How much attention has been paid to the quarterfinals today?

As the first S-League to be held entirely in China in seven years, it can be said that this year, the enthusiasm and emotions of LOL players have been raised to a new height.

During the qualifying round, S7 crushed the previous S-Leagues.

During the group stage, the attention was close to that of the previous quarterfinals.

And in the quarterfinals... it can even be compared with the previous semifinals!

What's more, the team that played today is IG, the representative team of the LPL region.

This is like adding fuel to the fire, and it is extremely popular!

Under such a terrifying attention, the news that IG won will naturally trigger a series of reactions and sensations.

But the most sensational... Noxus, who carried the whole game, is naturally the best choice.

It is really the best choice. S7 is so popular, and the number of people watching the game is so terrifying that it is far from what the surface data looks like.

And the scene of Noxus beating Cuvee in the early stage of this game is simply a shock to countless LPL fans!

How many years has it been? How long has it been?

Who was the last person to beat up the top laner of South Korea?

…Sorry, no!

Even the big brother of OMG at that time didn’t say that he completely crushed the LCK top laner!

What’s more, it was Cuvee, the top lane super carry player who is well-known in the LPL region.

It can be said that for this reason alone, Bai Qiu has a reason to be popular.

The audience, commentators, fans, and even the officials of the LPL region. Everyone has been waiting for this day for too long!

This has even transcended the win or loss of this game. It only concerns the extravagant wishes and hopes deep in everyone’s heart that were so humble that they no longer exist.

Now... seeing the scenes in the dream happen in real life, how can it not be crazy?

Bai Qiu took advantage of this storm, like a fish leaping over the dragon gate and a dragon soaring into the sky. At this moment, his own popularity directly surpassed the entire IG team!

The picture was so outrageous that people who saw it even thought that IG had bought the wrong hot search... but when they clicked in and took a look, everyone didn’t think so.

Because... it’s really tearful.

"Crying!! Daddy Qiu!! Forever Daddy!"

"Damn, I've been playing LOL since S3, and I've been a player for five years. I've watched countless S games. Every year, I see our top laner Zhong G go out and get beaten up by others as a soldier... That feeling is really something that people who haven't experienced it can't understand."

"+1. Only those who have lived through the Dark Ages know how happy it is for Cherish to win the game today!"

"Beat Cuvee! Is it okay for Cherish to be permanently immune to blacklisting?"

"? ?! I've overstated it, right? This is only the first game of the quarterfinals. What if IG gets eliminated today?"

"Then all the IG members should be gone.…"


"I'm crying, Daddy Qiu, Daddy Qiu, please continue to beat Cuvee, don't do it just this once, even if you dream, please let us do it for a while longer…"

"This is too humble. Although I think so too…"


There were so many comments that in less than five minutes, the number of comments under this Weibo post exceeded 30,000, with 50,000 likes and 70,000 reposts!

The reply with the most likes also reached a terrifying 40,000! Looking at the messages inside... it was really miserable.

Even people who have not experienced the dark period of the LPL region can't help but put themselves in the picture when looking at these.

It was as if we were back to that extremely dark era. All the LPL teams were terrible, and the top position... was the worst of the worst, the worst!

Only those who have experienced darkness will cherish the light more.

After this game, Cheirsh has become a short-lived light for everyone!

The reason why it is short-lived is because... the game is not over yet. If you brag like this now, but if IG loses later, then I guess they will have to perform the classic Sichuan Opera face-changing.

"No matter what, I will always support Cherish!"

"Support my Qiuqiu, Qiuqiu loves you!"

"Where does the nickname Qiuqiu come from? It sounds so cute.~"

"I heard it in Tuantuan’s live broadcast room. It is said that Tuantuan and Qiudie are very familiar with each other!"

"Huh? Could it be a love rival?"

"I don't know, but keep killing for me, Qiu Daddy!!"

As Bai Qiu himself rarely topped the Weibo hot search list, his fame soared, and his number of fans also began to soar.

From the initial hundreds of thousands of fans, five minutes later, it actually broke through to 200,000, and this terrifying growth is still increasing!

Countless viewers who had never paid attention to Bai Qiu before, out of curiosity, all noticed him this time, and some of them specifically followed him.

Amidst the chaos, Bai Qiu's popularity continued to rise, and the news that IG won was still spreading.

However, the IG people at the scene were still unaware of this.

The break in the BO5 was short.

After a brief discussion on how to play the second game, the director's notice was soon given.

The second game is about to begin!

"Come... give yourself a boost."

Su Xiaoluo stood up and called out to everyone.

Everyone in IG stood up and gathered in a circle, putting their hands together.

"We will win the second game!" Su Xiaoluo said,"I'll count to 123.…"


"Come on IG!"

"Come on IG!"

IG raised their hands high, and the momentum reached its peak

"Go ahead, we are waiting for the news of your triumphant return!"Su Xiaoluo looked at everyone:"The importance of the second game... I don't need to say more, come on!"

Everyone in IG nodded.

Everyone knew that if the first game of BO5 still had a lot of room for winning or losing, it would not have a decisive impact on the result of winning or losing.

Then the second game of BO5 would be a life-and-death moment.

For Samsung, if they lose the second game, they will lose to IG directly 0/2.

They will also be directly given the match point by IG, strangling their life!

For this reason, Samsung will definitely try their best, will not hold back or underestimate, and will exert their strongest strength ever to prevent all this from happening!

And IG naturally wants to strangle the lifeblood of Samsung.

Because... that's Samsung!

Although no one mentioned it after the victory, if IG can beat Samsung 2/0 in the quarterfinals, it will definitely be a... feat that will shock the world!

"Win it. This has never happened in the history of the S-League. We can advance!"

I don't know who said this. All the IG members took a deep breath and stepped onto the shining stage!

The second game of the BO5 quarterfinals of the 2017 World Championship officially began!

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