Monster Minotaur

Chapter 82 Prepare for war! Preparing for war (2)

In terms of weapons, as the largest weapons output city in Elan, Thunder Bluff does not have particularly great pressure. Moreover, these weapons such as artillery were secretly forged by the gray dwarves in Thunder Bluff, so the Salt people did not know the existence of these things. The blacksmith factories located in nearby villages and cities only produced some swords and armors, and confidential things were not accessible to them.

Thunder Bluff has its own way of supplying supplies. Mo Yan proposed the idea of ​​canned food a long time ago. However, due to problems with the production of iron and craftsmen at that time, it was not realized. But now the mines have introduced mine car technology and are powered by large steam engines.

This greatly increased the output of iron ore, allowing Thunder Bluff to make cannons while still having excess iron to make cans. Each of these square, half-person-high cans contains enough food for more than two hundred people. Even the large appetites of monsters such as the Minotaur can feed a hundred monsters.

These cans allow the Thunder Bluff army to continue fighting for a long time after being replenished once. Unlike other armies in Hill Continent, they do not need someone to transport fresh food to them from time to time, and they must always ensure that the supply line is smooth. . After all, there is no special preservation method, so the food they carry cannot be stored for too long.

Merely relying on salted food will make soldiers lose their desire to fight and have a great impact on morale. Although the monster army in Thunder Bluff has no special needs for food, even simple food will go bad.

After taking care of the weapons and supplies, the next thing to talk about is the legion's combatants. As Thunder Bluff's monster army, its main component is the goblins who serve as cannon fodder, while the other main combat forces are composed of werewolves, horned demons, tauren, and mountain giants.

Werewolves and horned demons have higher intelligence, so they are mostly responsible for commanding the third and fourth monster legions. They can understand people's thoughts better than other monsters, and due to long-term group hunting, werewolves have a stronger understanding of tactics. The current commanders of the third and fourth legions are two werewolves.

After deciding to participate in the battle, Mo Yan made adjustments to the composition of the legion's monsters. Although the goblins can show a certain degree of combat effectiveness when the legion has the upper hand, once the legion is at a disadvantage like the battle with Parliament City, they will become timid and retreat, which is a negative factor for the entire battle. .

So before finding a way to solve the goblin's timidity problem, Mo Yan planned to add another kind of monster as cannon fodder. When the Second Legion went to the mountains north of Thunder Bluff to defeat the dragon giants, they discovered that there was a huge population of kobolds there. These little monsters with puppy heads, like goblins, are a more cost-effective cannon fodder.

Although they often only appear in mountains and are not everywhere like goblins, their numbers are still huge. In terms of strength, they are not as strong as goblins, but they are much braver than goblins. Moreover, in terms of obedience to orders and intelligence, kobolds are better than goblins.

In legends, sometimes there are even special types of kobolds like warlocks. Their intelligence is higher than that of goblins, allowing them to better master the use of traps and execute orders better. So after Mo Yan sent the goblins from the first and second legions to cut down trees.

Let the first legion go to the mountains, gather these more suitable cannon fodder, and join the monster legion as another fighting force. In the end, the First Legion brought back three thousand kobolds and set up a camp in the mountain range, leaving some monsters there to organize the newly generated kobolds in the area.

Because Thunder Bluff needs to end as soon as possible, the turmoil caused by Azera. So they simply trained these newly recruited kobolds and mixed them with the goblins. They are given the task of supervising in battle and leading the goblins in battle.

Once the goblin formation is disrupted by panic, they will kill the timid goblin and urge the goblin to continue the attack. This move temporarily allowed the goblins to disperse and gain a certain degree of control. It won't be like last time, where once they come into contact with the Salt people, they will immediately become a mess and fight on their own.

It will take another month to prepare the troops. Lilith handed over Refola's report scroll and said to Mo Yan: As for other material preparations, it will take half a month. The current output of Thunder Bluff It’s completely focused on that.”

Half a month. Mo Yan took a look at Refola's report and said, It's okay to tell Refola that the training of the giants in the mountain range has not been completed. I don't plan to use them to attack this time. City, their special armor has not been built yet. At present, they only need to be trained to use weapons. I will give them half a month to solve this problem.

As for the issue of reconvening the parliament from Thunder Bluff, both Ankud and Arika said they would consider it. Lilith continued: At present, they have not given a conclusion of consideration, but I think the problem is not big, SS The army’s materials about the assassination have been sent to the hands of their city lord.”

Well, then we just need to wait for the parliament to be convened. Mo Yan nodded and said: Emily, I need you to accompany me when the parliament is convened. I have never participated in such a parliament. Some You need to tell me what I need to pay attention to.”

Ah? Emily, who was helping Lilith get the documents, suddenly came back to her senses when she heard Mo Yan's words and said, What did you just say? Sorry, I was distracted, so I didn't hear clearly.

You have been a little absent-minded recently. Mo Yan looked at Emily and asked, Are you sick? If you feel uncomfortable, you can ask for leave to rest for a while, and I will arrange for someone else to take your place temporarily.

No, I have nothing to do. Emily shook her head and said, I'm just thinking about something recently. I'll pay attention to it in the future. What did you just ask about? I'll try my best to do it if I can help. As long as this turmoil in Elam can be resolved as soon as possible.

A month has passed since Emily and Mo Yan's wedding. Although she often stayed in Mo Yan's villa before, Emily only saw the erotic side of Mo Yan. During this month, although Emily didn't want to admit it, she felt that apart from being a monster, Mo Yan's behavior could be said to be almost a completely normal person.

He's attentive when it comes to things, the food he occasionally makes is delicious, he sculpts himself and the people he knows, and he sometimes plays childishly with Jones. The more Emily forced herself not to notice Mo Yan, the more she noticed his advantages. Such a complex and contradictory psychology made Emily feel very confused.

Her ideal husband is a strong warrior, but not stupid like the others. He understands what she says and cares about her. Unlike other Saltans who ignore women's opinions, he should Respect women and know how to listen. In order to find such a man, she did not get married until she was twenty.

But now Mo Yan showed all the conditions she asked for, and she could see that this was not Mo Yan's pretense, but the truth revealed inadvertently. Although Mo Yan also has many flaws, it also meets the conditions she hopes for. After marrying Mo Yan, Emily began to wonder what was going on with herself.

I need you to accompany me when the Elam Parliament is convened. Mo Yan repeated patiently: I heard that Emily once represented Cabinda and attended the meeting in the Parliament City, so I I thought you could remind me of some things.

My brother has also participated in the parliament. After hearing Mo Yan's words, Emily said evasively: Can't you let him accompany you? I also have to copy documents.

But Aruba is not my wife. Mo Yan laughed and said, Although now the whole of Elam has learned that I married a Salter as my wife. But I still feel it is necessary to convene a meeting in Parliament. I remind them when I’m there and remind them that I’m not there for no reason.”

Okay. Emily thought for a while and felt that Mo Yan's words made sense, so she finally nodded and said, I will go with you.


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