Monster Minotaur

Chapter 9 Humph! stupid humans

I want it too! Emily, I want it too. Aruba explained, but his voice became smaller and smaller: But I don't know how to dig the ground at all. You have always done the work at home. I don't know how to dig the ground at all. I don’t know how to do farm work, I can only kill monsters. Maybe it’s like you said, my brain is blocked by muscles.”

I'm sorry, brother. Emily looked at the lost Aruba, stood up and said apologetically: My words are a bit harsh. You are a useless soldier, you shouldn't do those farm jobs, defending the village is Things you’re good at.”

Mo Yan looked at the brother and sister who were quarreling just now and now comforting each other, and felt a little touched in his heart. Maybe... he really needed to get some popcorn, otherwise even the crowd would feel like something was missing.

And just when Aruba and Emily were performing a tragic family drama. The Salt warriors imprisoned not far outside the cave were plotting to escape. No one would be willing to be imprisoned, let alone being imprisoned in a simple and leaky cage by the most hated monster of the Salt people, a minotaur.

Three days of hard work made these Salt warriors miserable. Being guarded by a group of weak goblins and working in the fields is even more insulting to the Salt warriors! But now, this group of Salt warriors could no longer endure this humiliating life as prisoners. Finally made up my mind to jailbreak!

I can see it. A Salt warrior stared at the Emily brother and sister who were comforting each other in the cave, gritted his teeth and said: Aruba's mind has been completely fascinated by that monster, even Emily Something has been wrong lately, they have betrayed the village. It was a complete mistake for us to come to rescue him.

I don't allow you to say that about Aruba! In the prison, Luke grabbed the collar of the Salt warrior and shouted in a low voice: Aruba is a useless warrior. He killed more monsters with his own hands than you can see. There are so many!”

Then how do you explain what they are doing now? The soldier pushed Luke away without fear, adjusted his collar and said, You and he grew up together? Then why now, that guy from Aruba In a warm cave, chatting with his monster friend, while you can only stay in this dirty cage?

Rooker had nothing to say about the warrior's accusations. Because everything the warrior said was true, and even Luke was a little suspicious of Aruba in the beginning. But over the next few days, Rook, who worked with Aruba, got his ideas from him.

And understand the rewards it will bring if this thing can really come true. And this reward is so rich that you can ignore the fact that the tauren is a monster. Forming an alliance with the strange tauren in front of you will bring many benefits to the village. You will no longer have to worry about the intrusion of monsters, you can obtain more iron products, weapons and armor, you can obtain wood safely, etc. Rook could feel the struggle in Aruba's heart and his apology to him.

But Luke couldn't stop these warriors who wanted to escape, because most of the people here were like this, and they had the same idea as the warrior just now. I am completely disappointed with Aruba who is collaborating with monsters. And Luke didn't want to stop these warriors who wanted to escape, and his warrior heart made him unable to bear these humiliations.

I just want to say two points. First, Aruba is a well-deserved warrior. Second, he... Luke explained to the people around him, but when he was about to say the second point, he found that the cage was filled with chaos. silence. When Luke turned around, he realized that Mo Yan was already standing outside. His huge body and glowing eyes at night made him look scary.

Although the Salt warriors were used to seeing the images of these monsters, Mo Yan looked different, which made these useless Salt warriors feel a chill in their hearts. There was silence in the cage.

Why don't you say anything? Mo Yan grinned, showing his white teeth. There were even shreds of venison for dinner hanging on those gleaming teeth.

We have nothing to talk about with monsters. After a moment of silence, Luke replied to Mo Yan. He didn't feel like he had anything to talk about with the monster in front of him.

Haha... Mo Yan looked at the silent people in the cage and laughed and said: It seems that some good babies are homesick. Don't you all like to say that Salt soldiers are fearless? What? After eating so much You’re so miserable, you just want to go home to find your mother?”

Sart people are fearless! A big man with curly hair shawl waved his fist at Mo Yan who made rude remarks.

We can't stand this kind of insult! We are warriors, we are not slaves! said a young man who, although he looked a little immature, was actually the most bloodthirsty.

Kill if you want. After we die, we will enter the temple of Ares. Luke was aroused by Mo Yan's insult and shouted: We will die on the battlefield. The God of War likes useless warriors.

Mo Yan, they are just exhausted... Aruba heard the roar of the Salt warriors outside the cave, and quickly ran out of the cave and persuaded Mo Yan: Let me talk to them, and everything will be fine tomorrow. ”

Let me handle it. Mo Yan gently pushed Aruba aside in front of him and said, Don't worry, I won't hurt these good boys who can't bear the pain.

Then...Okay. Aruba looked at Mo Yan, then at the Salt warrior who was insulting Mo Yan, and finally chose to let Mo Yan handle the matter at hand.

Listen! You cowards! A huge roar roared out of Mo Yan's mouth. The sound waves shook the air and even made people see ripples.

The Salt warriors were stunned by the huge roar, and lay crookedly in the cage one by one. After Luke fell, he fell down because he tried to stand up. If someone hadn't been underneath him, Luke wouldn't have been able to run and would have suffered a bloody head. Now it felt like there were a hundred clowns beating drums in his head, making it impossible for him to stand still.

You said you are a group of warriors, a group of brave men who can fight monsters. After Mo Yan confirmed that these Salt warriors were somewhat clear-headed, he began to make his speech: But in my opinion, you are just a group of ordinary people who can fight monsters. Babies who have not been separated from the pacifier! You are weak, stupid, and have low endurance. Why should I make you work? Why should I put you all in a cage?

Because your stupidity will make you lose your life in vain. You can't stand the harsh environment. Once you can't eat meat or drink wine, you will want to go home! Is it really hard work just to turn over a small piece of land? Emily told me that she could finish tidying up the land at home by herself, and that the land was twice as big as the one you are working on now!

She is just a woman, and you warriors who think you are invincible are not even as good as a woman! Now...I'll open the door of the cage. If you want to leave, just leave. Say it to the people in your village, say it to your families. You fled back because you couldn't endure the hardship.

Just like deserters on the battlefield, they cowardly fled from here. Even the work that Emily can do, you warriors cannot complete.

After Mo Yan finished speaking, he opened the door of the cage, ordered No. 1 to let those who wanted to leave, and then walked into the cave without thinking, leaving only the speechless Aruba and the equally speechless Salt. warriors. In the end, no one left. They found their own place in the cage, nestled on the ground and carefully thought about Mo Yan's words.

You fooled those who only grew muscles. Emily looked at Mo Yan walking into the cave and said with some humor: Only they would believe such a stupid lie.

Actually, these words are not what I said. Mo Yan said noncommittally: I was kidnapped by a group of people calling themselves the XX organization and taken to a training camp in Moscow. The instructor there said it to me. At that time The environment is very similar to now. Even though I know it is a lie, I just feel that if I really leave, I will really be a coward. Sometimes men are actually very simple.

Where is Moscow? I have never heard of such a place in Elan. Emily became interested in the place name in Mo Yan's words and said: Besides, you are not a man. You are a tauren! One! Monster!

It's all in the past. Mo Yan picked up the horn cup and drank the mead he collected from the Salt warriors. I thought we were already friends. I didn't expect you to still pay attention to me. identity of.

I will never be friends with monsters. Emily continued to sew the boots in her hands and said, At least I won't be friends with a monster who wantonly plays with people's hearts!

Whatever. Mo Yan raised his glass to Emily and said, Here's to those lies in life!

Not far away, Lilith looked at the direction where the roar had just come from, trimmed Vivian's hair and said with a smile: Vivian, I found it. The first big idiot...


It’s ninth on the new book list!

Can I only be a ⑨?

Please recommend! Please collect it!

By the way...I really don't know how to calculate the starting point index...

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