Monster Minotaur

Chapter 83 The Fall of Lobito

During the time when Thunder Bluff was preparing for the war. Azera in Parliament City also completed preparations. Not only were the fifteen thousand Salt warriors integrated, but the magical weapons secretly transported from Maro were also delivered to the Parliament City and distributed to the hands of two hundred specially selected dragon-slaying warriors, who will be responsible for the battle. Kill the black dragon of Thunder Bluff.

In the months since Azela launched the coup, Parliament City has been cutting off contact with the outside world, and has made every effort to eliminate unstable factors in the city. Azela knew that his rule was not secure, and that there were a large number of opponents in the city who would rise up to resist immediately after he led his army to leave the Parliament City.

Therefore, after he completed the training of the army, he was not in a hurry to leave the city and capture the territory. Instead, he spent a lot of time stabilizing his rule. With the help of Maro's shadow, Azela has solved more than a dozen secret opposition groups and captured and killed those who opposed.

He also divided the powerful people in the city into nobles and relied on these people with real power to stabilize his throne. After all, the power of one family alone cannot rule the entire Parliament City. Azela divided some unimportant powers in his hands and established a noble group to help with management, while also being more secure against opponents.

Azela also received some information about the monster in Thunder Bluff marrying a Salt man. He understood the significance of Thunder Bluff's move. Thunder Bluff, which originally had no intention of participating, has now become involved within the Salt people. Azela also took advantage of this situation. In his promotion in the city, the wedding turned into an evil party. The towns that had been bewitched by monsters helped a monster to forcibly take away a person. Beautiful Sarthe woman.

Such news surprised and angered the Salt people in the city, but Azera handled it with ulterior motives. Most of the young people who joined the new legion believed Azera's argument. Everyone wanted to go to Thunder Bluff immediately and skin and cramp the monster.

Now that the Parliament City has been relatively stable, the opinions and trends in the city are what Azera wants to see, and all the opponents have been basically eliminated by him. Now is the time to dispatch. Before the entire Elam has formed an overall mechanism and the various forces are very scattered, it is a good time to attack the Parliament City. If that monster is really allowed to reconvene the Elamite Council and form the Elamite coalition, then there will be some trouble.

After leaving 4,000 men to garrison the Parliament City, Azera sent more than 11,000 troops to attack Lobito, which was weakly defended. Lobito, which had just become a city, did not have towering walls, and Santa Fe's more than 4,000 troops were in the west of the Congress City and did not have the ability to immediately support Lobito.

Lobito's three thousand defenders alone could not stop the attack of ten thousand soldiers for too long. As long as the Parliament City can capture Lobito within four days, then the city will be considered to be in Azera's hands. Thunder Bluff is some distance away from here. Even if a carrier pigeon is used to receive the news within a day and set off immediately, it will take three days to reach Lobito.

Although Lobito is still relatively close to Santa Fe, Santa Fe, which has dispatched most of its forces, currently has no defenders. Relying on the newly formed 1,000 new troops and unable to support Lobito. There is no other way except to strengthen their defense force to prevent the Congress City from attacking Santa Fe.

As an important place connecting Santa Fe and Caldera, as long as the Capitol City controls Lobito, it will not only be able to block the reinforcements from Calder. It can even attack the empty city of Santa Fe, which is only guarded by a thousand new troops. Even relying on the city's defense cannot sustain it for long.

Two days later.

Lobito has been captured. Lilith handed the letter sent back by the drow to Mo Yan and said: And our army is still halfway there, and it will take two days to reach Lobito. We need to order them Stop moving forward?

Why so fast? After reading the letter sent by the drow via carrier pigeon, Mo Yan frowned and asked: Although the three thousand defenders could not stop the army of Parliament City, why were they not defended for even two days? ? This is different from what I expected. Did something special happen?

Yes. Lilith nodded and confirmed Mo Yan's question and said: The Ankud garrison in Lobito defended the first day's attack, but their city gate was opened that night, so they lost The defense line of the city wall. Three thousand Salt warriors are no match for the huge Parliament City Legion in street fighting.

The attack on Parliament City was too sudden. Reger explained on the side: Although the SS also deployed manpower in Lobito, the number was too small. The SS only had a hundred people. It is a bit too reluctant to prevent and control the entire Elam at all times.

I understand, it's not your fault this time. Mo Yan nodded and said, Compared to Marlow's Shadow, the number of SS troops is too small. I will solve this problem in the future, you guys Those who were sent to follow the Santa Fe Expeditionary Force can be recalled. Now you are not needed on the frontal battlefield. The task of the SS now is to prevent the infiltration of Parliament City into Thunder Bluff, and to find ways to understand the defense of Parliament City. Laying the foundation for future offenses.”

Okay. Reger nodded and left the office to arrange the tasks assigned by Mo Yan. As Mo Yan said, compared with Marlowe's shadow, the SS who do not have a numerical advantage may be able to prevent some assassinations and collect certain intelligence, but it is still a bit uncomfortable to fight against the shadow in the darkness of the city defense battle. Too realistic.

Lobito's SS only had a squad of ten men there. Although they noticed the shadow's infiltrating troops at night, they gave up the attack because of the disparity in numbers and could only notify the legions defending the city. But in the end, he still couldn't make it in time, allowing the shadow to open and destroy the city gate's facilities, making it impossible for the city gate to close normally in a short period of time.

As a result, the Parliament City Legion outside the city attacked the center of Lobito almost without any hindrance. After losing half of the three thousand Salt soldiers, they could only retreat to the castle of Lobito. But after the city walls of Lobito were captured, the castle in the city had lost most of its resources. The castle without enough food reserves could not hold on for too long, and it was only a matter of time before the castle in the city fell.

Order Refola to stop advancing first and set up camp in a nearby area. Mo Yan said to Lilith: Don't let Lobito's Parliament City Army discover them. Let everyone follow the latent state and send scouts at all times. Monitor the movements in the city. And immediately send a letter to Arika and Ankud, telling them that there is no time for them to think about it, and Elan needs to unite immediately.

Okay. Lilith copied down Mo Yan's words, nodded and went out to draft the necessary orders and letters. Mo Yan is considering the current situation. Now that Parliament City has dared to send troops, it means that Azera has stabilized the situation in Parliament City. But now Elam's forces are fragmented and fail to form an overall fighting force.

If Azera is allowed to take advantage of this period of time to defeat the legions of each force, then Elan will not have the ability to fight against the Parliament City. Even in front of the 10,000 Salters in Thunder Bluff, the strength is a bit too weak, not to mention that once the Parliament City captures the city, Azera can continue to recruit and train new legions.

No matter which city there are, there are always some powerful people who want to become Elamite nobles. Azera's power is what they want to see. Once Azera captures their city, their opportunity will come. Helping the new emperor stabilize his rule in the city and training the new army are undoubtedly good ways to gain favor.

The longer it takes to convene the parliament, the more passive it will be. Therefore, Mo Yan needs Elan to convene a parliament immediately and form an Elan coalition. As for the Congress City army in Lobito, Mo Yan needs to wait until the expeditionary force from Santa Fe comes back. Four thousand Saltans will cooperate with the five thousand monster army. Although it is still a bit difficult, they can still have the ability to fight. The weapons originally intended to be used on the Council City will give Lobito's city walls a first taste.

Can we defeat Parliament City? Emily, who was standing aside, asked with some worry: Today's Elam is divided into four parts. The army of Parliament City can be said to be unstoppable. It will not be easy to defeat them.

Haha, if Thunder Bluff hadn't joined, Elan's ending might have been very uncertain. Mo Yan laughed and said without worry: But now that Thunder Bluff has joined, Azera's fate will stop here. Even if Arika and Ankud don't help, I'm sure to win this war, although it will take a little longer.

In front of the powerful dragon clan, no matter how many ants there are, it will be useless. After hearing Emily's words, Jones said with his waist: What's more, there is a powerful master, so what do ten thousand Salt people have to worry about? !”


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