Movie black technology

Chapter 585 Don't Want To Pay A Penny (4K)

How to compensate the other side?

Not to mention Chen Shen, Wang Yinian and the others also had difficulties with this problem.

The footprints on the moon are still of great significance to all human beings, otherwise the opposite party would not jump because of this incident.

That is to say, there has been a huge change in the strength of the two countries now. If the time goes back more than ten years, maybe the two countries have now reached the brink of war because of this incident.

rather than as it is now.

Their first request now is to ask us to suspend the next third lunar wormhole experiment. Wang Yinian took the notice on the opposite side and put it in front of Chen Shen.

They think that if we continue to cause moonquakes on the moon, the remaining footprints will be completely erased after the third experiment...

In addition, they think that the scope of the moonquake caused by our experiment includes all their moon landing sites. This is a conspiracy against them...

Upon hearing this core appeal, Chen Shen shook his head and said flatly, Impossible, they are dreaming!

Our man-made wormholes are no less meaningful than the moon landing footprints on the opposite side. Why should we make way for them?

And where did we target their moon landing site?

Chen Shen felt that the opposite party had already suffered from persecution paranoia.

Their six moon landings in history, and the most recent moon landing, all took place at the north and south latitudes of the moon's equator. What's so strange about including them all?

Didn't our moon landing footprints disappear because of these two experiments? Did we say anything?

Chen Shen was confident and confident, and didn't care about the protest from the other side at all.

How can mere footprints on the moon be more important than a real black hole leading to an alien planet?

To make this request on the other side is just wanting to eat fart!

Not to mention Chen Shen, even other high-level officials in the country would not agree to their request.

Our third experiment will definitely proceed as scheduled!

Now the underground biological laboratory is expanding its production. It is estimated that in the next few years, the production speed of space crystals will completely keep up with the consumption of experiments, so the next wormhole experiment will be scheduled for January next year.

That is two months later.

Hearing what Chen Shen said, Wang Yinian shrugged his shoulders, In addition to this request, the other side also wants us to make other compensations.

Chen Shen didn't intend to listen any more, he didn't talk too much.

Tell them that there is no more compensation. What I can help them with is to restore their footprints on the moon.

Wang Yinian was a little curious: How do you want to recover?

Let them bring back the same shoes that they used to land on the moon, and we can arrange for Tibetan antelopes to go to the moon and use those shoes to make the same shoe prints.

Wang Yinian: ...

Is this an idea that humans can come up with?

Forget it, I think your idea will only add chaos to the current situation.

Wang Yinian clutched his forehead, not counting on this master anymore.

Let this kind of thing be discussed by professionals.

Wang Yinian put the matter aside after posting the summary report after his conversation with Chen Shen.

A few days later, China officially responded to the disappearance of the footprints on the moon for the first time——

This is an unexpected situation and a loss for human beings. We regret it very much, but this may be the price of exploring the future. As the closest star to the earth, the moon plays a very important role in the exploration of wormholes.

In this incident, we are willing to undertake all the footprint restoration work and make appropriate compensation. At the same time, we guarantee that if the moon landing footprint becomes blurred again due to the experiment, we will still be willing to undertake the repair and restoration work for free...

As soon as this announcement was issued, there were question marks on the commander's forehead.

What do they mean?

What is proper compensation? What is restoration?

The secretary read all the documents submitted by the country, and said with a twitching corner of his mouth: They asked us to give them the same style of shoes in the spacesuit back then, and they can press those shoes back on the moon surface to form exactly the same shoe prints. .”

In addition, we can also exempt part of the amount of renting the mecha...

If we have no objections, we will follow this plan in the future if such a situation arises because of their experiments...

The commander became angry when he heard this, They are only willing to make this level of concession?!

I'm already discussing with them nicely, and they don't give me any face?

The commander-in-chief blew his beard and stared, unable to believe that his face was so worthless.

That's the footprints on the moon!

Before letting it go, if you do such an excessive thing, don't talk about it, the big fist will hit it all at once.

He is just denouncing it now, which is already very face-saving.

However, in front of this statement, let alone the repentance that historical sinners should have, there is not even a little sincerity in compensation!

Reduce or exempt mech rental fees?

Don't those money still have to be taken out of their wallets?

Rounding it up, isn't it that the opposite party doesn't want to pay a penny?

There are still such thick-skinned people in the world!

The commander who just got up from the hospital bed felt that he was going to lie back again...

However, it is different from the general's panic.

In the international community, once this domestic statement was announced, the first thing that greeted it was praise.

Great exploration often requires sacrifice. The construction of the experimental base on the moon is also a last resort, and the destruction of the footprints on the moon is even more unexpected. They are willing to be responsible for the repair work and actively make compensations. They have already assumed their due responsibilities.

Wormholes are much more important than those bad footprints. How can the experiment be suspended because of such a trivial matter?

Who cares about the footprints on the moon? Who can see the footprints on the moon? During the wormhole experiment, the spectacular moon can be seen by the whole world!

The goddess of the moon instructed me that her miracles should not be hindered by a few footprints!

They have never successfully landed on the moon before. There are no footprints on the moon! They are using this opportunity to prove that they have landed on the moon!

All countries that commented on the matter, without exception, supported the domestic position.

And on the Internet, all kinds of monsters and ghosts have come out.

From the emerging Church of the Goddess of the Moon to the moon landing conspiracy theorists, they all seem to have found a big stage to display their own theories, making the situation like a big dye vat.

Under such a general trend, even some different voices were drowned by the waves.

Some countries that are ready to support the opposite side according to the wind and the wind, seeing this one-sided domestic advantage, dare not speak out again, and plunge into the sand pile like an ostrich.

On such a huge earth, the opposite side suddenly became lonely.

Even its sons dare not voice their support...

The Grand Commander couldn't believe what he saw.

What's wrong with this country?

He tapped on the desk so hard that the coffee mug on the desk vibrated.

He took out the secretary's plan again and read it through from beginning to end.

He who has been hesitant, now only hopes that this plan will be implemented immediately, and then it will succeed immediately.

According to our previous assessment, how long will it take for this plan to go from implementation to success? the Grand Commander asked with red eyes.

The secretary calculated, It will take about half a year to a year. Our research on monsters has been destroyed after the Pandora incident, and now it has been completely suspended.

It will take at least half a year to rebuild these and create the first monster.

The commander-in-chief exhaled heavily, Not enough!

This time is too long, is there any other faster way?

Half a year to a year...

Now our influence has been reduced to such a pitiful point by the opponent. In half a year, I'm afraid no one will remember the name of our country!

Now even their sons don't come forward to speak for them!

The son doesn't recognize his father anymore!

This incident made the commander quickly understand the seriousness of the situation.

He misjudged the situation, he was still too optimistic before!

The secretary was silent for a while, I don't have anything else to do at the moment. Half a year is the fastest time. Generally speaking, we may need eight months or even longer.

This time has been very short.

Thanks to Director Smith, the soul of the Monster Base, who survived, otherwise they would have to start from scratch, and it might take longer.

The war?

As soon as the commander mentioned this possibility, the secretary in front of him immediately shook his head to stop him:


The previous assessment has already proved this point. We have no hope of winning. Even if it is just a conventional war, we will be defeated in the eyes of the other side!

Even a radical like him knows that going to war with the opponent now is a losing option.

He is radical, but not stupid.

After the Tibetan antelope, the opposite side is already invincible.

To defeat the Tibetan antelope, they must at least have an equivalent spaceship.

The Grand Commander sighed.

According to the usual experience, it is the best choice to have a small-scale war at this time, which will cause chaos on the opposite side and bring certain pressure and losses.

It's a pity that they don't even have the ability to start a war now.

No, it should be said that it completely lost the ability to stop the war.

Once the war starts, it's none of their business when the war ends...

Otherwise, they wouldn't have to think about using monsters to cause trouble for the opponent as they are now.

Going around in circles, you still have to return to the original point in the end.

Immediately set up a group according to your plan, and we also want to let the other party feel the pain!

The commander-in-chief gave a formal order with a cold face.

the other side.

Domestically, there is no understanding of the movement on the opposite side.

However, you can probably guess that there will be some actions, and silently strengthen the prevention work of various departments such as customs.

In the dome base, Chen Shen's meeting with other astral researchers had just ended.

The previous second-generation detectors have returned the first batch of data, from gravity data to rotation speed and planetary magnetic field.

Chen Shen and the others already have first-hand information on the other side of the wormhole.

And these data are also handed over to astronomers.

These experts are professional, and not long after seeing the data, they have discussed the most likely stars——


Judging from these data, there are some discrepancies with the Europa data we speculated before, but the difference is not big.

And compared to the data of other celestial bodies, the data of Europa is the closest or even consistent with the returned information.

More than a dozen astronomers gathered in the conference room all agreed with this result.

Chen Shen nodded, picked up Europa's data and compared it with the data sent back by the probe.

According to the current situation, the most likely thing is Europa...

Chen Shen turned his eyes, recalling the characteristics of Europa.

He remembered that the biggest feature of this star was the ice layer tens or even hundreds of kilometers thick.

Beneath this thick layer of ice is the ocean.

Is it possible for us to make the probe pass through the ice layer of Europa and appear on the surface?

Chen Shen suddenly raised this question.

If we can make the detector appear on the surface of Europa, then we will once again create a first in human history, and we can also thoroughly prove the authenticity of wormhole technology.

The experts at the scene thought for a while, The ice layer of Europa has cracks, and these cracks will erupt from time to time. Maybe we can think about this?

But now we are not sure how big the cracks in Europa's eruption are, and whether they can accommodate the detectors.

Everyone said a word, and quickly listed the difficulties and doubts of the entire task.

Chen Shen listened one by one, and soon formed a rough plan in his mind.

Europa's ice is thick, which is both a difficulty and a breakthrough for detection.

The difficulty lies in the fact that its thickness is terrifying. If the ice layer is 100 kilometers thick, if it is to be dug, it is estimated that there will be no tens of hundreds of years, and humans will not be able to see the sea below.

But here lies the breaking point.

On the surface of Europa, there is only ice, and the ice will automatically melt as long as it is heated.

This is a property of ice, and no matter how thick the ice is, it will not change this property.

So in theory, as long as they send a heat source that continuously dissipates heat to Europa, they may be able to let the heat source melt the ice layer, reach the underground ocean hundreds of kilometers below, and then rendezvous with the detector inside.

And the heat source that can continue to dissipate heat...

Isn't the nuclear reactor the best choice?

The essence of a nuclear reactor is to generate heat, but usually everyone converts the heat it emits into electrical energy, but now it is used to melt the ice.

From this perspective, the ice layer is much easier to handle than the crust of Mars and Saturn.

As long as the design is done, the idea is still in the works.

In addition to this, Chen Shen has another idea, which is what the experts mentioned just now, the eruption phenomenon of Europa...

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