After Jayce got the second level, Alphari was still far from realizing the seriousness of the situation.

He even thought that if he could get through this stressful period and wait until he got a higher level, things would get much better.

But Bai Qiu didn't give him the time and opportunity.

After Jayce got promoted to level 2, he showed the world's players what it means to be the torture king.

Compared with Shen, Jayce's arms are really too long.

With the advantage of his long arms, after reaching level 2, Bai Qiu continued his previous suppression, but it was even more excessive than before. He just killed a ranged soldier in front of him, without giving Shen any time to react, and used QE in a fast-speed combo. Shen, who was killing soldiers, had nowhere to hide and was hit by the enhanced QE cannon. Shen 's status dropped again, and he was so scared that he immediately took a few steps back.

But this was just the beginning. Jayce's QE position was very tricky just now, and it only affected one soldier. When he saw Shen retreat, he stopped killing soldiers and started controlling the line!

This was going to cost Shen his life.

Once Jayce controlled the line, let alone how long he could control it, Shen wanted to kill���You have to go over there!

But once you come over there, Jayce will look for an opportunity to steal the enemy.

But if you don't come over there, you will lose both experience and economy...

What is the ultimate of long arms to break hands?

This is it!

Alphari lost his temper after being targeted, and he finally chose experience.

In the top lane, you don't have to worry about economy, but experience... you have to die later.

Otherwise, if you lag behind the opponent by one or two levels, they may really shit on your face.

In this way, the poor Alphari took drugs and endured Jayce's beatings, and he was forced to reach level 3 and learned all the skills.

I thought his life would be better, but soon Alphari found that he couldn't beat them.

Shen's W can avoid damage, but Jayce's arms are too long!

And after Shen used W, Jayce would immediately use W+R to transform into hammer form Q to force a blood exchange.

A set of Jayce's almost invincible burst damage in the early stage instantly reduced Shen's blood line to two-fifths.

By the time Shen wanted to use his E to deal damage, he had already hammered Shen away. Although he was carrying soldiers, he completely hammered Shen into autism!

This is the most invincible part of the hero Jayce. In terms of burst, Jayce is not the strongest in the top lane.

His strongest point is his unparalleled flexibility and the conversion between long and short arms, and his hammer form E, which can prevent all advances.

This function is brought to the extreme in Bai Qiu's hands.

After this time, Alphari no longer dared to go up, because he was in very bad condition. If it happens one or two more times, Jayce can even eat him alone in the line!

"Hey... Top lane, what's going on in the top lane? This time... Why is Shen about to die?!"

At this time, the director's camera was given to the top lane, and the global audience immediately saw this scene.

Wawa was a little surprised and said:"Is the lead in first blood so terrifying?"

"No... it's not the first blood lead." Miller glanced and said:"Jayce has never returned home, this is completely based on personal ability!" At this time, Jayce on the field saw that Shen did not come to supplement the soldiers, so he immediately took advantage of it, took the initiative to cross the line of soldiers, and began to"show off his power"

"Wow... this... is a bit too much, brother?" Wawa said this, but his face was excited:"Cherish is really fierce!"

"But won’t something go wrong if he’s so aggressive? It’s only been a few minutes, and they’re suppressing Shen like this.

Jayce isn’t in good shape either…won’t the MSF prince come to catch him?"Miller understood the game much better than Wawa.

It was exciting to see Jayce, who would never appear in his own region for a hundred years, suppressing the top laners from other regions.

But…isn’t this defending champion a bit too aggressive? MSF is not one of those weak teams.

From their crazy targeting of Jayce at the beginning of the game, we can see that this team has a very clear mindset.

They know who to target when playing against IG’s lineup.

"Maxlore, come and help me, the opponent's long arms are too bullying." On the field, Shen was also tortured by Jayce's style of play and broke his defense, calling for the wild father

"OK, I have red buffs, I'll be there soon!"

Alphari didn't need to say it, the prince would also look for an opportunity to come over and gank when he saw the situation in the top lane. When fighting against a hero like Jayce, you have to gank him to death, commonly known as military training.

Otherwise, when Jayce really gets up, he won't be afraid of anyone, and the jungler coming over will just give him another kill.

"Here it comes, the Prince is really going to move, it's impossible to watch Jayce suppress his own top laner like this..." Outside, watching the Prince gradually approaching the top lane, Miller was a little nervous:"Cherish, can you step back? Can you realize it?"

"This wave... I didn't put any wards, I guess he didn't know..."

In the game,

Jayce was still pushing forward, and there were no wards in the river, which gave Prince a great opportunity.

Looking at Jayce who had no intention of retreating, even as a jungler, Prince couldn't stand it anymore.

"I go straight in?!"

Shen was already eager to make a move, if it wasn't for the show, he would have rushed up and stabbed Jayce in the face!

"Sure, just find an opportunity to go up!"

The prince looked at the position, responded decisively, and walked out at the same time!

"It's out! This wave of Jace is too far forward, it's completely blocked!" Wawa saw this and was a little autistic:"Cherish may be gone"

"Why don't you put a watch... In that case... Eh? Shen's E doesn't seem to have enough range?"

In the game


Bai Qiu cursed when he saw the Prince, then retreated immediately, and controlled the distance between him and Shen very accurately.

The opponent's Shen wanted to E over to the Prince after he came out, but the E distance was not enough.

MSF's top and jungle didn't care because they didn't follow up with the damage immediately.

Because in this situation, Jayce only had half of his health, and he pushed forward so far. Without the control skills, the Prince would die after EQing him.

"���"Don't waste your flash, save your flash, he will definitely die this time." As he spoke, the prince had already found a good position, and without saying anything, he raised his hand and directly EQed over!

His hand speed was very fast, and his target was very clear, pointing directly at Jayce who was retreating frantically!

"Give me a chance!"

But almost at the same time, Bai Qiu's thoughts became clear when he saw Shen didn't follow the control immediately.

At the moment when the prince used EQ, Jayce, who was retreating, also moved!

With fast hand speed and quick reaction, Jayce instantly changed to hammer form, and with a Q Sky Leap, he hammered directly at a red soldier behind him.


The next moment, the prince's QE passed by, but Jayce jumped high - using the soldier as a medium, he directly used the Q skill to forcibly move back to the soldier line, while dodging the EQ at the same time!



The prince was stunned.

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