Monster Minotaur

Chapter 84 Establishment of the United Army

If only strong strength meant everything, then there would be no dragon-slaying warriors since ancient times. Powerful dragon individuals are not existences that humans can contend with. And just like a single wolf cannot defeat a lion, but a pack of wolves can kill a ferocious lion. When individuals are not strong, group unity will make up for this shortcoming.

As a dragon, Jones is a very powerful being. Coupled with Mo Yan's power that has never been seen to its limit so far, it can be said that there are few opponents on the mainland who can rival them. But the mainland is not a place where Wuji can do whatever he wants just because he has the power.

There are many powerful monsters in the history of mankind, but in the end they can only become history and make many heroes famous. Mo Yan may be able to defeat one of the strongest divinely chosen warriors among the intelligent races on the continent, but he will not be a match for a group of divinely chosen warriors. If he relies on his own strength to act recklessly, then what he will usher in will only be history. The fate of those demon kings.

So Mo Yan made sure to abide by the rules from the beginning, not only because it was beneficial to the development of Thunder Bluff, but also because he knew that his power was not unlimited. Congress City now has 10,000 defenders in Lobito. Maybe Mo Yan can go and help during the attack, but he cannot be the only one.

If these ten thousand people could not be kept in Lobito, they were allowed to return to the Congress City. So relying on the guard facilities of this parliament city, even if all of Elam unite to form a coalition, there will be nothing they can do in a short time. So Mo Yan ordered Refola to stop and set up a defensive line when he was still far away from Lobito.

Only when Santa Fe's 4,000-man legion or more arrive can Mo Yan be confident that he can retain as many of these Council City soldiers as possible to weaken the resistance in the subsequent attack. Once these ten thousand Salt warriors are lost, even if the Parliament City has a complete defense, it will be dwarfed in the process of defense.

Five days later, Arika and Ancud finally sent a letter inviting Mo Yan to attend the meeting in Ancud. The loss of 3,000 men just now made Ancud a little anxious. There were not many soldiers in the first place and now there are even fewer soldiers. Now even if all of Elam unites, there will only be just over 10,000 warriors.

This made them start to consider Thunder Bluff's proposal. Those who originally did not want Thunder Bluff to participate were shut up because of the sudden attack on Parliament City. Being concerned about Mo Yan's identity as a monster will not be of any benefit to the whole of Elam. If the tens of thousands of troops in Parliament City are not stopped at this time, Santa Fe will be the next one to fall.

Once the city of Santa Fe is captured, the Council City will occupy one-third of Elam. Elam will gradually lose the power to compete with it, so Arika and Ankud agreed to Mo Yan's proposal and reconvened the parliament to discuss the formation of a coalition. As the two main subjects of this meeting, Arika and Ankud made one thing clear, that is, they would not hand over the command of the coalition forces to a monster.

Then let the meeting begin. Currently, there are only three people and a monster in the large council hall. Because Lobito was occupied, the city representatives in the area near Arica had no way to go to Ancud through there, so only the representatives of Arica sneaked over as representatives of the entire Arica force.

For the sake of fairness, the Ankud forces and the Santa Fe forces also elected a representative who could represent the cities in northern and southeastern Elam to participate in the reconvened parliament. As this was the first parliament that Mo Yan attended, it could be said to have the smallest number of participants in the history of Elam. Mo Yan didn't know whether to feel lucky or unfortunate.

Emily, who came with him, had little effect. After all, this was not a regular parliament. At the same time, Mo Yan did not have the opportunity to use Emily to remind most cities in Elland of the fact that he had joined the Salt people.

I think the three of you already know about the fall of Lobito. Mo Yan said directly at the beginning: The goal of our meeting is to form a coalition to liberate the Congress City occupied by the rebels. This unrest has been going on in Elam for months.”

Yes. Arika's representative nodded and said: But there are many differences between Arika and Ankud about how to form the coalition. This is why the last parliament did not come up with results. The reason why the city’s representative was assassinated by the assassins of Parliament City in the end is that we need to reach a specific intention regarding command authority and the provision of supplies to the coalition forces.”

Ancud believes that the command of the coalition forces must be in Ancud's hands. We just lost three thousand people because of Lobito. Ancud glanced at the representative of Arica and said: And we also gave it to the Congress City. The army caused the loss of a thousand people. With such a record, I think Ankud is fully capable of commanding the coalition forces and defeating the legions in Parliament City to liberate Parliament City.

Haha... Arika's representative smiled and said: Three thousand defenders were defeated in two days. I really don't know where your so-called command is. If the command of the coalition forces is given to Ankud, maybe In a few days, there won't be many people left in the coalition, right? If Arica's people are stationed in Lobito, we are fully capable of delaying the arrival of reinforcements. The commander of Arica has the best military in Elam. Literacy.”

Lobito was lost in two days because the city gate was opened at night. Representative Ancud's face looked a little ugly. Representative Arica's words made him feel ashamed and said: I think Even the people in Arika may not be able to do better. From the intelligence we recently received, we know that Azela in the Parliament City has colluded with Maro. The shadow troops, which are well-known in the Central Plains countries, have been in the Land of Darkness. helped him.

Maro? Arian's representative frowned and said, Are you saying that Azela's coup was entirely due to the instigation of Maro's shadow? And everything recently happened because of the Maro people's manipulation behind the scenes. ?”

Yes! Ankud's representative felt a little proud that he had obtained this information with Arika first. This made him proudly say: Some time ago, we noticed that there were unidentified people transporting weapons from the outside world to the Parliament City. Equipment. Although they have not revealed their faces, it can be confirmed that they are not Saltans from Elam. Now the only ones who can enter Elam from the north are Maro.

The representatives of Arika were shocked by the news brought forward by Representative Ankud. If all this was operated by the shadows, then the parliament today would not be safe. Elan has no dark power that can match it, and there is no telling when these assassins in the shadows will jump out of the darkness.

This is not new news. Mo Yan smiled and said after watching the quarrel between Arika and Anku: Thunder Bluff had already mastered this news a few months ago and had some fights with them. .If it were not for the protection of Thunder Bluff, the commander of the Santa Fe Expeditionary Force would have been assassinated by those shadow assassins when they captured the first city.

But what we need to worry about now is not the assassins in the dark, but the formation of the coalition, right? I already understand from what you two just said why the last meeting failed. Since neither party has any intention of giving up the command, why can't a joint command be formed?

While Arika and Ancud were shocked by the information Mo Yan had, they also suddenly became enlightened by Mo Yan's proposal. Yes, since both sides are unwilling to give up command rights, it would be better for both parties to send a legion commander to jointly command the coalition forces. In this case, wouldn't the command issue be solved?

As for the issue of supplies, I think it would be better to supply our own warriors separately according to the current level of both sides. Mo Yan continued: Sending all resources to one city is just a unified transportation. Both sides The soldiers will each enjoy the original supplies, wouldn’t the problem of supplies be solved in this way?”

This does solve most of the problems. Although it was a bit embarrassing to let a monster come to solve the problem that had not been solved after nearly a month of discussions in the Parliament City, Arika and Ancud both thought it was a good idea and said: If the problems in command and supply have been solved, then the formation of the coalition will be very feasible. All we need next is to discuss the gathering place of the coalition and other issues...

In a few words from Mo Yan, the biggest problem plaguing the formation of the coalition was solved. The following discussions are all unimportant issues. The Santa Fe City Legion currently staying in Caldera will be directly integrated into the army in Arica, heading to Lobito and the Thunder Bluff stationed nearby. The monster legions gathered together and surrounded the tens of thousands of troops in the Parliament City.

Ancud did not participate in this battle because he wanted to guard the city. But even so, there are already nearly nine thousand Salt warriors, plus the monster army of Thunder Bluff, defeating the army of Parliament City is not a problem. The question was how to prevent them from escaping back to the Capitol City after their defeat.

Once Lobito is captured, the remaining Congress City soldiers will definitely flee. This requires an army to guard the road between Parliament City and Lobito, and try to keep these fleeing Parliament City soldiers as much as possible, so as not to let them escape back to Parliament City and cause difficulties for the subsequent attack on Parliament City.


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I don’t have much inspiration today, and I feel so tired after three chapters...

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