Qing Hong's famous scene became popular.

It became popular naturally, but it was also so shocking.

What was shocking was not whether it was popular or not, but... it was so popular!

The terrifying popularity and topic completely exploded from the moment this animated picture appeared.

Although it has not yet topped the Weibo hot search, it is just nipping at the first place, the hot search of IG shutting out Samsung.

The two hot searches related to Bai Qiu took off together!

Soon after, they both exceeded 10 million at the same time, achieving the effect of a sensation on the entire network!

The popularity of S7 was terrifying, and today IG shutting out Samsung was even more crazy.

Under such popularity, as the absolute protagonist of the sensation, Bai Qiu's popularity also began to rise rapidly in a way that ordinary people could not imagine!

At this moment, whether you have heard of Cheirsh's ID or not, you have heard of it today!

The number of Weibo fans, which had been stagnant, also began to jump wildly!

That's right, it was a crazy increase!

In just one hour, it actually soared from nearly 300,000 before to more than 600,000!

And the upward momentum is still unabated. It looks like... after one night, it might break through one million!


Until this moment, countless people in the circle reacted.

Cherish... really exploded.

Perhaps in an ordinary game, even if the Qing Gangying's operation is amazing, there will not be such a terrifying effect.

But this time is different...

The result of the game is perfect and shocking, the individual operation is gorgeous and extreme, plus the quarterfinals at the home court of S7, countless domestic audiences have been squeezed for two years. After IG shut out Samsung, they all exploded.

As the saying goes, the longer you suppress it, the crazier it explodes.

This explosion is like this, like a flood, unstoppable by external forces!

It seems that Bai Qiu became popular because of the game and himself, but the right time, right place and right people are all occupied here. He took this high-speed train that is unique in the LPL region!

This is just after the game... and it's already like this.

Everyone dares not imagine how far IG and Bai Qiu will go in the next few days.

Especially Bai Qiu, as the absolute protagonist of this series of events, the darling of God's"favor", how much he will grow.

But... none of this matters.

After seeing Bai Qiu create such a terrifying amount of heat and traffic for the first time, all LPL capitalists, insiders, and even the official have paid special attention to this world-famous teenager.

And... they have started to have evil thoughts.

But that's a story for later.

The IG people who just came out of the Guangzhou Gymnasium and were about to attend the celebration banquet didn't know this.

At this moment, they had just won the game and were extremely excited and excited. Even though they knew that the outside world must be in chaos, they had no time to check.

Su Xiaoluo pulled everyone together and went directly to the largest five-star hotel in Guangzhou.

Here, Principal Wang had been waiting here for a long time. His face was flushed because he was too excited. As soon as they met, he hugged Bai Qiu and said,"You will sit with me today!"


This treatment is incredible.

In the past, when the IG people had dinner with Principal Wang, Su Xiaoluo or Rookie sat at the table, and the rest could only watch at most.

Principal Wang obviously watched the whole game. It is estimated that he even knew about the things on the Internet. His attitude towards Bai Qiu has changed unprecedentedly.

During the meal, everyone finally had some time to check the internet.

As a result, even though they had expected it, everyone on IG couldn't help but be collectively dumbfounded.

"What the hell is this, it's almost 20 million views?" Ah Shui stared, looking up at Bai Qiu:"Brother, you are really popular!"

"This is too outrageous... Lao Song, Qiu's fans are about to surpass yours!" Ning Wang looked at the number of Weibo fans of Rookie and Bai Qiu and found that... they were very close.

You have to know that these old IG players have very few fans, and only Rookie is the only star player in the team.

Who would have thought that Bai Qiu, who just started playing in the summer season, would surpass Rookie in less than half a year!

This... the team is really going to have a second superstar!

For a while, the IG teammates were envious and congratulated.

"Congratulations! When you take off, don't forget us."

"Qiu, we don’t usually poke you, right?"

"I don't think Qiu is that kind of person. If he becomes successful and a celebrity, he will definitely not forget our..."

Bai Qiu listened to the sarcastic remarks of his friends and frowned:"Stop praising me too much, okay? Can we have a proper communication?"

"How can this be flattery? Let me read it for you: Cherish is the world's number one top laner this year.…"

"Wow, the world's number one top laner, well deserved!"


After winning the game, the atmosphere in the IG team was obviously more relaxed. Bai Qiu didn't care about it. He just joked.

"But... I think even though it's a bit exaggerated, if we're not the world's number one, we should still be in the top three, right?" Su Xiaoluo suddenly said with a smile.

Bai Qiu was startled when he heard that, but he didn't say anything.

After that, the celebration banquet went smoothly, and both the host and the guests had a great time.

Before the banquet ended, Principal Wang finally spoke:"I promised everyone before that if we make it to the semi-finals, everyone's net worth will increase several times... Qiu knows this, and I remember it was... 20 million. This price, I'm putting it here today, no matter what our results are in the future, I will keep this promise!"

"Next season, we will eat meat together!"

Hearing this, everyone in IG's heart started beating wildly.

20 million... 20 million!

"Of course..." Principal Wang changed the subject, thought about it, and didn't know what to say, so he gestured to Su Xiaoluo.

Su Xiaoluo coughed twice and looked around:"Everyone has already played out their worth, and they have broken through the top eight. I think everyone knows what the situation is outside now... It's really explosive"

"But we can't be complacent. The semifinals are just the semifinals. Think about it. It's already like this. If we really...ah, I mean if, we get into the Bird's Nest this year...tsk, don't look at me like that. Can't you just think about it?"

Su Xiaoluo was a little annoyed by the gazes of the crowd, and said in a heavier tone:"Getting into the Bird's Nest! Then our IG will be completely promoted!"

"I won’t say much about these, you all know them in your hearts... I just hope that you can keep up the good work in the next games. We all know what kind of person Principal Wang is. For you, for IG, and even more for LPL... Go!"


After that, the celebration banquet ended, and everyone in IG stayed here that night.

Everyone knew that the carnival tonight was over just as it began.

This was the last leisure time before the final battle. After tonight, they will continue to step onto a more tragic and dazzling stage.

The next battlefield is - Shanghai!

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