Su Xiaoluo and the IG team were thrilled when they thought that they could touch the Bird's Nest, which they had never dared to think about before!

The carnival in the lounge did not last long, and the MVP of the entire BO5 was announced.

Undoubtedly, when Bai Qiu appeared in an IG uniform and with a handsome figure wearing sleeves, the lounge burst into applause.

"Awesome, played three BO5 games and got MVP in all three games!"

"Hang on, brother"


Bai Qiu was pushed forward by the crowd. Today's quarterfinals BO5 only played three games, and Bai Qiu won three MVPs and the final overall MVP.

This means that Bai Qiu alone won all the honors in today's game!

How great!

In fact, according to the original nature of the official, there must be a balance, but today's exception is undoubtedly a recognition of Bai Qiu's performance today!

Perhaps... there are deeper meanings in it, such as seeing the unlimited potential that has not yet been tapped in Bai Qiu, and starting to add fuel to the fire...

But these have nothing to do with Bai Qiu for the time being. After the results of the MVP selection are announced���Soon the director in front informed that the post-match interview invitation had come.

As the absolute figure today, Bai Qiu was invited to the LPL main interview seat.

Invited with him was Rookie, who also performed very well in the entire BO5.

This scale of inviting two people at a time is not available in the qualifying and group stages, and it will only appear after the quarterfinals.

The two followed the team leader to the front of the stage and walked to the LPL exclusive interview seat, and saw the host who interviewed them today - the famous LPL host, Yu Shuang!

Today, the aunt is still wearing a beautiful peony cheongsam, which outlines a very perfect figure and exudes an intellectual atmosphere.

In fact, there are too many legendary stories in S7 this year. In addition to various joys and sorrows, and the now famous IG, Yu Shuang also relied on the terrifying attention of S7 and excellent bilingual hosting to successfully become a hit and stabilize her position in the LPL hosting industry.

The aunt's face is still flushed. It is obvious that she has watched the whole game just now and is excited and difficult to calm down.

After seeing the IG mid-top duo, especially Bai Qiu coming over, his eyes became brighter.

"Congratulations! We made it to the quarterfinals. The quarterfinal curse of our region has finally been broken!"As soon as they met, the aunt was as excited as a little girl, giving Bai Qiu and Rookie a thumbs up.

"Thank you..." Bai Qiu and the others were very happy now, and thanked them with a smile.

Before they could say more, the camera was already on, and the aunt put on a professional and bright smile:

"Welcome to the post-match interview. This is the interview booth for the 2017 World Championship quarter-finals. We have invited the two mid and top players of IG.…"


"Daddy Qiu! Daddy Qiu!!"


"I love you, Daddy Qiu! Daddy Qiu is so handsome!"

"Wow... this look... Qiu Dad is going to kill me!"

Before he finished speaking, the audience who had already seen Bai Qiu and Rookie cheered.

The terrifying sound waves instantly swept the entire interview seat, and the aunt was stunned for a moment.

After reacting, her tone became heavier and she said more enthusiastically:"Yes, that's right, let us welcome Cherish, Rookie... come and say hello to everyone."

Bai Qiu and Rookie had never experienced such a scene before. Even during the group stage, the scene was not as crazy as it is now!

After stabilizing himself, Bai Qiu picked up the microphone and said,"Hello everyone, I am IG's top laner Cherish."

"Hello everyone, I am IG mid laner Rookie…"

"Ahh! Dad Qiu!"


The audience was extremely enthusiastic, and Bai Qiu didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that... there were more people calling his ID than Rookie.…

"Okay, welcome to the interview." Auntie smiled and said,"Well, first of all, congratulations to IG for getting the first ticket to Shanghai this year with a perfect score of 3-0."

"Then... first of all, let's ask about your mood. Because this is the first time in two years that our LPL region has returned to the S semifinals, and it is also the first time in the history of the IG fleet to enter the quarterfinals... How do you feel now?"

After the aunt finished speaking, Rookie and Bai Qiu were silent for a while, and when they saw that the other party didn't speak, they picked up the microphone at the same time, and then laughed awkwardly.

There was also a burst of laughter from the audience.

"Cherish, go first." Auntie couldn't help laughing.

Bai Qiu nodded and said,"Now... I'm very happy and excited. I didn't expect to win 3-0. I'm honored to be able to enter the quarterfinals.…"

"What about Rookie?"

"Um... I can't believe it. I still feel dizzy..." Rookie's speech was very cute. Compared with Bai Qiu's aloofness, he has a different style.

"It is indeed very dreamy." Auntie agreed:"I believe many people did not expect this result. So... the first question is for Cherish. We saw that in the entire BO5 today, you won the MVP three times, and the final BO5 MVP... This honor is worthy of you.~"

"What do you want to say about this?"

Faced with the aunt's teasing, Bai Qiu was a little embarrassed for a moment, and gently touched Rookie beside him with his shoulder.

"Uh…" Rookie picked up the microphone and laughed:"Maybe he was… having a blast"



"Old man Tong"

"awsl, Dad Qiu keeps killing me!"

"Seeing this pair of Ueno, I suddenly feel that as long as they are fine, everything is enough……"

The interaction and speech between the two made everyone laugh, and the people watching the live broadcast immediately became excited.

Auntie couldn't help laughing, and looked at Bai Qiu with big eyes:

"Doesn't Cherish have anything to say?"

"Hmm..." Bai Qiu said:"I'm sorry, I stole a lot of MVPs from my teammates.……"

"Phew…" This time even the aunt couldn’t help herself, what kind of interview genius is this??

"Then... I want to ask Rookie, what is the team's evaluation of Cheirsh?"

Rookie thought for a moment, picked up the microphone, and uttered a few words:"This is... what a monster!"


This answer immediately caused an uproar in the audience, followed by all kinds of screams.

Indeed, Bai Qiu's performance in this BO5 is enough to be described as a monster.

Bai Qiu looked at Rookie, and Rookie happened to look over. The two looked at each other in the air, and an inexplicable emotion was created...

Well, it's old Nantong.

"Uh…" Auntie was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"Indeed, Cherish’s performance in the past few games is indeed very surprising. In a team fight in the middle of the third game today, Shen kicked five people at the bottom of the dragon pit.…"

"That operation... as far as I know, has become completely popular. I was watching it from the audience at that time and was also... too shocked. I want to ask what Cheirsh was thinking at that time?"

Bai Qiu regained his composure:"I didn't have too many thoughts. I just saw an opportunity and went up to try it..."

Auntie nodded, and then asked a few more questions in succession.

At the end, she smiled and said:"Then... IG has now been confirmed to advance to this year's semi-finals. At the same time, we have another brother team in the LPL region, RNG, which has not yet advanced. Do you have anything to say to RNG here?"

"Hmm…" Bai Qiu and Rookie looked at each other.

Rookie picked up the microphone and said,"I hope RNG can advance. See you in Shanghai…"

Bai Qiu beside him added,"The semi-finals will be played separately. We can’t meet in Shanghai. Let’s meet in the Bird’s Nest!"


Upon hearing this, the entire LPL audience went crazy!

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