""Qing Gangying!!"

At the Guangzhou Gymnasium, when the audience saw the last hero that IG showed, they were stunned for a second, and then immediately burst into terrifying cheers!

Qing Gangying, this hero may not be very clear because of Cherish's recent games, but Bai Qiu used it several times during the group stage, and performed very well!

"Are you sure it's Shen? If you choose this, IG's AP damage in this game will be... Hey, locked! Directly locked! Confirmed!"

"It’s Shen!"

On the BP interface, IG just showed Shen and locked him in.

It was confirmed, it was Shen!

In an instant, the cheers from the audience rose, and several LPL commentators looked at each other in bewilderment.

"In this way... IG's lineup... is completely an early-mid game lineup!" Wawa couldn't help but say:"After choosing Qing Gangying, IG's AP damage in this game is seriously lacking."

"Even though Galio is an AP hero, he is more of a tank and functional hero... This lineup is a bit like a gambler!"

As they were talking, SSG's last support Tam was also confirmed.

Now, the lineup for this game was completely settled.

Just on the surface, IG and Samsung's lineups are very easy to distinguish.

Just like the commentator said, after Qing Gangying was confirmed, IG's lineup was completely a strong lineup in the early and mid-term. Ezreal's burst period was their peak time, but once this time point passed, IG had no feeling of the late stage at all. And this lineup is extremely dependent on Qing Gangying, because in the entire team, except for Ezreal, Qing Gangying is the only output hero in the early stage.

But Qing Gangying is not considered a T1 top laner in this version, and the early laning is not as strong as imagined.

IG chose Qing Gangying in the final game, and their trust in Bai Qiu was a bit blind.

On the other hand, on Samsung's side, Shen, Taliyah, and Tam are all support heroes, plus the strong version of Prince and the signature rat that the LCK AD is very good at...

This lineup is too comfortable to choose, and it is also the operation support system that Samsung is best at. Once they drag it past the mid-term, IG basically can't play with them.

"This...IG's BP in this game feels...a bit ingenious." Miller's words were very tactful, his brows were already wrinkled into a pimple

"Very dependent on Shen."Shen Chao, as a former professional player, couldn't help but say:"This is completely like gambling. If Cherish can't get an advantage in the early stage and can't set the pace, IG... will be very difficult to play."

At this time, the game had already started loading, and the crazy cheers of IG were heard from the audience.

"Huh…" Wawa let out a long breath:"No matter… no matter what, now that it’s confirmed, I believe IG also has its own plans and reasons."

"Again, the choice of lineup is never the key to victory or defeat. The most important thing is to look at the temporary performance and status of the ten players on the field..."

Wawa took a deep breath:"Then the game has begun. In this third game of the quarterfinals BO5, IG is only one step away from the ticket to Shanghai! Moreover, this is also the best world championship result in IG's history. Whether it can continue to break through, and whether the LPL region can return to the semi-finals after three years... depends on how IG performs in this game!"

"IG, we are waiting for you in Shanghai!"

"We are waiting for you in Shanghai!!"


As the voices of several commentators fell, the audience went completely crazy

"IG, we are waiting for you in Shanghai" shouts also rose one after another, and even the IG players in the soundproof competition room could hear them clearly.

"See you in Shanghai, brothers!"

"Go to Shanghai, go to Shanghai!"

""Go, go, go!"

The game officially started as they encouraged each other.

In this game, although IG's lineup was early and mid-game, it was obviously weaker than Samsung at level 1, so they did not think of attacking the entire team.

Samsung was already in a life-and-death situation, and in a desperate situation, they naturally tried to be as stable as possible, and did not invade.

Both sides went online peacefully and lined up in a long snake formation.

Everyone thought that the start of this game would be uneventful. However

, this calmness lasted for less than ten seconds, and the director's camera suddenly turned to the middle lane.

Then everyone saw that IG's mid and jungle and SSG's mid and jungle met in the river jungle!

This encounter was very accidental, and the cause was Ning wanted to gain vision at the river, but when he just passed by, he was spotted by Jarvan who wanted to start the game in the jungle.

Rookie happened to be hanging around here too, and he came over immediately upon seeing this.

Crown on the other side naturally couldn't just sit back and watch.

So, an accidental 2v2 between mid and jungle began.

The combination of Lee Sin + Galio versus Jarvan + Taliyah.

In general, it's hard to tell who's stronger, and whoever operates better will have the advantage.

Because IG had seized the initiative, Ning's Lee Sin was also decisive. After seeing Taliyah coming, he didn't use Q on Jarvan, but accurately hit Taliyah, and then immediately followed up with a second Q.

Rookie also immediately went over to beat him up.

Crown was inexplicably beaten by IG's mid and jungle, and his condition declined.

Fortunately, Jarvan arrived quickly, and not only Jarvan, but even Shen who was already here came over.

"Shen is coming! And here comes Shen... Shen is coming over too. Something is wrong. Are they going to fight?"

Wawa was stunned:"This... is too outrageous. Neither side is willing to give in to the other!"

In the game.

Shen is coming over, and Bai Qiu can't just sit there and watch. In a blink of an eye, six people from both sides started fighting in the river in the upper jungle area.

The war started just like that!

Everyone is only level one, and there is no way to show off their combos. After using up their skills, they can only use the most primitive methods to consume the opponent.

Bai Qiu, who was the most"aggro-attracting", was the first to be focused on by the three Samsungs, and soon lost most of his health. However, IG was no pushover either. After one wave, not only the first to be focused on was���Guan Ge lost half of his health, and Cuvee, who arrived later, was also beaten to a pulp.

Rookie and Ning Wang cooperated perfectly several times and completely suppressed SSG.

However, it was just a suppression, and it was obviously impossible to kill. So after the chaos, everyone was not in a good state and chose to separate.

A wave of inexplicable team battles ended like this, and no head economy was generated.

"Separated...separated, then...it's acceptable, Rookie and Ning Wang played well, we actually won this wave, Samsung's mid and top are in this state, they must go home to replenish."

Wawa smiled and said:"The middle line is short, maybe we can make a TP this wave…"

"Yes, it can be seen that IG’s feel is improving now, so... eh?"

Miller paused, staring at the Qing Gangying on the big screen:"This... Cherish, where is he going?"

"No way...what does he want to do?!"

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