Monster Minotaur

Chapter 8 Don’t play tricks, I’m strong.

Fifty Salt warriors were locked in a cage with no armor, no weapons, no food, and they were still wet with rain. The next few sentences are easy to understand, but the meaning of the previous sentence is. Mo Yan didn't expect so many people to come, so he only prepared cages for about twenty people. Fortunately, Mo Yan made these square cages into a circle and fixed them to each other, so that they could barely hold fifty people.

Seeing Mo Yan who was so fully prepared, digging holes, digging huge rocks, and even preparing cages. So much so that Aruba was a little doubtful whether Mo Yan really wanted peace. Mo Yan's explanation for this was that everything was prepared. He also took out a large amount of prepared barbecue and some fruit wine found in the forest to prove that he had indeed planned to have a party or something.

You let the others go back, but left fifty people behind? Aruba sat in a warm cave with a bonfire lit, and was a little worried about the Salt warriors who were soaked in the rain, even though these people were from three villages. They are the strongest group among them, but being exposed to the rain for a long time can still make them sick, even if they are wearing raincoats.

You can't expect me to let them all go back. Mo Yan said angrily: A group of people came to your territory and wanted to take your life without saying a word. And I actually let so many people go, I'm a little bit I doubt whether I am a saint.

If you didn't have too many cages, would you have let others leave with only a few daggers? Emily, who was also sitting around your fire, exposed Mo Yan's lies mercilessly and said, Moreover, Even if you really imprison them, you don't have the manpower to guard them at all. Just rely on you outside, those goblins and three hundred Salt warriors you just found in the wild, you can tear them into pieces even with your bare hands!

Now that you have detained fifty people, you have not only minimized the risk of riots. Emily continued to analyze: You have also made those who go back dare not act rashly. After all, these are fifty lives!

Wow... Mo Yan's eyes widened, and he looked at Aruba with a look of disbelief on his face and said, You never said that you have such a smart sister! Basically, she guessed it right! For Smart sister, let’s have a drink!”

She has been very smart since she was a child. Aruba shrugged, clinked the horn glasses with Mo Yan and said, Basically, Emily has the final say in everything at home, and I can only fight. Just mention it casually. , the cup you are using now was taken from my house.

Oh, really? Mo Yan looked at the exquisite carvings on the horn cup in his hand and said, Your family is really tasteful. What kind of style is this?

That's the typical Urusa style... Aruba explained to Mo Yan with a smile.

I really can't believe that the person in front of me is my brother! Emily interrupted Aruba loudly and shouted angrily: What's wrong with you! You are actually talking to the Niutou you hate most now. People discuss art? And that cup was something that was lost at home some time ago! That’s our thing! Aren’t you angry at all? You idiot whose brain is blocked by muscles!”

Emily! Aruba pointed at Emily and shouted: I am your brother! You should respect me! And Mo Yan just had to go to the village to steal because of the lack of necessary daily necessities... Oh, sorry Mo Yan , should be taken. He had no choice but to go to the village to get some necessities! Not a penny of money in the village was lost.

He's a minotaur! Brother! Emily argued loudly with Aruba, who was yelling at her: He's a monster! Do you remember the tauren who knocked you off the cliff? They are the same. , bloodthirsty and cruel, they kill humans and destroy fields. How many families in the village have died at the hands of these damn, disgusting monsters.

Stop barking. Looking at the brother and sister yelling at each other, Mo Yan felt the need to end the quarrel: Emily, you don't have to distract me. I saw a guy in the cage who thought he was smart. He was secretly cutting the ropes of the cage with his hidden knife.

After hearing what Mo Yan said, Emily shut her mouth and stopped arguing with Aruba, or she had no intention of arguing in the first place. Now that Mo Yan has discovered the person trying to escape, and the knife in the hand of the guy who thought he was hiding has been confiscated by the goblin, there is no need to pretend to quarrel.

You mean... Emily is just yelling at me. Aruba looked at Emily who was not talking and was warming herself by the fire and said in a daze: It's because I want to attract your attention. , and let the cage man destroy the rope binding the cage?

Oh. Mo Yan shook his head helplessly, took a sip of fruit wine and said, I somewhat agree with Emily now. You have indeed gained a lot of muscle.

What? What does that mean? Aruba asked confused, which made him look even more stupid.

Pfft... An uncontrollable laugh ran out of Emily's mouth, and as if she remembered Mo Yan's identity again, she quickly put her smile back and put on a poker face.

It's a good thing to smile more. Mo Yan looked at Emily who was trying to pretend that the person who couldn't hold back her laughter just now was not me and said with a smile: This way it won't make this hole look too evil~ Well, although I’m definitely bad.”

Although I don't want to admit it. Emily looked at Mo Yan, who was drinking fruit wine, and said, But you are indeed a very special tauren. I have nothing to say if I lose at your hands.

Actually, I'm very curious about how you did it at that time. Aruba asked a question that he had been holding back for a long time and said: I have never seen such a fast tauren, or... I can't even see you. They didn't even see how to defeat Rook, and in my impression the tauren are all clumsy.

As Emily said, I am a special tauren. Because he drank a lot of wine, although Mo Yan was not drunk, his eyes had turned very red. Mo Yan played with the wine in his hand. Wine Glass said: The first discovery was when I was fighting with a werewolf. At that time, I didn't know how powerful I was.

Facing the werewolf, I thought he was very fast at first, but when he was about to attack me, I felt like time slowed down. I even had time to laugh at his drooling face. Then, I smashed the face so hard that the brains splattered all over my hand.

Later I discovered my power, not only was it huge, but it was also very fast. The reason why I left fifty people behind was not only to deter those who went back not to act rashly. It's also because these fifty people can't threaten me at all.

So! Stop playing tricks under my nose. Mo Yan turned to the Salt warrior who was locked in a cage outside the cave and was guarded by the goblins and shouted loudly: Someone, go and take the guy on the left. Bring me your things. Next time! If I find anyone trying to escape, I will start killing people! Do you understand?

Regarding Mo Yan's words, the Salt warrior chose to remain silent, but it was obvious that Mo Yan's words had an effect. At least in a short period of time, no one would try to destroy the not-thick rope.

Relative to strength. Emily thought for a moment and said: I am more curious about your strategy. From the cage you prepared, I can see that you did not calculate that there were many people coming. So why did you dig two What about such a big pit? And those rocks, these should have been prepared in advance.

That's right, smart Emily. Mo Yan pointed to his bull head quite proudly to show his wisdom and said: Actually, the boulders are just used by me to deal with those annoying monsters. You also know that goblins are It’s really annoying to have so many things to farm, and it’s even more annoying when they’re being led by a monster that thinks it’s powerful, but is actually a scumbag.”

Mo Yan handed the horn wine glass in his hand to Emily, indicating that she could take a few sips and continued: And, to be honest, I don't like blood very much. Although I don't hate it, I don't like getting blood stains all over my body. It's so sticky and disgusting, and those guys with low combat effectiveness under my command are probably no match for those scum monsters.

So I got some rocks to kill those goblins that were as numerous as cockroaches, so I only had to kill one monster. It can only be said to be a coincidence when it is used on you.

Maybe...we can really make peace. After listening to Mo Yan's words, Emily thought for a while and said, If what you said is true, then we can indeed consider your promise.

It would have been better if we had done this earlier. Mo Yan, who seemed to be a little drunk, shook his head and said, Why do I have to spend so much effort and kill so many goblins? I still expect them to have more goblins during the rainy season. Cutting some wood.

First of all, you have to release the people outside. Emily said.

It's you, will you let them go now? Mo Yan asked.

Okay... at least give them some shelter from the rain. After a moment of silence, Emily, who herself thought it was unlikely, replied: At least we can't let them get sick.

No. 1! Mo Yan shouted to the goblin guarding him. A goblin was seen running out from among the guards. It was the number one who escaped during the battle. Just as Mo Yan expected, he was hiding among the group of goblins he had just gathered.

Go find something to keep our guests from getting wet in the rain! Mo Yan ordered.

Okay, head. Number One replied as before. Mo Yan did not hold him accountable for his escape. Sometimes when winning, appropriate tolerance will increase the loyalty of his subordinates. ————————————————————————Two chapters a day are very tiring, why don’t you give me more collections of recommendation votes?

By the way, I really don’t know how to promote my works.

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