"Got it! Got it! A solo kill. This time, Shen successfully ambushed Shen and got the first blood of the game!!"


At the scene, as the first blood prompt sounded, the audience burst into terrifying cheers.

The commentators from major regions around the world were also stunned.

"I actually managed to ambush him!" Wawa said in disbelief,"No... this is too outrageous, right? Cherish... this ambush is like the journey to the West, with 81 difficulties, and in the end, he managed to kill Shen.……"

"Too scary! This wave of Shen's awareness is really terrible!" Miller's face was excited, but he glanced at the situation on the field and sighed:"But this wave killed Shen alone, and Shen can't get out by himself. Prince... is here!"

In the jungle.

Cuvee's sudden death shocked all Samsung members. Listening to the prompt sound and Cuvee's cursing in their ears, everyone was speechless.

The jungle Prince reacted quickly. He didn't go far in this wave. Seeing the position of Shen, he had left the group and came over.

"Shit, how did this guy get here? How dare he come here to ambush someone at level 1 with low health?"

As he walked, Sect Leader An complained in astonishment.

"I'll be the tank, you're not far enough, don't let him go!" At this time, Brother Crown said. Master

An took a look. Although the prince didn't leave too far, Qing Gangying was playing on the top lane. After going down the red buff pit, he could return to the top lane from the triangle grass. He might not be able to block the opponent.

He couldn't bet, but Taliyah who had already returned to the city could, because the three-star eye position was not far below the red buff pit. As long as Taliyah TPed, it would directly block Qing Gangying's retreat!

After a little thought, Master An gritted his teeth and said.

Taliyah was supposed to TP to the middle lane. The jungle was not far from the line, and the compensation of a head was the maximum stop loss.

After getting confirmation, Brother Crown pressed TP without hesitation.

"TP, Taliyah is the tank this time!" Wawa wailed,"Then there's no chance for Shen to escape this time.""

"It's acceptable... We got the first blood this time, so it's a win for one-for-one. Miller said very rationally.

"Blind Monk is rushing towards this side... but Ning Wang is too far away, it's too late..."

In the game.

After Shen killed Shen, he immediately chose to retreat. After taking a few steps, he saw Taliyah's TP in front. Bai Qiu did not choose to change direction and continued to walk towards this side.

By the way, he asked Ning Wang:"Are you here?"

"Who would have thought you could succeed? It's too outrageous. I'm a little far away from you!"Ning Wang said, laughing and crying.

"But it's not a loss if you die this time, since you got the first blood anyway."

Bai Qiu didn't say anything after hearing that. It's not that he didn't want to talk, but Taliyah had already TPed to the ground!

At this time, Qing Gangying happened to be not far from Taliyah's TP. When he landed, Crown couldn't help but be happy. Without saying anything, he sent a Taliyah charge to him.

Die for me!

But Crown didn't have much contact with Bai Qiu in the first two games. Except for a few team battles, he didn't know how terrifying the opponent's top laner was.

If it was Cuvee this time, perhaps all the results would be different.

When Taliyah's Taliyah was released, Qing Gangying, who had been keeping a close eye on Taliyah's movements, moved at the same time.

A 90-degree turn to measure the direction, the delay of Taliyah's Taliyah for a few seconds gave Bai Qiu unlimited opportunities.


The next moment, Taliyah's Taliyah charged up, but it charged in vain!

Move, twist off Taliyah's Taliyah!

"Twist it off! Move! Cherish, what a quick reaction, this wave of Shen didn't get rushed!!"

"Oh my god... Is this guy a god?!"

Commentators from all over the world were shocked, and Miller's emotions instantly rose:"Can we run this time?! Qing Gangying, if he is not controlled, is there a chance to run?"

In the game.

After Qing Gangying twisted away the Rock Bird Rock Spike, his position was almost at the triangle grass, and he continued to walk forward without looking back.

Brother Crown was shown off, and after reacting, he chased after him in anger.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The Rock Tu has a few seconds of delay. Do you think the opponent is an ordinary player?"Master An, who was rushing over, was so angry that he yelled,"Can you have some common sense?"

Brother Crown was embarrassed by the scolding,"We can catch up, we can kill this wave... Shit!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Ning Wang's blind man had passed through the triangle grass and personally caught the low-health Qing Gangying, and then the two of them walked away together.

Now... Brother Crown couldn't chase, because he was alone. If he went over now, he might be focused by two IG players.

Although Qing Gangying was low in health, he circled around their jungle and was not touched at all. In this state, he couldn't be killed at all...

This wave... He actually let the opponent run away!

Show off and kill people, and you can still walk away?


"Gone! Blind Monk is here, and Ning Wang provided support in time! Then this time...the SSG people were stunned by the show!"

Wawa said exaggeratedly:"Shin, what the hell is this? He circled around the opposite jungle with low health at level 1, and finally killed someone and was able to run away... Ouch, my people were stunned!"

"Samsung is so angry!"



"Qiu Daddy!!"

"Turtle, this guy is too strong, why did WE let go of this guy in the first place... I now think that buying him is the most profitable deal IG has ever made since the establishment of the team!"

"Pure blood profit!"

"Cherish, ahhhh!! Sister loves you!!"

Tialah had given up the pursuit, and Shen was confirmed to have survived, and the audience was completely excited. In an international competition, in such a crucial game that could make history, an ordinary small lead would make the whole audience boil, let alone this kind of heavenly operation, which simply exploded!

"After this wave, Cuvee was killed once at the beginning, it will be difficult to fight!"

"Yes... and Taliyah also wasted a TP and lost at least two soldiers. This wave is a pure profit for us!!"

In the game.

After this wave, Samsung's mid and top did suffer some losses.

The director gave the camera to the middle lane, and when Taliyah rushed back, three soldiers had been missed. There were six soldiers in the first wave, and because of a wrong decision, or a mistake, Crown lost half of his last hits, which was extremely fatal for the early stage of grabbing the second.

"The middle lane... has suffered too much, it's the butterfly effect, Cherish played too well this time... Huh?"

Just when I wanted to talk about the situation in the middle lane, the director's camera suddenly turned and went straight to the top lane.

What happened?

While everyone was puzzled, Wawa had seen everything that happened in the top lane, and everyone was stunned. He said in a daze:"No way... Top lane, is the top lane going to be killed again?!"

"At the first level... you have to kill twice?!"

"Cherish, is he really a god?!"

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