

Near the Manned Space Center, the International Lunar Measurement and Control Center.

This center is dedicated to those countries that have purchased the lunar rover launch business.

Given that many countries are small and sparsely populated, there are even some backward countries that cling to their pockets.

Even if these countries buy a lunar rover, it will be difficult to establish a formal astronomical measurement and control center.

Because the lunar rover is not just launched.

It also needs to send information back to the earth, and the earth also needs to send instructions to it to understand the situation.

The earth-moon communication link to be used here is not available to ordinary countries.

There is a whole system involved.

Therefore, the lunar rovers in many countries actually need help to operate normally.

In this case, the lunar rover monitoring tasks of these countries were simply concentrated, and an international lunar measurement and control center was built for management.

These countries have stationed personnel everywhere in the center, both for learning and supervision.

Lunar rover No. 1, all function checks are normal!

No. 3 is normal...

No. 37 is normal.

In a world full of lunar rovers, the lunar rover has no name, only a cold number.

The staff in front of the inspection platform checked each vehicle, and as previously speculated, none of the lunar rover was abnormal due to the moonquake.

After all, these lunar rovers don't have to make a trade-off between performance and weight as before, so their materials are very honest.

The same work is going on in other aerospace powers and on the other side.

On the opposite side, the work was watched live by Gray himself.

I have checked everything carefully, as long as you can find out any new problems, then you have made a great contribution!

Gray stood behind everyone, staring at their computer screens, looking at every parameter on it.

As I said before, all lunar equipment problems caused by moonquakes will be compensated accordingly.

If there is a problem with their lunar rover, maybe they can take the opportunity to rob them.

If I can get the information on that kind of super rocket...

Forget it, don't dream anymore.

It's still broad daylight, so that's not good.

Gray shook his head, expelling the whimsical thought from his mind.

The inspection was soon over and the situation was reported.

No problems.

The expected answer.

Gray rubbed his chin in deep thought, and was about to ask his subordinates how to make the lunar rover have a little problem when he suddenly heard an exclamation.


I saw an employee looking at his screen image, pushed the chair under his butt in surprise, stood up in one breath, and looked at Gray:

Sir, I have a situation here!

What's the matter, is there a big problem?

Gray raised his eyebrows, thinking that when he was drowsy, someone would give him a pillow, but now he didn't have to do it himself.

He immediately walked to the staff's computer. On the screen was a satellite image, not the performance data of the lunar rover.

What's going on here? Gray looked at the satellite image and immediately recognized it.

This was taken by their satellite on the moon. Above the picture is a piece of soft lunar soil.

Gray looked at it for a few seconds, then looked back at the employee: What's wrong? What are you surprised about?

Such soil exists in many places on the moon, and there is nothing strange about it.

At this time, someone suddenly laughed and said: He is a new employee, and he hasn't seen the real lunar soil yet...

No no no!

The employee shook his head. He was obviously suppressing his emotions. He pressed his chest: Sir, I have always been very curious about the footprints of Armstrong when he landed on the moon for the first time. According to my understanding, with the shooting accuracy of our lunar satellite, It's not difficult to see the footprints on it.

Gray nodded, of course, the moon has no atmosphere, and the accuracy of the photos of the reconnaissance satellites is much higher than that of the earth. Even if you can't see the complete details, you can still see the general situation clearly.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck Gray's mind. He seemed to realize something, and then looked at the image on the computer screen, and fell into a daze.

If that's true, that's a really big problem...

It was too big for him to bear...

Gray looked at the new employee and felt his body shaking involuntarily. He pointed at the computer:

You were just looking at Armstrong's footprints, weren't you?

The clerk nodded, and said a coordinate timidly: 0.71 degrees north latitude, 23.63 degrees east longitude, right?

These were the coordinates of the Apollo 11 moon landing at that time, and the footprints were naturally also on this coordinates.

but now……

Where are the footprints now!

Gray looked at the satellite image on the computer. After zooming in and out several times, he couldn't find Armstrong's world-famous footprint...

Damn Falk!

Only then did Gray wake up.

This must be a conspiracy on the other side!

They deliberately used experiments to cause moonquakes, just to let the moon dust erase this footprint full of historical significance!

On the moon, there is no atmosphere and no wind. In most cases, the position of the moon dust is fixed, and they will not be blown around by the wind like the earth.

So the footprints on it can be kept for an extremely long time under normal circumstances.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

When a moonquake occurs, the moon dust will be displaced by the vibration, and at this time, the traces on the moon surface may be erased.

The two previous experiments both caused moonquakes within half the moon, and the intensity of the moonquakes even shook the moondust.

A large amount of moon dust floated up due to the vibration, and fell back again due to the gravity of the moon...

Under such circumstances, let alone one footprint, even ten thousand footprints will be flattened!

Thinking of this, Gray's heart twitched.

He leaned on the table with one hand and said, Quick, let's see the situation of our other moon landing sites.

He felt something was wrong.

Because the Apollo moon landings all landed on the front of the moon, and the location of the experimental tower is also on the front of the moon.

He only found out in retrospect that the scope of the moonquake happened to cover all the moon landing sites.

Doesn't that mean...

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze.

Everyone understood what Gray was talking about, and they all understood the significance of this incident.

Everyone almost threw themselves on their computers to check the flight trajectories of the satellites, and let them take pictures of the lunar surface when they flew over the moon landing site.

Ten minutes later.

A satellite flies over the Apollo 13 moon landing site.

Pictures will be sent back quickly.

Gray opened it with the last hope, and then he saw that the lunar soil above had been formatted and looked flat, like a flat pancake, with no footprints visible at all.

The atmosphere became more and more dignified.

Next up is the Apollo 12 moon landing site...

The result made no difference.

The next one, and the next one.

It has been more than an hour since I watched all the situations up to the seven moon landing points.

At the seven moon landing sites, almost all the footprints were wiped out by the moonquake, and only a few footprints can be vaguely seen in a few pictures.

But this little trace is almost indistinguishable from none.

All the traces we left on the moon are gone now!

All gone!

Green stared at the ceiling, not knowing how to report this incident.

The other staff were also at a loss.

Their own footprints on the moon are gone, which is a huge blow to them.

After a full delay of two hours, Gray bit the bullet and reported the news.

After receiving the news, he just felt his health improved. The commander-in-chief who got up from the bed and was about to deal with business only said Damn Fake before lying back on the bed.

Liver pain!


This must be a conspiracy on the other side, they definitely did it on purpose!

This is their provocation and bullying against us! We want to expose their conspiracy, and we want to counter them!

The Grand Commander knocked on the mattress under him, his mouth roaring like a bellows, as if he had fallen into madness.

When the secretary heard this, he immediately took out the last plan from his arms.

Put it in the hands of the Grand Commander.

Grand Commander: ...

Looking down at the plan in his hand, the plan that he thought was radical before does not seem unacceptable now.

Anyway, as long as they cross the Pacific central line, even if the plan fails, it won't have a big impact on them.


The monster to be transported is too big, and the movement is too big. If we still have a little monster, it will be fine!

The monster captured in Hawaii before has now grown up, and if it is sent to the opposite side, it will definitely be discovered.

The secretary narrowed his eyes and hesitated, Maybe we can recreate the monster now?

The commander also narrowed his eyes, Maybe.

the next day.

On the other side, they condemned the United Nations on the grounds of destroying the footprints on the moon, demanded compensation, and stopped all lunar wormhole experiments in the future.

Similar to Gray's reaction.

Everyone didn't think about this before, the chain reaction caused by the moonquake would destroy the astronauts' footprints on the moon.

Now that I heard it suddenly, there was naturally an uproar.

Among the people, this incident also set off a huge storm.

Some people think that the footprints on the moon are of great significance to human beings, so lunar experiments should be stopped immediately.

Some people think that it is only the other side's own business, and the other side should send astronauts up to protect the footprints, and there is no need to follow them blindly.

Chen Shen was the first person to receive the condemnation from the opposite party.

As the overall person in charge of the project, he took a look at the documents sent across, which showed the current status and past conditions of the seven moon landing sites.

Comparing the two, the current moon landing point seems to be a little bit different from the previous one.

The footprints did fade a little...

It seems that this result is indeed caused by our experiment...

How do we compensate them for this?

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