Movie black technology

Chapter 583 Leaking secrets by order (6K)

Share star exploration data!

Although Chen Shen didn't say it clearly, the comments on the Internet have already guessed what he was talking about, not to mention the relevant organizations in other countries.

Many countries have seized this opportunity and expressed their sincere wishes to the international community:

According to our knowledge, the 'Space Lingqu' project may have successfully sent the probe to an extraterrestrial planet, but there is currently a lack of data comparison, so it is impossible to know which planet the probe is on.

Therefore, we hereby solemnly appeal to relevant countries to share the data obtained from the exploration of the above-mentioned celestial bodies so as to help complete the positioning of the detectors and promote harmonious cooperation among human beings.

As for the relevant countries mentioned in the request...

Historically, there were not many countries and organizations capable of detecting those stars.

This is actually already a roll call.

In just one day, more than 20 countries with similar speeches popped up all over the world.

They are all countries that have been cooperating with China from photoacoustic medical testing to lunar exploration, and some of them are on the edge of the Pacific Rim, and they are still staunch mecha faction.

This kind of behavior is not only to stand in line, but also to firmly support the domestic artificial wormhole project. Even though this project is now extremely controversial, they are willing to support it with national reputation just like the domestic ones.

Although the data and details of the artificial wormhole project are not open to them, what they know is no different from what other countries know, but they just believe, or they believe that this domestic move will not be a bad move.

Judging from the situation in the past few years, the fact that the opposite party has no intentions and powers has become more and more obvious, and it has become more and more serious after falling behind in the aerospace field.

Coupled with the recent monster chaos...

It can be said that, except for those who wear a pair of trousers with each other, most countries have already jumped ship.

Even if he didn't jump off the boat, he was already standing on the edge of the railing, ready to jump anytime.

In many countries, factions that are close to the country are rising at a rocket-like speed. While liquidating past factions, they are still turning around and moving closer to the country.

For many people who eat melons in China, it feels like all of a sudden, many countries that used to hate when they mentioned their names suddenly changed their ways and became loyal licking dogs...

I'm not used to it.

Now when it comes to the international situation, the opposite side is in an absolutely weak position, and only a dozen or so countries have to always stand on the opposite side to speak because of historical and geographical or economic and military reasons.

Other countries are either truly neutral, or have already stood behind the country and quietly took the watermelon knife...

After these countries came out to support the man-made wormhole, instead of quelling the debate on the Internet, the sailors became more rhythmic, and everyone quarreled more fiercely.

But the good times always come to an end.

After the rapid launch of a new round of water fee checking in China, a large number of artificial diodes quickly evaporated like snow seeing the sun.

Although the controversy over the artificial wormhole project remains, the domestic Internet atmosphere has been purified a lot.

A similar operation took place a few years ago, but the water bills on the opposite side were too much. In just two or three years, another land water army was rebuilt.


In response to the appeals of these countries, the neighbors to the north were generous, and took the initiative to send over all the extraterrestrial exploration materials in their own history, and by the way, they also made a big publicity on the international news.

The European Space Agency touched its nose, and also found some data that may or may not be useful from the pile of old papers, and asked if it would be accepted domestically...

Based on the old data in their hands, with the current domestic aerospace technology, it is only a matter of time before they can obtain more accurate data. It is better to sell it now.

In this way, when they want to share data domestically in the future, they can have more reasons.

On the contrary, it was on the opposite side, holding the data in his hand and being suspicious.

What is their purpose?

Gray, an aerospace expert, looked through these historical data, and could not see what the country wanted to do from it.

Among the stars mentioned by Chen, we are the country that has detected them the most, so they must want the data we get from these stars!

However, is there anything special about this data?

Gray has been staring at the stats all day.

It is true that some of these data have not been released to the public and belong to internal data, but what can these data far away from the sky bring to the opposite party?

It can't be that their wormhole experiment was really successful, and the detector was sent there, right?

Gray scratched his hair to rule it out.

Sir, are we going to publish these data? At this time, the assistant brought more data.

Gray shook his head, picked up a copy and looked at it: Of course it's impossible, we can't have any cooperation with the other side in the aerospace field!

And our Grand Commander will not allow this to happen.

Speaking of the Grand Commander, Gray became angry.

Because after the Hawaii crisis, he received a mission——

Develop a super-heavy launch vehicle that can be compared with the opposite carrier Boxer.

Not only the carrying capacity must be benchmarked, but even the size of the rocket must be benchmarked!

Fuck Fuck!

A rocket with a transport capacity of 300 tons still requires a body as small as ten to twenty meters. With the current technology, he took the time to develop it!

As soon as he received this task, Gray greeted the whole family of the commander on the other side of the phone in his heart.

Because he had already seen it on site in Hawaii, not to mention the rocket fuel, even the soil around the area where the rocket fell was dug up hundreds of thousands of square meters by the opposite side with an excavator, and it was all transported to the Pacific Ocean and sprinkled!

It is said that those excavators finished digging with their front feet, and then followed the boat to their homeland. I don't know why they went there.

In short, this incident is simply outrageous to open the door for his grandfather-the old outrageous home!

Under such destruction, not to mention finding the remaining traces of the rocket, as long as a little soil can be found, it is a victory...

Copying can't be copied, and technology accumulation can't keep up.

Gray sees no hope of completing the task at all.

Under such pressure, he has to face more and more international calls for them to share star detection data.

This is simply torture!

Fortunately, when this call was about to reach its peak, his great commander stood up and denounced loudly:

The artificial wormhole project is a false show, it is an unrealistic project, and because of this project, lunar science experiments have been stopped for a long time, which has greatly damaged the interests of all mankind. Publicly available data...

After an eloquent speech, the commander-in-chief immediately attracted all the firepower from all over the world. Gray was relieved and began to study how many boosters should be attached to the super-heavy rocket with a capacity of 300 tons.

No matter what, there is nothing wrong with meeting the capacity requirements first and then considering the body shape.

However, what they don't know is.

Chen Shen and many people in the country are also a little confused looking at the international situation these days.

We asked those countries to do this? He touched his chin, thinking that Wang Yinian might know some gossip.

Who knew that Wang Yinian also shook his head: We absolutely did not ask them to do this, there is no motive at all.

Didn't you say that when the experiment is successful and the data from the second-generation detector is sent back, you can know the position of the detector?

In this case, how could we still ask for their data...

So according to you, this is the self-assessment of these countries?

There is no domestic order to say that these countries have already rushed forward to start a group.

Like many people, Chen Shen was not used to being so courteous all of a sudden.

Forget it, there will probably be a cooperation project for wormhole detectors in the future, so let's make it cheaper for them then.

Although the wormhole technology cannot be leaked, it is still possible to use it to transport some things and earn a little money.

Amidst the controversy and the turbulent struggle in the dark, the day of the second artificial wormhole experiment on the moon has come again.

The eyes of the world have once again focused on the moon.

I have prepared the astronomical telescope and camera, this time I must take pictures of all the anomalies that happen on the moon!

The front row sells an open ticket for the astronomical observatory, and you can watch the wormhole experiment on the moon on the spot!

My side has been cloudy these days, which city has sunny weather these days, I want to go there!

Since the time of the second wormhole experiment was disclosed, the sales data of domestic astronomical telescopes has surged. For a while, it seems that the whole people have turned into astronomy enthusiasts, and almost monopolized the production capacity of astronomical telescopes around the world.

The speed of grinding lenses cannot catch up with the speed of people buying telescopes.

The main reason for this is that the time of this experiment is nine o'clock at night in China!

As long as it is not cloudy in China, you can see the experimental moon vision just by looking up.

And in cities covered by cloudy weather, many people also consider taking a short trip, so as not to see the moon at that time.

Many domestic astronomical observatories have also taken advantage of the opportunity to launch open activities, live broadcasting the moon under the astronomical telescope to the public...

But there is joy and sorrow.

People in the country beat the big drums happily, but people on the other side of the earth were crying.

Why wasn't this experiment carried out on our night! I bought an astronomical telescope...

I'm already in a special tourist attraction. Last time I slept and missed everything, this time I can't miss it no matter what! I'm going to a place where I can see the moon!

The goddess of the moon is calling me!

For a time, the number of tourists pouring into the country from all over the world surged again...

Doing an experiment on the moon can actually promote tourism in the country and even the entire dark time zone?

This butterfly effect surprised many people, and they all said really fragrant in unison!

Under the expectation of countless pseudo-astronomy enthusiasts and tourists who have just learned how to see the moon.

The resident astronauts in the lunar base put the vat containing the space crystals into the slot the day before the experiment according to the specifications, and then returned to the base to start packing.

This experiment is the same as last time, the astronauts still have to leave the base and watch from the lunar orbit.

Only in this way can their safety be fully ensured.

After the important items in the base were emptied, the astronauts boarded the Tibetan Antelope spacecraft and entered lunar orbit before the experiment began.

The Guanghan base has been evacuated.

On the Tibetan antelope, the astronauts on the moon base sent messages back to the ground.

Almost at the same time, Chen Shen in the control hall also received a report from the aerospace system that the experiment could start.

At the same time, CCTV's live broadcast finally started.

Good evening, dear viewers...

From the host to the guests are all the lineup of the last live broadcast. After a simple greeting, the host went straight to the point, chatting with the guests about the last experiment while broadcasting the camera on the moon base.

These days, there have been many speculations about the last lunar experiment in the world, from plasma cannons to particle cannons, and even antimatter cannons...

In short, all kinds of guns are constantly upgraded.

Who put six gun barrels of the highest justice caliber on top of the tower.

It's hard not to be crooked.

However, today's guests have come prepared.

Actually, the international speculation I mentioned just now is unreasonable. They have completely deviated from the topic. They have ignored the information we have been emphasizing—

That is, our project is the first and only man-made wormhole project in the world. It is not a military project...

Maybe many people now think that artificial wormholes are still a bit of nonsense, and such technology is still too far away from us.

The guests were talking in the live broadcast room, while the host nodded and made a sound of approval from time to time.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast on the Internet faced each other in the barrage, not paying attention to what the guests were saying.

Because viewers who have experienced the last live broadcast know that this guest can't tell any useful information at all.

However, just when everyone was thinking this way, the guest's words suddenly made everyone stop moving——

I have a piece of confidential information about wormholes in my hand now. We can take a look at it while the experiment is officially starting.

The data on it can clearly show that our wormhole project is not a joke, it is a real and down-to-earth scientific research project...

As he spoke, the guest picked up a document bag he had brought.

The two bright red characters on it——


With a bang, a document and a USB flash drive came out.

After a brief pause, the barrage surged over like a sea wave.

Is this leaking secrets by order? I love it!

This guest's business is still not skilled enough! How can you do this in the live broadcast? You have to accidentally post the photos online in advance!

It seems that someone has already done this thing of posting photos on the Internet...

Hello? There's 500,000 here. Yes, yes, it's the guest on CCTV's live broadcast. In addition, there's another person who took confidential photos online. Let's see when the money will be paid...

Reminder, this live broadcast room won't survive five seconds!

The barrage was boiling, and everyone was both nervous and excited about the documents to be displayed.

And some foreigners who watched the live broadcast jumped up as if they were shocked by electricity.

The other side is going to show evidence of the success of the wormhole experiment in the live broadcast!

Watch the opposite party's live broadcast on the Internet immediately!

One after another, the news was spread on the Internet, and those who did not intend to continue watching the experiment were urged to watch it.

Even the Grand Commander, who was resting on the bed and was so angry with all kinds of affairs, was notified by the secretary to watch the live broadcast on the computer at his bedside...

What evidence are they showing?

Finally, the on-site staff projected the document onto the screen.

The guest spoke again: A long time ago, we have announced to the world that our first wormhole experiment was successful, and the detector was successfully sent to the opposite side of the wormhole.

This incident has attracted many doubts and ridicules around the world. The main reason why we did not respond is because we are sorting out the data sent back by the probe.

With a swipe, what appeared on the screen along with the words was the first ingredient test report that Chen Shen and the others received.

The Grand Commander almost pressed his eyes to the screen, but even so, he couldn't see anything.

Because it is written in Chinese.

What's written on it?

He looked at his secretary, and at the same time, there was a remote online simultaneous interpretation.

As the Grand Commander, he will not use Bai Ze to translate!


The secretary struggled to identify the words on the screen, and finally let him find a familiar symbol inside, and said in front of the simultaneous interpreter——

Sir, that's the water symbol!

They should be saying that their probe reached a planet with water through the wormhole!

The secretary patted his thigh, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Sure enough, the guest spoke next, This is the first time that we have received a complete and effective report through the wormhole detector, which allows us to confirm that the environment opposite the wormhole is in a deep water.

Where its temperature is...

The guest read it out according to the data in the document, and at the same time made a guess based on it, and finally came up with the environment where the wormhole detector is located.

During this process, the simultaneous interpretation has been translating the words of the guests to the commander in chief.

How is it possible? This is too ridiculous!

They actually want to use a piece of paper to prove that they created an artificial wormhole, so next time, can I use a piece of paper to prove that we have completed the research work on controlled nuclear fusion?

The commander-in-chief didn't pay attention to the guests' words at all.

But many viewers reacted differently.

The guests who read the data seriously in the live broadcast room were obviously not joking.

Could it be that the artificial wormhole has really succeeded? !

Just when the masses are wavering.

The guests have finished speaking, and go to the next process:

Next, let's watch a video, which is the first video sent back by the wormhole detector.

Halfway through the guest's speech, the director has switched the screen to the video.

In the darkness, there were occasional chaotic sounds, and then the lights came on, and the appearance of the submarine detector appeared in front of everyone.

Illuminated by its searchlights is a piece of clear and transparent but empty deep water.

Now what everyone sees is the situation of our probe on the other side of the wormhole. According to the current understanding, here is an underground ocean. This is the first time that we humans have witnessed the underground ocean of an alien planet. Everything in it is worthy of us. Go research...

The clarity of the ocean in the video is obviously completely different from that of the earth.

The water without impurities seems to have just melted from the pure ice taken out of the deep polar regions. If it weren't for the occasional movement of the probe due to ocean currents, you would hardly find that the probe is soaking in water!

This is too clear!

This wasn't filmed on Earth, was it?

Where on earth are there such clear seas and lakes?

In the video, when the searchlight of the detector is turned on, there is no object in front of the water body, just like a laser beam, forming a beam of light in the refraction, penetrating an extremely long distance.

This made many people take a sip of Liangpi.

This is obviously not the environment on Earth!

Where on earth is water so clear?

Even at the bottom of the sea, there are many metabolites of marine organisms.

It is simply impossible to achieve the level of clarity in the video.

Unless it's special effects or a specially built studio.

The commander-in-chief's eyes widened even more, trying to find a little flaw in it, but until the probe started to move forward, he couldn't find a little flaw in it.

Immediately ask someone to compare it, this is more similar to any sea area on the earth!

Commander ordered.

Then continue to watch the probe advance in the video.

The propulsion time of the probe is not short, and the speed is not too slow. In addition, the multiplier is used in this section. In just ten minutes, the one-hour video of the probe propulsion has been finished.

During this hour's journey, this subterranean ocean kept its mystery and clarity, so clear that there was no sign of life at all, and everything was so clean.

It's eeriely clean.

If it is on the earth, it is hard to imagine that you can find such a clear ocean and push forward for an hour without seeing any living things.

Seeing this, the people in front of the screen are completely addicted to it, and everyone hopes to find some clues from it.


There is no flaw at all!

Is there a master who came out to analyze, is this a special effects clip or a real shot?

Is there anywhere on Earth that matches the above characteristics?

Until the video finished playing and the experiment scene started to cut, everyone was still discussing.

Everyone's hearts were taken away by the video just released, and even watching the experiment felt a bit dull.

It was not until the six particle beams collided again, a large amount of moon dust exploded, the wormhole appeared, the spectacular scene reappeared, and the moon was surrounded by a layer of light film again, that everyone came back to their senses and started shouting.

Then the second-generation detectors projected towards the center of the wormhole through the catapult like dumplings, and disappeared into the wormhole.

At this stage, the public's attention was far more focused than last time, and they wished they could put the TV in their eyes.

However, even with such concentration, they couldn't find any traces of the detector being destroyed.

Dozens of detectors are like the best divers, without making any waves, they disappear as soon as they come into contact with the center of the wormhole.

Then the experiment ended and the wormhole disappeared.

The spectacular scene disappeared, and the alien planet video just now became a hot topic of discussion again.

The Grand Commander on the other side of the earth turned off the computer and prepared to go to sleep again.

But for some reason, when he thought of the scene of the moon experiment just now, he felt something was wrong...

Especially the scene where the particle beams collide and the moondust fills the sky...

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