Monster Minotaur

Chapter 7 Do you really think I’m weak?

In fact, what Emily is really worried about is not Aruba's abnormality, as can be known from the adventures he heard from Aruba. There are many monsters that can use various strange methods to achieve the purpose of controlling the human spirit. For example, Aruba once said that he saw a monster with a head similar to that of an octopus but a human body in Una's cave, which was called a spirit sucker.

The eyes of the soul sucker will emit a strange red light, and once humans look at it, they will be attracted by it, and then be controlled by the soul sucker to harm their companions. It is said that on that occasion, Aruba had to personally kill two young men who were controlled.

That doesn't make sense. Emily looked around, as if trying to find something unusual.

What doesn't make sense? Kuru looked at Emily and said, Even if these goblins set up such a phalanx, we can have three hundred people, and we still have a chance of winning even against a group of giants.

That's why it doesn't make sense, they... Emily wanted to say something else, but Mo Yan's yelling interrupted her explanation.

Are you the reinforcements invited by the monkey? Mo Yan grinned and said words that only he could understand.

Who is the monkey? Sal was a little confused by Mo Yan's incomprehensible words.

Okay, okay. Mo Yan took Aruba and walked out of the way given by the goblin phalanx and said, You don't know Lao Guo at all, so of course you don't understand this sentence. You have brought so many people, Don’t you know what’s going on when you come to my territory?”

Asking knowingly. Emily looked at Mo Yan who was standing not far away from her, wondering if she could kill the talking tauren in one go if she used a crossbow at this time, but she took over Mo Yan's words. To: I think since you are a tauren that can speak human language, you should not forget that you kidnapped my brother. What's more, he is standing next to you now.

Hearing a tauren speaking human language at such a close distance, various discussions or exclamations broke out among the Salt warriors. The tauren had never communicated with humans.

Kidnapping? Me? Mo Yan shouted as if he heard a big joke: No, I have never kidnapped anyone. In fact, I saved Aruba's life. Right?

Yes. Aruba nodded and said, this was what he and Mo Yan had agreed upon. In order to negotiate better and reduce the resistance to negotiations, Aruba will not mention the previous misunderstandings. Aruba will admit that it was Mo Yan who saved him, not Mo Yan who attacked him.

Although I really want to believe what my brother said, Kulu, who has been lost in the forest for more than half a month, did not tell us this. Emily turned sideways and gave way, with a haggard Kulu behind him, who was obviously there. After being lost in the forest for half a month, life was not very good.

If I hadn't been searching for Aruba, I happened to encounter him fighting a group of shadows. Maybe he would have become the monster's lunch. Sal said, staring at Aruba who looked guilty.

I'm sorry, Kulu. Aruba said apologetically: I forgot that you...well...don't remember the way very well, and I can't leave here.

It seems that he is not controlled. Sal whispered to Emily: People who are controlled will not have such clear thinking. Most of them act like madmen.

Maybe it's a method we haven't seen before. Luke stared at Aruba who was apologizing and responded in a low voice: Even if weird things happen, I don't believe that Aruba would stand with a minotaur. On one side, and even covering it up for him.”

If we suddenly rush over now, how sure are we of killing that monster that can speak human language? Emily thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, I feel like something is not quite right.

If your arrows can interfere with that monster, I am 80% sure to hang the monster's head in Aruba's room as a specimen. Luke unbuttoned the raincoat on his chest and said.

It seems they don't believe it at all. Mo Yan looked at the Salt warriors who quietly took off their raincoats one by one and began to prepare for battle. He also whispered to Aruba: Why do you think this is like this? I obviously Enough kindness has been shown.”

They must think that I am being controlled. Aruba said with a wry smile: There are many monsters that have the ability to control human minds, and for such people, we usually kill them directly.

Wow. Mo Yan whistled and said, You are really decisive in killing.

As he spoke, Mo Yan made a gesture to No. 1 and began to pull Aruba back slowly.

He's going to run. Emily yelled, raised her hand and shot the crossbow arrow at Mo Yan. The crossbow arrows flew out from the crossbow, cutting through the falling raindrops one by one, and rushed towards Mo Yan with huge kinetic energy. All the Salt warriors, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, roared and rushed towards the goblin phalanx, causing a rain of blood.

It's really a rose with thorns. Mo Yan grabbed a goblin and blocked the arrow feathers shot by Emily. Looking at the crossbow arrows that burst out of the goblin's body with blood and finally exhausted their kinetic energy and stopped in front of him, Mo Yan decided that if there was a chance, he must get some crossbows like this.

At this time, I, a goblin behind the phalanx, blew the horn horn in my hand. The sound of the horn was reflected by the rock wall of the cave and was amplified exponentially. Many goblins appeared on the rock wall above the cave. Amidst the shouts, several boulders were pushed down from the rock wall, rolling with rainwater and rushing towards the Salt warriors.

So this is it! Emily looked at the boulders rushing down and shouted, Everyone avoid the boulders!

It is true that huge rocks are very lethal, but the slope of the cave where Mo Yan is located is not very large, so the acceleration of the huge rocks is very slow. This time is enough for everyone to avoid these clumsy rocks.

Ah! But obviously, the boulder is just a gimmick. All the Salt warriors who dodged the boulders on both sides discovered that the originally solid ground actually sank into a huge pit, causing them to fall into it. And those warriors who have not yet fallen into the giant pit are seeing it approaching faster and faster. Because it crushed many goblins who couldn't dodge, the boulder looked a little bloody, so it had no choice but to jump into this pit that couldn't be climbed out even with a ladder.

After the boulder rolled over, the number of Salt warriors left on the ground could be counted on one hand. That is to say, those powerful warriors can avoid the boulders rolling down in rows without jumping into the dug pit.

By the way, I really didn't expect your sister to be able to dodge. Mo Yan looked at the Salt warrior not far away who was a little out of breath from dodging boulders and commented: These four people are all pretty good.

To be honest, I have never caught Emily once when I was chasing her when I was a kid. Aruba said with relief as he saw most people jumping into the pit, but no one was injured. .

Next, if we still can't reach an agreement, I will have to beat your sister and the others down. Mo Yan looked at Luke and others who were slowly approaching him with weapons and said, By the way, if we really fight Get up, who will you help?”

If you promise not to hurt Emily and the others, I can help. Aruba said: After all, it's their fault to strike first. However, all your goblins have run away.

Mo Yan looked at the scene, and sure enough, except for the one who had turned into flesh, no other living goblin was missing. Even the most loyal No. 1 was missing. The boulders that did not hurt the Salt warriors turned almost half of the goblins into meat paste, while others either jumped into the pit and were chopped into pieces by the Salt warriors, or they had already escaped. From the goblin's point of view, Mo Yan was probably doomed.

It's okay, wait a minute, I'll go outside and look around, and I'll find three to four hundred goblins. Mo Yan shrugged nonchalantly.

Surrender, monster! Emily shouted, raising her crossbow and pointing it at Mo Yan. Rook, Thrall and Kuru, holding weapons, surrounded Mo Yan and Aruba to prevent Mo Yan from escaping.

Surrender? Why? Mo Yan looked at Emily strangely and said, I didn't do anything bad...well, I did it when I stole the village, but I didn't hurt anyone, right? Why must it be so? What about those who want to fight and kill? We can totally coexist, your brother and I have already reached an agreement.

Coexisting with monsters? Emily repeated Mo Yan's words and said fiercely: Evil monsters will die. You are not the first, and you will not be the last! Ares, the God of War...

Emily felt her vision go dark, looking at Mo Yan who suddenly rushed in front of her, blocking her entire sight. He swallowed the words he was about to say with difficulty, while Luke and the others fell to the ground without knowing when... ——————————Hoho, Mo Yanhui and the ordinary tauren who have traveled through time As weak?

You know, he has killed a lot of guys who came to eat beef! There are many powerful ones among them! Cheers to the mighty Tauren! Also, please recommend and collect...

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