Monster Minotaur

Chapter 81 Prepare for war! Prepare for war!

Breakfast time passed quickly, and Lilith, Vivian, and Emily all went to the office. At this time, some documents from the city had been sent over, and they needed to be integrated and processed in a timely manner. Mo Yan's work is in the afternoon. At that time, Lilith will consolidate yesterday's situation into a report and send it to Mo Yan for review and processing.

So Mo Yan was usually very free in the morning, but today he needed to deal with some things. Although Aruba was knocked unconscious by him yesterday, the matter was not resolved. Mo Yan planned to take advantage of this morning's time to go to Aruba's home to talk to him.

When Mo Yan brought the bored Jones to his home in Aruba, he saw that Sura was already there. Because Mo Yan let monsters guard Aruba's home, he was negotiating with the horned devil guarding the door outside. When he saw Mo Yan's arrival, he quickly stepped forward and explained what he meant.

Let me talk to the child. Sulla said: Although the child is a bit stubborn, I think if you can explain the reason, he can still understand what you mean. After all, this is just a false performance. You also said that you would dissolve the marriage after everything is over. And Thunder Bluff joining the ranks of fighting against the Council City can speed up the destruction of Azera and liberate the Council City. I think Aruba also hopes that Elan can do it as soon as possible. clam down.

Let's go in together. Mo Yan nodded and said with a smile: If it's you, I think Aruba should be more willing to listen, and I don't mean to blame him. No one would be happy with such a sudden This is unacceptable, not to mention that Emily is Aruba's only sister. After talking to Sula, Mo Yan entered Aruba's home with him, but at this time Aruba was still lying in bed. There was no wake on the carpet in the living room.

It seems that the attack was a bit heavy yesterday. Mo Yan looked at Aruba who was lying motionless on the ground, and said to Sura with some embarrassment: The armor was a little too thick and I couldn't control the strength well. I'll go and see Check if there is water in the kitchen, this is the only way to wake him up now.

Mo Yan used a wooden bowl to get some water from the kitchen and poured the water on Aruba's face. Because of the stimulation of the water, Aruba slowly woke up. But after seeing the bull head in front of him clearly, a ferocious expression immediately appeared on his face. He had just woken up and jumped up and rushed towards Mo Yan, grabbed his neck with his hands and roared loudly.

Let go! Aruba! The wedding ended last night. Sula was startled by Aruba's actions, but after reacting, she immediately rushed forward and grabbed him, trying to pull him away from Mo Yan's body. He pulled me down and shouted, It's already the second day, and it's useless even if you object now.

Yes. Mo Yan grabbed Jones who was trying to pull Aruba off. He calmly looked at Aruba who was squeezing his neck and said, As Sura said, your objection is useless now. , Emily had moved to my place last night.

You beast! Mo Yan's words did not stop Aruba, but made his eyes even scarlet. He kept hitting Mo Yan's head with his fists, not caring whether his fists were dripping with blood. Mo Yan's words kept repeating in his mind, Emily's screams and the unsightly scenes appeared in his mind, and a voice roared in his mind: Kill him! Kill him! Kill. Kill him!

Those imaginary scenes and sounds made Aruba's heart feel like a knife. The anger in his heart could not relieve the hatred in his heart even if he ate the monster in front of him alive.

Aruba! The marriage is a fake! Sula shouted loudly: Emily just lived in his home, nothing happened between them. All this was just a show for other people. It’s just a show to watch, just to allow Thunder Bluff to participate in the internal affairs of the Salt people!”

What? Aruba smashed it a few more times and finally stopped. He looked at Sura in disbelief and asked, Everything is fake? So Emily was not insulted by this monster? Everything. Are they all for others to see?

Yes. Seeing that Aruba was no longer venting, Mo Yan finally pulled down Aruba who was riding on him and said, In order to allow Thunder Bluff to have a say in Elan, join the Salt people. Marriage with the Salt people is the fastest way. Originally, my plan was to find other people in the city, but Emily volunteered to play such a role, and I didn't do anything to her.

Aruba looked at Mo Yan's face after hearing what he said, then looked at Sura's expression, and finally confirmed that everything was just as they said. Looking at Mo Yan's head covered with blood, he said apologetically: I'm sorry. , I was a little too impulsive just now.

It doesn't matter. Mo Yan washed away the blood on his face with water and said, It's okay to let you vent. After all, it was my fault for not explaining it clearly to you at the beginning. I didn't expect you to make the expedition from Santa Fe. The army came back in a hurry, and the invitations were just sent to the village in Cabinda for show. What’s more, all the blood is yours, I don’t feel any pain at all.”

After Mo Yan and Aruba explained in detail, Aruba finally understood the reason why they did this. And at noon, Emily also returned home and explained everything to Aruba face to face. Although Aruba, like Sula, was a little concerned about Emily's future, he didn't say anything in the end.

As Mo Yan said at the end, if a man really loves Emily, then he won't mind about this matter. After all, nothing actually happened, right? If that man even cares about just a ritual, then it only means that he does not love Emily herself.

Now that all the problems have been solved, Thunder Bluff has a reason to officially intervene among the Elansalt people, so the next step is to prepare for the war intensely. After the last battle with Parliament City, Thunder Bluff discovered that it had no strategic reserves, so while selling weapons, it also forged a lot of things for itself.

After Mo Yan obtained black gunpowder from the gray dwarves, he not only made the Suifa gun and the throwing explosive packet used by the human-faced bird, but also made a weapon that shined a lot in the Age of Discovery. That is a cannon made of steel.

Due to the current technology and productivity issues in Thunder Bluff, Thunder Bluff has only produced primitive cannons with front-loading charges. However, this is a major improvement for Hill Continent. Compared with the cumbersome stone-throwing cannon, Machine speaking. The artillery equipped with wooden pillars and wheels can move forward quickly under the pull of two oxen.

And in terms of accuracy, it is much more accurate than the trebuchet. After using the explosive bombs invented by those talented gray dwarves who were inspired by Mo Yan, the power of one artillery has exceeded at least four trebuchets. These items were originally intended to be loaded on the ship, but because the ship was hijacked by pirates, they could only be temporarily piled in the warehouse.

Now that Thunder Bluff plans to end the battle in Ellan, the six artillery stored in the warehouse can also come in handy. After Ryze watched the gray dwarf's artillery fire, he marveled at the power and expressed his own opinion. If there were magic materials, he would add some extra power to the weapon to make it lighter and more powerful. The accuracy will also be greatly improved.

Mo Yan's thoughts also stimulated his inspiration, according to the principle of such a weapon. If you simply use magic, the power will be even greater. The magic elves that exist all the time in Hill Continent can burst out of power under a special magic circle, which is far more powerful than black powder.

This made Mo Yan, who was immersed in technological production, realize that his ideas were biased from the beginning. He had always planned to use the knowledge in his mind to develop technology step by step with his own strength, but he completely ignored the magical power in Hill Continent.

The mages in Hill Continent are not just like those in the game, they just release fireballs to attack. Here, mages are like scientific researchers, and alchemists, who specialize in making magic items, are even more like experts in these aspects.

It is much faster to implement your own ideas with magic than relying solely on technology. After all, magic power has been developed in Hill Continent for such a long time, and there must be many advantages. Some powers that Thunder Bluff does not have now can be easily solved by using magic.

Use magic to upgrade the artillery? Mo Yan asked after listening to Ruiz's words: Then what will it cost to complete your idea?

Hmm... the Eagle Eye Array used for aiming requires magic crystals, magic spar, Simuang mineral fluid and other things. If you add the light magic array, it will cost about one thousand gold coins. Ruiz thought about it and estimated it. An approximate number said: And if you make it more carefully, it should be reduced to about nine hundred gold coins. After all, I am not a professional in learning this, I just dabbled in it. If you are an alchemist who specializes in making magic circles, you should be able to make it. The cost is reduced to 800.

Then you think I didn't ask. Mo Yan smiled bitterly when he heard Ruiz's words. It would be okay if he only made one artillery at such a price, but if it were six or seven, Thunder Bluff's current financial resources would not be able to support it.


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I went out to play during the day today. I probably don’t have enough time for three chapters.

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