"Congratulations to IG! They won the game! They defeated Samsung! They were the first to win a point in the quarterfinals BO5!"

""Congratulations to IG!!"

At the Guangzhou Gymnasium, when IG pushed down the SSG crystal base in one go, the scene also erupted with the highest cheers since the start of the game!

Countless spectators were crazy at this moment.

No one expected that IG, which was not favored by the global audience before the game, could directly beat Samsung in the first game of the quarterfinals BO5!


You can refer to the sensation when RNG beat Samsung at that time. At that time, it was still the group stage, and now, it has reached the quarterfinals!

And the audience is not all fools. After this game, the strength and state shown by the entire Samsung team are completely different from the group stage.

In other words, the current Samsung may be stronger than the group stage! But

IG still won!

Even if it is a small victory, it is not enough to affect the victory, but countless LPL spectators at the scene are still crazy.

"IG…Wow, it was such a beautiful match. To be honest, I was so excited watching the whole match!" In the commentary booth, Wawa breathed a sigh of relief. The explosive atmosphere on the scene was also infecting them.

They would also respond to the audience with even more explosive emotions, forming a virtuous circle!

"Really... I believe no one expected that IG could win the first game." Miller was also very excited:"But I still said that before the game started today, this IG... is really as strong as any other team now. As long as there is no problem with the status, we have reason to believe that IG will get better and better!"

"Yes... let's congratulate IG... this game really boosted the morale, I hope they can maintain this state in the future!"


"Win! Win!"

"Brothers are awesome!"

"Brother Qiu is awesome, this Noxus, this is not the hand of an elementary school student, it is clearly the hand of God!"

"Haha... Damn, to be honest, this Noxus is really cruel."

Inside the competition room.

Along with the terrifying cheers from the scene, the IG players also took off their headphones, and everyone excitedly cheered and celebrated with each other.

To be honest, people outside were very surprised at IG's performance in the first game. In fact, even IG itself was a little confused now.

This game... to be honest, at the end, it was completely a personal show of Noxus.

It's not that Samsung is not strong, but mainly because An Zhangmen and Cuvee lost several times in the early stage, which really fattened up Noxus.

According to normal games, Samsung actually has many comeback points in normal games, as long as they can contain Noxus.

It's a pity that other IG players didn't give them this opportunity.

Noxus is a hero who relies a lot on his teammates, and fortunately, Bai Qiu's teammates in this game are in very good shape, and even Xiaoxi played very well.

In general, the hard work and efforts are not in vain. After such a long period of devil training, IG has reaped the first fruit. They stood up together and walked out of the competition room.

At this moment, the audience outside had already been noisy, with all kinds of screams and cheers, which reached a peak after the IG players came out.

The quarterfinals are the quarterfinals, which are completely different from the standard treatment of the group stage and the status in the minds of the global audience!

IG members enjoyed the short-lived victory and returned to the backstage


"Wow, thank you for your hard work!"

"Great job, guys, we won the game!"

"1/0, Turtle, is Xiao Universe exploding?"

As soon as I returned to the backstage, the IG coaching staff and management came to greet me. Everyone was in the same state as the IG starters, and they were all a little stunned.

"Noxus is too fat, Qiu played well in this game."Rookie praised

"You don't need to tell us this, we all saw it, he hammered Cuvee for the entire game!"


Someone laughed and joked, and the atmosphere in the lounge became heated.

However, many people still secretly looked at Bai Qiu.

He was beating Cuvee...

I knew that this top laner of our team was very good, but he could beat up the famous top laner of LCK... It was really unexpected.

"Okay, let’s celebrate after it’s over. The live game isn’t over yet, let’s discuss how to play the next game…"

After a while of excitement, Su Xiaoluo greeted everyone on IG, who were all smiling.

There are many differences between the quarterfinals and the group stage, and one of the most important differences is the different competition systems.

The group stage adopts the BO1 system, but starting from the quarterfinals, everyone will play BO5.

In BO5, the victory or defeat of a game can be big or small.

Anyway, judging from the current matches, winning the first game of BO5 is not enough to gain enough advantage or even victory.

BO5 also tests the ultimate strength of an entire team.

In the LCK region, in the S games in recent years, except for the civil war, it seems that they have never been defeated in BO5.

Maybe they lost to BO1, but BO5... never!

IG knew this very well. Now was not the time to get carried away. They began to discuss the tactics and playing style for the next game.

At the same time, when IG was discussing how to play the next game, the news that they had won against SSG came out, and the outside world was also in an uproar.

It was really an uproar.

Just like the reaction of countless spectators at the Guangzhou Gymnasium before, before the game started, no one thought that IG would win. Even if it was a small game, playing at home, it was enough to cause a sensation!

On the Weibo Hot Search List

#When IG just flattened the Samsung Crystal Base, the trending search for"IG开门红#" had already appeared in the top ten of the trending search list.

After that, the popularity rose and soon entered the top three.

In addition to this trending search, there are other:

#Cherish kills four of Noxus#、#It turns out that elementary school students can also play like this#、#IGSSG#、#S7#… and so on, these are related to the 2017 World Championship.

The most eye-catching one is the trending search #Cheirsh quad kills Noxus#.

As soon as this trending search appeared, it directly squeezed out the top three, and then even surpassed the main body of #IG's good start#, directly turning the tables and taking the top spot! With more than four million hits, everyone was stunned.

What's going on?

Didn't IG win?

Why is this quad kill of Noxus so popular?

Well, it's understandable that it's a little popular, after all, Noxus was really strong in this game.

But... even the trending search of his own team was surpassed...

Isn't this a bit unreasonable?

Just when everyone was extremely surprised, something even more shocking happened!

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