"Cheirsh... what is he going to do?"

In the game.

A 3v3 level 1 fight ended without any casualties, and both sides finally escaped unscathed.

The troops had already come out, and IG and Samsung all went back to their own homes, each looking for their own mothers, and had already separated.

Bai Qiu, who was on the top lane, naturally had to go back to the top lane.

But who knew that after taking a few steps, Qing Gangying suddenly turned around and went back directly.

Not only did he go back, but he also went into the opponent's jungle alone, which was the main battlefield of the previous battle...

What is this... What is going on?

Qing Gangying's sudden turn around stunned everyone.

"Is Qing Gangying going to... go back and continue fighting?" Wawa said something naughty.

The whole place burst into laughter.

It was impossible for Qing Gangying to go back and fight back.

Because the other IG teammates did not come with him, and secondly, Qing Gangying's condition was not good. After a team battle, as the target of concentrated fire, he only had half of his health left.

But if he didn't go to fight, why would he come back?

"There are wards in the Samsung jungle!"After Miller laughed, he saw that the Blue Steel Shadow was still moving forward. Not far from that position, there was a ward placed by Samsung in the jungle.

And on the other side of the ward was a Jarvan who had just separated from his teammates... Shen was also on the side and above.

If he went in this direction and was discovered by the Samsung team, wouldn't the Blue Steel Shadow be giving away a kill for free?

"Still walking...Cherish is still walking...……"Wawa looked surprised and said,"No...are you really going over there?"

""Here he goes!"

In the jungle.

The momentum of the Blue Steel Shadow continued, and he was about to enter the field of vision of Samsung. Until now, no one knew what Bai Qiu was going to do.

Just when the Blue Steel Shadow was about to step into the field of vision of Samsung, the Blue Steel Shadow who had been walking straight on the field suddenly turned sideways, turned around on the spot, and continued to walk directly along the wall of the jungle!

After this detour, it looked very strange in the IG perspective, but the scene was stunned.

Because of this wave...

Blue Steel Shadow bypassed the eye position of Samsung!


"What's going on? Yasuo! Bypassed Samsung's ward! Cherish is bypassing the ward!"Wawa's eyes widened, and he said in confusion:"He is actually conscious this time?!"

The next moment, Wawa's doubts were answered.

Yasuo, who was walking close to the wall, suddenly paused halfway.

It was during this pause that the blind man in the distance happened to pass by the roadside. If Yasuo had walked out directly, he would definitely be seen by the prince.

But with this pause... the prince passed by and left, and the vision here fell into darkness again - no one could see!

"Oh My God……!"

The scene was instantly boiling, and the commentators from all major regions around the world were stunned.

Wawa was stunned and said,"He really has consciousness! Not only did Shen dodge around, he also blocked the vision of other people at Samsung!!"

"? ? It's outrageous!"

It was indeed too outrageous.

Because the director was also very smart. After noticing Qing Gangying's abnormality, he not only gave a close-up, but also directly switched from the God's perspective to Qing Gangying's personal perspective.

So, in Qing Gangying's personal perspective, everything around him was dark. Whether he was circling around in place or pausing in the middle, he did it with blind vision!

Then switched to the God's perspective, the audience's scalps were numb instantly!

"Oh my god, I get goosebumps just looking at it…" Miller stared at the big screen, and his spirits were fully lifted at the beginning:"But…what on earth is this guy going to do?!"

Yeah, what is the purpose of Shen's going around like this?"

On the field, Shen's two waves of shocking awareness directly ignited the atmosphere at the beginning of the game, but... until now, everyone was confused about what Bai Qiu was going to do.

But soon, everyone knew.

After the prince walked past, Shen continued to move forward, and not long after, he came directly to the bushes of the red buff pit.

At this moment, because of the level 1 team fight just now, the prince knew that the opponent would realize that he was in the upper jungle, and was afraid that the opponent would come to counter-jungle, so he finally decided to go to the lower jungle and was rushing there.

So there is no one on the red buff pit for the time being.

But it is only temporarily.

Because the three Samsungs were in the upper jungle just now, Taliyah has returned to the city on the spot, and Lee Sin is also preparing to go to the lower jungle.

Now, the only one still active in the upper jungle is a very disabled one - Shen!

Seeing the director's zoomed-in shot of the upper jungle, Wawa had a flash of inspiration in his mind:"No way... Could it be that Cherish is coming here to kill Shen?"

"Want to squat?"

"How is this possible...Shen is in this state, he must go back to the city, why would he go this way? And...how can Cheirsh be so sure that Shen will come here?"Miller frowned and said,"This is not scientific.……"

Before he could say the word"scientific", he saw his two brothers leave one after another. CuVee paused and continued to walk to the inside.

It was not because he was afraid that IG would come to catch him, but mainly because Shen was in the jungle corridor with no shelter around him. CuVee has always had a little-known habit, which may be due to his usual performance in LCK. When he is low on health, he always likes to return to the city in secret.

Anyway, the top lane is long, and TP will not delay going online later...

Thinking of this, the low-health Shen was almost close to the red buff pit.

Seeing this scene, the outside world exploded instantly!

"Oh my god! He really came over! Shen, Shen actually came over here!" Wawa was surprised:"Can Chiersh read minds? He can even realize this?!"

"No... I'm stupid. If Shen goes over here, he might be dead!"

""It's over... Got it!"

In the game,

Cuvee's Shen was completely unaware that there was a Shen who was waiting for him not far away.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't think of anything outrageous. He walked directly into the red buff pit. The next moment, before he could cross the bush, a smiling Shen came out.

While meeting him in a friendly manner, Liang Biao said hello.


Cuvee was stunned for a moment.


The Yasuo on the field had already kicked Shen in the face.

Then, without stopping, he used his Q skill to kick him again, then A, then Q again!

Shen, who was seriously injured, didn't even have time to react. Within two seconds of seeing the Yasuo, his health was emptied and he fell directly to the ground.

"IGCherish killed SSGCuVee!"


"Shit!!!!"It was only then that Cuvee realized what was happening. He was stunned.

He started to curse:"***What the hell is this?!"

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