"Or...see you at the Bird's Nest!"

As soon as these domineering words came out, the atmosphere at the Guangzhou Gymnasium immediately reached the peak of today's game.

IG has now advanced to the semi-finals and got a ticket to Shanghai.

For them, the semi-finals is no longer a luxury, and even the unattainable dream in their dreams... can also be tried!

Even if the semi-finals may be more difficult to play, at least since they have advanced to the semi-finals, they are eligible to compete for that spot!

At the same time, they have the best wishes and expectations for RNG, which has not yet advanced.

The post-match interview ended.

On the way back to the backstage, the aunt's eyes gradually changed when she looked at Bai Qiu.

As for the other party's"domineering declaration" at the end of the interview, let's be honest. Although some people may think it's arrogant, the aunt who was at the scene and knew how crazy the audience was off the court and saw how high-spirited Bai Qiu was up close, has already fallen a little.

Too... damn handsome!

A real man is nothing more than this!

A real man is nothing more than this, this sentence became popular soon after.

In IG���While Ye was still accepting the post-match interview, the outside world had already set off a storm.

This was the most terrifying storm since the start of S7 this year.

It was like a burning barrel of explosives, or like water dripping into an oil pan - it exploded!

IG, 3-0 advanced!

How long has it been?

All the audiences in the LPL region, the fans in China, have long forgotten how long it has been since they heard such exciting news about the LPL region in the S game!

Since the S game was held, in the 7-year history, LPL has participated in 6 sessions, and it is no exaggeration to say that there has been no achievement in 6 years!

Even except for the short-lived success in S4, they did not advance to the S game semi-finals for two whole years.

It's ridiculous that many LPL fans like to shout that LPL is the second largest region in the world in private... In fact, everyone knows that this is a self-deception. In Europe and the United States, people even laugh at LPL as the fourth or fifth region.

As if affected, when the LPL team and all the players met the LCK team in the S game, they were like seeing their own father, and they were beaten with psychological trauma.

It was the countless failures of the LPL region that created the current glorious situation of the LCK!

So when IG defeated Samsung 3-0, the sensation it caused was imaginable.

Even the news that RNG had double-killed Samsung in the previous group stage could not be compared with the popularity of IG's 3-0 victory!

To put it bluntly, it was just a group stage match, but this time, IG defeated Samsung in a BO5, openly and honestly, without any fraud.


Eliminate the LCK team and revive the glory of the LPL region!

For a time, countless LPL fans were in tears and crazy


"Oh my god, IG!!"

"Sweeping Samsung Electronics with a 3-0 win, this LCK team is just that good!"

"It is IG’s responsibility to restore the glory of the region!"

"It made me cry. It’s been more than two years. Two years! We finally made it to the semifinals again... and we made it at home. Thank you IG for giving us such a big surprise today!"

"Thanks to IG!"

"Just based on this point, it’s okay for IG to avoid being criticized even if they lose in the semi-finals, right?"

"Words! LZ is 100% sure to advance, it's normal if you can't beat LZ!"

"The old boy is in tears. IG has been taking off for 6 years, and this year, it finally took off!"

"Woohoo...Dad Qiu, I'm so happy to see that Dad Qiu is so popular now"

"Cherish, the eternal daddy of IG, is so awesome!"


Hot discussions have been set off across the entire network, and Weibo's hot search list

#The hot search of IG 3-0 SSG# instantly appeared from nothing. As soon as it appeared, it directly surpassed the previous highest popularity and directly topped the list!

Interestingly, the previous number one was Bai Qiu's personal hot search...

Can you beat yourself?

However, the popularity this time is different from the previous ones. Today's game is completely over, and the shocking results achieved by IG have caused an unstoppable sensation.

In less than ten minutes, the popularity of #IG 3-0 SSG# directly exceeded 5 million. Ten minutes later, it directly reached 7.4 million!

Behind the dark brown explosion word, there are 50 million views and 100,000+ hot topics!

But just when everyone thought that this was explosive enough, they didn't expect... an even more explosive popularity came!

Reasonable, but unexpected.

When the hot search of #青钢影五杀# soared to the top of the list, all those who had watched the game and those who hadn't watched it went crazy.

The audience who had watched it had been waiting for this moment for a long time. As long as they were not fools, whether they watched it live or on the live broadcast, they all knew that Bai Qiu's operation would be popular and even become a god!

Those who haven’t seen it… seeing this kind of Shen for the first time, seeing such a shocking scene for the first time, how can they not go crazy? In just a short encounter, Shen’s pentakill has already ranked second on the hot search, and it is only one step away from surpassing the first place of explosive zero!

Click below, there is a message from a domestic e-sports media:

""Dad! I love you!!"

It was simple and crude, with only two pictures below.

One was Bai Qiu's makeup photo after he won the MVP, with a calm expression and his arm with a sleeve raised.

The other... was a GIF of Qing Gangying's shocking five kills and one kick on five people!

That's right, when Qing Gangying's operation was just released, the matching GIF was made.

And... it has long been popular all over the world!

Not only in China, but also around the world, this GIF is spreading at a terrifying speed and rising!

The divine dragon turns into a dragon, and becomes a god!

At this moment, in the quarterfinals of the 2017 World Finals, Bai Qiu finally took off completely, from a dragon to a dragon!

From now on, who in the world doesn't know you, who dares not to know you!

No one in the world doesn't know the ID Chiersh, and who doesn't know Bai Qiu.

In less than ten minutes, the comments below directly exceeded 50,000, with 100,000 likes and 80,000 reposts!

The highest reply was——


"Do you dare to mess with him?"

"Cherish! Awesome!"

"So handsome that I have to queue up for L in my local area, Dad!!"

"Follow me and shout - Dad!"

"Oh my god, Dad Qiu, you are so awesome. From now on, I will be your biggest fan!"

"I haven’t watched the game before, but this operation is too outrageous... I’m shocked!"

"The world's number one top laner!"


"There is no other word, just one word: strong!"

"The most amazing scene in S7 so far, this kick is called - Qinghong!"

Qinghong" is the name given to this operation by domestic audiences after Bai Qiu finished the operation.

As we all know, in the history of LPL, any operation that deserves a name is a unique super scene.

It will be watched repeatedly by future generations countless times, worshiped by audiences around the world, and will also make an ordinary player instantly become famous overnight - a famous scene!

Now Bai Qiu has done it!

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