"Q!! Dodge it! Jayce, this hammer Q directly dodges the Prince's EQ!"

"Oh my god, another reaction! Another reaction!!"


Watching Jayce's Q skill almost synchronized with Prince's forced displacement, the scene that was silent just now was instantly boiling.

Wawa stared and shouted excitedly:"Cheirsh, so cool! This wave dodged Prince's EQ, so can you leave?!"

"The Prince is still chasing! MSF doesn't want to give up this wave!"

On the field.

The stunned Prince came back to his senses, looking at the Prince who had already distanced himself with his Q skill, and in anger, he chose to chase without hesitation.

Jayce's position when he Q just now was actually not very good, because Bai Qiu's operation was impromptu, and he didn't deliberately block the opponent's line of soldiers just now, resulting in Jayce dodging the Prince's EQ, but his Q position was still very close to the Prince.

There were soldiers blocking the position in the pile of soldiers, and after several detours, the Prince quickly caught up and attacked Jayce's butt randomly.

Jayce's state began to decline, but he continued to run forward without looking back.

"Prince... stuck, this time Prince has red, Jayce is in a bad state... won't he die again?"

Seeing this scene, the outsiders immediately changed their faces, Miller stared at the big screen with a nervous face:"Is R ready? Jayce... can use the ultimate to increase the movement speed!"

"Alas, I can’t kill him…" Meanwhile, the Prince chased for a while and knew that he couldn’t kill Jayce.

Because Jayce’s R would be ready soon, and more because… Shen was too far away and couldn’t make up for the damage!

A moment later, the Prince made his last attack, and Jayce’s status was already one-fifth of his current status, completely crippled.

But the ultimate skill had just been ready, and Bai Qiu decisively changed his form, increased his speed, and instantly got rid of the Prince behind him.

"Run away! The ultimate skill is ready! This time Cherish successfully escaped with only a little health left!!"


"This is too good, Chersih, it's only been a few minutes, and this guy has stunned MSF with this wave of performance!" Wawa took a breath, his mood had been lifted by Bai Qiu's several operations.

""This is such a great show! This guy's reaction is so fast! He actually used Q to dodge the Prince's EQ... This is the first time I've seen Jayce dodge a skill like this. What a fast reaction speed..." Miller next to him was also a little excited.

It must be said that seeing the LPL top laner Jayce show off so much on the stage of the S game, several LPL commentators now have a sense of unreality.…

"Facts have proven that there are top laners in our LPL region who can play Jayce well!"

After the words were spoken, the cheers on the scene rose!

The atmosphere exploded!

"But to be honest...MSF actually gave Shen a chance this time. Shen didn't even touch Jayce the whole time. This shouldn't happen. Otherwise, if he hit him twice more, he might have gotten a kill."After the fun, Wawa had to admit that the cooperation between MSF's top and jungle was not good.

Shen didn't control the enemy in the first place. If he had used E flash directly, even if Bai Qiu could fly, he would have died. It can only be said that in international competitions, everyone wants to show off, so it's not uncommon to see mistakes in skills...

"But you have to admit that Cherish played well in this wave. He seemed to be suppressing you, but in fact he didn't give you any chance to use E. You wanted to use E to flash, but it was normal for you to hesitate when the jungler came."Miller said

"There is nothing wrong with that… After this wave, although we didn’t get anything, the position of the prince was exposed, and Ning Wang could go to counter-jungle and catch people, which was very favorable for us!"

In the game.

MSF failed to cooperate in a wave, which led to a further loss of the early rhythm.

"This wave is mine."

Looking at Jayce who escaped to the bottom of the defense tower, Shen also knew that he was a bit foolish this time.

"It's okay. I blame you for not using E flash." The prince is a good brother, and the Rabbit team has gone from being unknown to being a super powerhouse in front of the global audience. The team atmosphere is first-class.

Without blaming too much, he glanced at the dark defense tower on the opposite side and gritted his teeth and said,"Hurry up and push the line."

"Huh?" Shen was a little surprised:"You're not going to reply this time?"

"The opponent must be going to counter jungle, pay attention to the bottom lane, this wave...\ is stronger than him!"

"Huh?"Shen was stunned.

The prince didn't make this decision because he was too impulsive. It was because Jayce was in such a bad state. He was at the bottom of his health.

If his flash hadn't been ready, how could he have watched the opponent run back?

In this state, as long as Jayce dared to return to the city under the first tower, he would dare to cross!

As an opponent who had studied Bai Qiu many times, the prince felt that with this guy's recklessness, returning to the city under the first tower was enough to flatter him. There was a chance that this guy could even go home at the door of your fountain.…

"Hey, Prince, aren’t you leaving this time?"

Outside, Wawa, who had just praised Jayce, was a little surprised to see that Prince didn’t leave.

Miller looked at the position where Jayce returned to the city, and his heart skipped a beat:"Cherish… This position is wrong, why is he returning to the city under the first tower?"


"This position is very dangerous. Jayce is at the bottom of the first tower. The prince may want to pass!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the prince on the field went around the blue team's jungle.

Shen killed a few soldiers and found that he could not push through for the time being, so he gave up and walked directly to the blue team's defense tower.

This was actually telling Jayce that he was going to pass him.

""Fuck, Ning!"

Bai Qiu cursed when he saw this scene and called out to King Ning.

"I'm coming... but it's a little late, can you hold on?" Ning Wang was sweating profusely. He was ready to counter-jungle, but Bai Qiu called him and gave up the jungle without hesitation.

"This opponent is too disgusting."Bai Qiu complained, and after looking at the return time, he knew that it was not enough.

The prince had started to go around when his ultimate skill accelerated, and now he was probably almost around Toad. Even if he canceled the return trip and went to the second tower, he would meet the prince on the spot.

"This... is a military training!"

The outside world, watching this scene, was a little choked up by the excitement just now.

The situation on the field changed too quickly, but MSF's military training for the top lane has reached the point where it is not concealed.

"The prince has come around... can this Jess go back?"

"The time to return to the city is a bit insufficient... Oops, Cherish, this wave is a bit reckless, the position under the first tower is too deadly!"

Miller said autistically, and the Prince on the field had already come out from behind the first tower, directly blocking Jayce's retreat.

Shen in front, Prince behind, Jayce's return to the city has not been cancelled, but there is no time.

"I'm on it!"

As soon as the prince came out, he was afraid that Jayce would return to the city successfully, so he rushed into the defense tower without hesitation with a light-speed EQ!

This EQ, there are no minions, how can you dodge this time?

Die for me!!

The prince narrowed his eyes and began to laugh.

But at this moment, Jayce, who seemed to want to try his luck and bet that he could go back first... moved!

This move immediately stunned the audience all over the world!

"What the hell did I see?!"

"Jace!! What the hell?!"

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