In the game.

After Jayce escaped with a sliver of health, he returned to the city under the tower. The Prince decisively chose to forcefully pass Jayce. Coming out from the bushes in the jungle, Jayce under the defense tower was only halfway through his return to the city.

At this moment, the Prince was behind him, and MSF's Shen was in front of him.

Jayce, who was at a sliver of health, had been completely blocked by MSF's top and jungle in his own top lane tower.

"Ouch... We're stuck, Cherish... Is there enough time? Can we go back to the city?"

Wawa saw this scene, wailed, and looked at the big screen with a little hope.

But soon, the cruel reality destroyed his hope.

"There is not enough time... Jayce is only halfway back to the city, and the Prince has already come out. This wave... moves!! Direct EQ!"

Before he finished speaking, the Prince on the field saw Jayce with a little health, and without any hesitation, he used a light-speed EQ!

The reason why he was so fast was that he was afraid that Jayce would succeed in returning to the city, and secondly... Jayce's operation of using Q to dodge his EQ was still fresh in his memory, so the MSF jungler knew that he couldn't give the opponent time to react!

In international competitions, don't have any fluke!

The Prince's movement was very fast, and Jayce was under the defensive tower at the moment. There were no soldiers around, and there was no medium to dodge skills.

But... there are no minions, but Jayce has flash!

From the beginning to the end, Bai Qiu's flash has been very tight.

Although Jayce is now at the bottom of his health, as long as the prince gets close, he will take his head regardless of whether he can EQ him or not.

But Bai Qiu still moved!

His reaction speed reached the extreme at this moment. At the moment when the prince EQed, the yellow light under Jayce's feet, who was gambling his life back to the city, suddenly lit up - bang!

The whole person seemed to move instantly, and appeared directly below the side of the defense tower without any signs.



Everything happened so fast that the prince was a little slow to react. However, as the world's top professional player, he knew that if Jayce flashed, it would be difficult to kill him.

But it didn't matter... Even if it was difficult to kill him, he could still retreat safely. The direction and angle of the prince's QE were specially chosen, and he could completely walk out of the defense tower. Bang.

The thought just came to his mind, and the next moment, a golden hammer, like an ancient hammer, hit hard the moment Jayce flashed over!

The prince, who had just reached the middle of QE, couldn't even reach the end of the E flag.

He was still flying in the air when he was hit by a hammer from Jayce who flashed sideways in the middle!

With a bang, his head seemed to be smashed.

The prince's EQ was instantly interrupted, and the whole person flew out in an unpredictable direction.

Flash E, interrupt the prince's EQ!

"Fuck?!"The prince was stunned.

"Jace!! Cherish, what the hell…what did I see?! The prince, the prince was actually hit by Jace’s hammer?!"

Wawa’s eyes widened, and he was stunned for a moment. The visual effect of the scene in front of him was so stimulating that he didn’t know what to say for a moment.

"…What the hell is this?! The prince was hammered into the middle of the defense tower! In this case…" Miller next to him reacted quickly, with a dazed and unbelievable look on his face:

"Prince! In this position, without flash, this wave... defending the tower may lead to death!"


"Damn, I'm done!"

At the same time.

The prince whose head was smashed by Jayce's hammer finally reacted at this moment.

But it was too late.

After the prince was hammered and fell, the hatred of the blue team's defense tower had already locked on him, and the laser fell...


The prince's almost full health line dropped a lot in an instant.

The prince's flash is not ready yet, and his EQ has been used. If he wants to leave, he can only walk out of the defense tower on foot or replace Jayce, who is at a low health.

Neither of these two options can be done now.

Because Jayce flashed to a far distance and hammered him again, the prince with short hands and no skills could not touch this Jayce at all.

And what about walking out of the defense tower?

If Jayce had not hammered the prince before, and let the prince EQ successfully reach the end, then even if Jayce could not be killed, the prince could successfully get out of the tower.

But... Jayce just flashed over and directly interrupted the prince's EQ, and hammered the prince away in the middle.

Forced to deviate from the course!

This hammer was too fatal, and directly caused the prince to be hammered The center of the defense tower is almost the most fatal position far from the outside.

If the prince walks out, he will have to withstand at least three hits from the defense tower...

In the early stage of the defense tower, even if the prince is in full health, three hits... he will not die.

Moreover, after hammering the prince away, Jayce has already changed to cannon form in seconds and started to output damage to the prince from a distance...

This wave... is over!

The prince's brain was buzzing and his whole body was numb. He could only run out of the defense tower reflexively.


Soon, the second laser from the defense tower fell.

The prince's health was already down to half.

Jayce used two long-range attacks and successfully hit Thunder.


The prince's health was seriously damaged.

He continued to walk out of the defense tower and was about to walk out.

But at this time, the last laser from the defense tower also fell straight down like a death warrant.


The colorful picture suddenly dimmed, and the prince's health bar was instantly emptied-he fell to the ground!

"IGCherish killed MSFMaxlore!"

Single kill!!

"Oh shit!"

"Dead! The prince was killed by the defense tower! Jayce got the head and completed the counter-kill!!"

"OMG…Maxlore, a prince with full health, was killed by Jayce…!"

"Cherish!! Counter-kill! This Jayce counter-killed!"


Outside, as the system prompt sounded, the Wuhan Sports Center also fell into crazy cheers. The commentators from major competitions around the world looked at this scene in bewilderment. They were completely confused.

It was obviously full health and only a little did he get shown off in the end?

"Oh my god...Cherish, he showed off again! This wave of Jayce showed off again!!"Wawa shouted excitedly:"Flash hammer, this hammer, a shocking hammer! I was stunned by it.…!"

"Can Jess still play like this?!"



"??what happened?"

"Qiu Daddy!! Awesome!"

"Goosebumps all over my body. How can he counter-kill?! Jayce can be played like this?!"

The audience and the fans watching the live broadcast filled the screen with all kinds of 666 question marks.

This wave of Jayce and Prince's game was too fast. Many people didn't see it clearly at the first time, but this didn't stop everyone from going crazy!

It's just... this madness hasn't started yet. Everyone saw the action of Jayce, who was at low health, in the next second, and they went crazy!

Madness turned into insanity!

"Jace! What is he going to do?! Cherish is out! Cherish is out on her own initiative?!"

"He wants to kill Shen? This time Shen... ran away! Shen is in bad condition!"

Miller shouted with a dull face:"Oh my God... No way, is he going to kill him twice this time?!"

Renxiu was stunned.

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