"Sword Princess! How did Sword Princess die?!"

"Predict E!! Noxus predicted E and directly interrupted Fiora's Q! Oh my god!……!"

In the game, the Sword Princess, who was originally the pursuer, suddenly died. It was not until this moment that all the audience reacted and were stunned!

The commentators of major competitions around the world went crazy at this moment.

"Cherish! Predicted E!! This is also a predicted E! Fiora died, this wave we changed one!! So cool!! Noxus!"

Miller shouted excitedly:"In this case, it's not a loss to die, this wave is acceptable!"

"No...that's not right, why doesn't Noxus look like he's about to die..." Wawa suddenly said with a dazed look:"Oh my god...Cherish, he actually started fighting with Sejuani!"


""What the hell?"

In the game,

An was also confused when he saw Noxus rushing towards him again after killing Fiora.

However, when he saw the 5 on the right side of Noxus's health bar turned into 6, An suddenly realized!

"This guy has reached level 6!"

Almost instantly, Sect Leader An made his choice and left without looking back.


Ran away?!

After killing Fiora, Noxus’s status had been restored to about two-fifths, and when Sejuani came to catch people, her status was not full, only half.

In this status, after Noxus reached level 6, it was actually difficult to fight.

Especially... Master An already had two more bleeding marks on his body, which were caused by Noxus’s Q and E just now!

So Sejuani chose to retreat immediately after seeing Fiora’s death. This is also the most powerful thing about Master An. He never cares about face issues, he just wants to win!

Just his running away instantly caused an uproar among the audience around the world.

"What’s going on?! Master An! Sejuani… she actually turned around and ran away?!"Wawa was stunned as he looked at the scene:"No… what the hell is this? Why is this Noxus chasing Sejuani?"

"Noxus is level 6... but Sejuani is still in good condition, should we just run away?!" The two people next to him were also confused.

After reacting, Miller's tone suddenly became higher:"Then... we chased after her! Chiersh! In a situation where she was doomed to die, he actually turned around and started to chase Sejuani!!"

"Oh my god...! I was stunned, brother!"

"Can he catch up? Zhu Mei used flash just now, but An Zhangmen didn't use flash this time!"

"…Caught! Sejuani was slowed down!"

In the game.

Just now, Noxus used E to attack two top and jungle players with three stars, and Sejuani was also slowed down. This time, when Anzhangmen turned around and wanted to leave, Noxus quickly caught up with him, stuck behind him, and started to output crazily!

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Anzhangmen didn't hesitate, and turned back to fight with Noxus on the spot.

The E skill was used when chasing Noxus just now, and W was thrown out directly, while Noxus could only attack with a flat attack.

The status of both sides was declining rapidly. When Noxus attacked for the fourth time, Sejuani's status was already below half, but Noxus was also in a state of great damage!

However, at this time, Noxus's Q was ready, and he had already opened up a distance, and turned back to swing Q.


Sejuani was instantly hit by the outer circle Q. While Noxus's status recovered, Sejuani's health bar began to drop rapidly - the fifth layer of blood rage was played out!

"Shit! I knew it!"

Master An cursed, and his heart was already chilled.

Sure enough, the next moment, Noxus jumped high in the air after he used Q on Sejuani.


"Kneel down!"


The guillotine fell, and the pig girl's head rolled down and fell to the ground!

"IGCherish killed SSGAmbition!"



Double kill, rampage!!

"Dead! Dead! Piggy, the guillotine falls, Piggy is gone!"

"Cherish, 1v2, got a Doublekill!! Crazy, this Noxus is now crazy!!"


Noxus's domineering voice was still echoing, and the entire Guangzhou Gymnasium went crazy in an instant!

The commentators from major regions around the world were screaming crazily, and the LPL commentary booth also jumped up

"Too scary! Noxus! Wow…!!"Miller shouted:"The butcher has fought hundreds of battles for his own death, and the young men are the most important in today's world! This wave of Noxus is amazing!!"




"Double kill?"

"Guillotine, my god! It makes me feel numb!"

"Daddy Qiu!!! Ahhhh!!! I love you Daddy Qiu!!!"

"No... What happened? Can anyone tell me what happened?" Wawa finally reacted, spread his hands, and said in confusion:"Why can he, a dead Noxus, kill two opponents?"

"Can anyone tell me... on what grounds does he do that?!"

"……!"Miller was speechless and said,"Maybe... this is a strange operation. This wave of Cherish... is really amazing. First, he moved to avoid Sejuani's Q, then predicted E to interrupt Fiora's Q... and finally got a double kill at level 6.…"

"Wow……"Shen Chao couldn't help but sigh:"This is a bit too strong to be human!"

"Samsung's players were stunned by this show!"

Samsung's players were indeed stunned by this show.

They didn't expect this to happen at all. It was too outrageous.

Even someone as strong as An couldn't have expected it! Do you want to say that Samsung made mistakes this time?

Actually, no!

The top and jungle cooperated very well. If you have to say it, it was just that Fiora got a little too excited after Sejuani appeared.

But... is this a mistake?

If the opponent's Noxus didn't have so many outrageous operations, even if he dodged Sejuani's Q, Fiora would not have been replaced if she had Q!

Who would have thought that the opponent could predict E and pull Fiora back?

And... the outside audience and commentators didn't know, but Cuvee knew. Suddenly, I remembered Bai Qiu's nonsensical entry into the tower.

I thought Bai Qiu had guessed that he would use W, so he didn't use E.

Now it seems... this guy had clearly planned it all out, and that move was to trick him into using W!

Yes, if Fiora's W was still there, with Cuvee's reaction speed, he would never have been pulled back by Noxus!

Everything was calculated to the letter. Even in a desperate situation, the man on the opposite side didn't seem to panic at all, and was as calm as a robot. The operations and ideas he played were so clear that Cuvee, his opponent in this game, felt a chill!

"This game...is not going to be easy to play."

Master An sighed.

How can we play with Noxus being so fat?

Facts have proved that Master An's guess was right. For a hero like Noxus, either don't let him get up. Once he gets up, it will be really hard to deal with him as long as he has flash and teammates help to create the environment during team fights.

Especially Bai Qiu's Noxus, who completely brought this clumsy hero to life.

In the subsequent games, Noxus never took the initiative to rush up to start a team fight in several team fights. Every time when the team fight was almost over, he would flash into the field.

Facing such a fat Noxus, SSG had no way to deal with it. After two team fights, the Baron was wiped out and Noxus got a quad kill.

This game can also be concluded in advance.

All the IG members who got the Baron worked hard, and the game ended in just over 26 minutes.

IG, win this game!

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